• 事实上,在皮研究中心(Pew Research)数据中,千禧没有职业道德作为独特之处。

    In fact, of the four generations Pew Research has data for, the Millennial generation does not cite work ethic as distinctive of itself.


  • 英国经济复苏部分动力来自于大学里涌现一代研究商业化

    Part of the economic recovery of the UK will be driven by the next generation of research commercialisation spilling out of our universities.


  • 一代经常个人化的、现在时口吻谈论他们学历:“地理学家”,或者“我是一个古典研究者。”

    Older generations often talk about their degree in the present and personal tense: 'I am a geographer' or 'I am a classist.'


  • 他们声称,高昂药价激发一代特效药研究提供了资金

    Supersize drug prices, they claim, fund the research that sparks the next generation of wonder drugs.


  • 多年来,研究发现父母没有大学学历大学生一系列教育成就方面落后于其他学生

    For years, studies have found that first generation college students those who do not have a parent with a college degree lag other students on a range of education achievement factors.


  • 据他的研究,每出生一代,平均智商分数就会提高20%。

    According to his research, with each new generation, average IQ scores would increase by twenty percent.


  • 最近几年NIMH已经引进一代真实世界临床研究

    In recent years, NIMH has introduced a new generation of "real-world" clinical studies.


  • 我们经常会听到人们说,年轻人接受科技最早人群,可是研究发现婴儿一代的人们花在科技上的功夫比任何一代都要

    You often hear that young people are the early adopters of technology but actually the study shows that the baby boomers spend more on technology than any other generation.


  • 一些研究报告指出千年之所以心高气傲,是因为有一种自我优越感

    Some research studies indicate that the millennial generation's great expectations stem from feelings of superiority.


  • 不少研究发现一代青少年缺乏同情心。

    A number of studies have found that this generation of teens is less empathetic than ever.


  • 皮尔斯研究结果同时显示一代中,烟瘾大的人数减少

    Pierce also shows that there are fewer heavy smokers in each new generation.


  • 读了诗歌包括一些编排推荐智利-北美研究学院里较年轻一代的作家作品

    He read my poems and included some of them in a kind of reading he organized to present the work of the younger generation at a Chilean-North American institute.


  • 假如启蒙一代,你能够保持研究所的教学品质

    You would also be well placed to take a postgraduate teaching qualification if you want to inspire the next generation.


  • [防卫系统网站2010年6月29日报道]美国新的研究计划正在试图开发出新一代节能、节省空间的超级计算机。

    A new research program is attempting to develop a new generation of power-efficient, space-saving supercomputers.


  • Y通常被认为数字化一代,所以这项研究引发了很多质疑

    Given that this generation is typically viewed as "plugged in" digital natives who don't have any use for email, the study raises many questions.


  • 所以纽约rochester我们研究关于我们一代系统:,下一代打印出版系统,数字图像以及相关工作流

    So in Rochester, New York, the research we do is all about our next generation systems: next generation printing, publishing systems, digital imaging, work flow associated with it.


  • 首先我们研究一下一代因特网协议v6 (Internet Protocol v 6,IPv6)寻址体系结构支持

    First let's look at the new support for the next generation Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addressing architecture.


  • 缇其曼教授表示,“我现在这个研究中的女性群体还是一代她们可能不曾想到自己会现在这样的职业成就。”

    The group of women [in the study] are the last generation, who may not have expected to have the careers they ended up having.


  • 我们之所以这样认为是因为有许多个案研究,都证明了一代之内可以创造出语言的。

    And one reason we know this is because of the demonstrated case studies where a language is created within a single generation.


  • 合作研究成果着眼于超音速运输飞行器概念,以满足NASA2030世代设定的噪音排放燃油效率目标

    A companion research effort looked at concepts for a new generation of supersonic transport aircraft capable of meeting NASA's noise, emissions and fuel efficiency goals for 2030.


  • 欧洲关于实验动物数量的法规可以回顾1986年,很久以后,研究才开始培育携带其他物种基因动物

    The European directive on how such animals should be treated dates from 1986, long before research led to the breeding of the first creatures that carried the genes of another species.


  • HCI研究人员一代邮件过滤器能够延迟通知发送某些电邮分级”过滤器,以免打扰接收者

    The next generation of E-mail filters, say HCI researchers, will be "gradation" filters that delay notification or delivery of certain e-mails to avoid bothering the recipient.


  • 最近科学家发现这些变化可以一代新兴研究领域称为表观遗传学

    Recently, scientists have discovered that these changes can themselves be passed down from one generation to the next — a burgeoning new area of study called epigenetics.


  • 研究还发现越来越多的青少年一代卧室里都配有电脑电视机

    The study comes as more and more youngsters are allowed computers and televisions in their bedrooms.


  • 动态研究公司推出了一代智能手机包括一种新的触屏手机

    Research in Motion unveiled its next generation of BlackBerry smartphones, including a new touch-screen phone.


  • 不会研究个别家庭特殊因素相反研究中心点是,普通一代一代富裕的程度是多少

    I will not deal with individual family idiosyncratic factors, and instead focus my analysis on how well average persons in one generation fare compared to average persons in their parents' generation.


  • 不会研究个别家庭特殊因素相反研究中心点是,普通一代一代富裕的程度是多少

    I will not deal with individual family idiosyncratic factors, and instead focus my analysis on how well average persons in one generation fare compared to average persons in their parents' generation.


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