• 文摘歧东构造带具有浅层深层构造异的特征,主要断层分割河流

    Abstract: qidong field is characterized by different structures from deeper to shallower strata its main pay bed is fluvial sandstone segmented by deep cutting faults.


  • 步进扫描半定量XRD确定水化产物组成,同时测定试件的限制膨胀率。

    The phase composition of hydration product was determined with semi_quantitative step_scanning XRD and the restrained expansion of mortars was measured.


  • 然后以此模型控制条件建立储层物性参数模型。

    Taking this sand body model as facies-controlling conditions, a reservoir property model was proposed.


  • 渤海湾盆地第三系发育着大量曲流沉积它们中国东部油气储量产量占据重要的地位。

    There exist a lot of Neogene meander sand bodies in Bohai Sea basin, and they give an important share of hydrocarbon reserves (or production ) in the east part of China.


  • 油气主要三角洲前缘水下分流河道水下分流河口沉积微为主。

    The environment of sandstone containing oil and gas includes underwater distributary's channel and estuary dam in the delta frontier.


  • 本文利用测井钻井CO同位素资料研究了核二段各沉积时期沉积环境分布展布以及沉积演化规律

    Sedimentary environment and its evolution, distribution of sedimentary facies and sand bodies are discussed on the base of the data of log, drilling and c, o isotope.


  • 储集分布发育程度主要河道水下辫状水道控制

    The distributing of the reservoirs is mainly controlled by the sedimentary microfacies of braided channel and underwater braided channel.


  • 硅酸钠水玻璃中的比例约为70%,标准的比例为70%左右得力学性能良好的矿物聚合材料

    High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70%.


  • 通过鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长6湖盆中部地区物分析沉积特征等研究,分析了厚层形成机理类型

    By source analysis and researches on the sedimentary characteristics, the formation mechanism and types of the thick sand bodies in Chang 6 period in central lake basin of Ordos basin is studied.


  • 对液分离水力旋流器进行单体串联系统性能测试有效的进行三分离水力旋流器的结构改进

    Carry on single and contact system function test to liquid-solid hydrocyclone, in order to improve the structure of sand storehouse of three-phase hydrocyclone.


  • 近年来,利用理论对射过程进行数值模拟已经受到国内外研究者的重视,取得一些进展。

    In recent years, the numerical simulation of sand blowing process based on two-phase flow theory has been taken seriously and some results have been achieved.


  • 本文采用地层倾角方位频率模式矢量方向研究古水流方向和沉积延伸方向和沉积体的带变化特征。

    The dip frequency plot and vectograph of blue mode were used to study the paleocurrent, the extension o.


  • 鄂尔多斯盆地樊学地区沉积展布;储层特征油气富集规律

    Ordos basin; Fanxue area; Sedimentary microfacies; Sand bodys spread; Reservoir characteristics; Regularity of oil and gas enrichment.


  • 研究识别出水下分流河道河口、水下堤泛沉积、分流间湾

    Recognize four kinds of microfacies in research area, including underwater distributive river course, estuarine bar, etc.


  • 针对这一情况,从石油地质条件、断层配置关系沉积地震特征等角度对洛带新场气田的含气情况进行了分析

    This paper analyzes the petroleum geology condition and the relationship between the deployment of fault and sand as well as the sedimentary, seismic facies.


  • 主要沉积水下分流河道、河口坝、席状天然决口扇等。

    The main sedimentary microfacies comprise distributary channel, mouth bar, distal bar, blanket sand, natural levee and crevasse splay.


  • 油气的分布严格受控沉积体系,油气的聚集成因类型具有选择性油气富集则受控于有利的沉积储集带。

    The hydrocarbon accumulation has selectivity on genetic type of sand body, while oil and gas enrichment is controlled by favorable sedimentary facies belt and reservoir facies belt.


  • 沉积分析研究分布关键技术,沉积确定正确与否直接影响着分布规律认识

    The sedimentary facies analysis is the key to study the sand body distributes, the sedimentary facies determines correctly or not is affecting directly to the understanding in sand distribution rule.


  • 有利储集带为水下分流河道河口中心溶蚀孔隙绿泥石胶结

    The favorable reservoirs are dissolution pore facies and chlorite cement facies in the sand bodies of subaqueous distributary channels and center of river mouth sandbars.


  • 碳酸钠矿床类型第四纪盐湖型、第四纪下湖型及第三纪碎屑型,中国发现

    Sodium carbonate deposits may be classified into three major types, Quaternary salt lake, Quaternarysand-covered playa and Tertiary continental detrital rock, all three having been found in China.


  • 建议今后勘探应注重三角洲平原前缘分支河道、河口中的块状粗储层

    It suggests that the reservoirs with the branch channel sand in the delta plain and front and coarse to medium sandstones are the important exploration targets in the future.


  • 第三系主要河流沉积广泛发育

    The Tertiary mainly belongs to fluvial deposit where sandstone bodies develop extensively.


  • 气藏有利储集多属三角洲前缘河口、三角洲平原分流河道河流河道

    The favourable reservoir sandstones in these gas pools may broadly be assigned to the deltaic front channel mouth bar, deltaic plain distributary channel bar and fluvial channel bar microfacies.


  • 一些水下高地存在可能成为有利储层纯净的石英岩。

    Near some of the underwater high land in the sand flat environment, there may exist purer quartz sandstones, which may be a good reservoir.


  • 根据测井划分沉积确定工艺取得了初步成果

    Sand control technology may be determined according to the classified log sedimentary facies and has got initial results.


  • 苏维依组冲积扇—湖泊砾岩泥岩沉积; 上第三系吉迪克组以泥岩为主夹岩,属盐湖沉积。

    Jidike formation of Neogene is composed of sandstone and mudstone and gypsum deposited in wide and shallow salt-water lake evironments.


  • 水下分流河道河口互连接,储油有利

    Among these phases, the underwater distributary channels and the estuary dam are favorable phases for oil accumulation with relatively good physical property.


  • 由此力求建立适合河流沉积的高分辨率地层学层序划分方案、旋回结构叠加样式将其进一步运用河流沉积体系时空展布研究中。

    The authors try to research the classification, sequence structure and stacking pattern of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy about river facies and further use them to study sand distribution.


  • 温度表明建设性溶蚀作用发生燕山晚期,气藏中的有利储层分布燕山晚期构造高部位的有利微体中;

    The data on the temperatures of the inclusions indicate that the constructive corrosion of the reservoir rocks took place during the late Yanshanian.


  • 温度表明建设性溶蚀作用发生燕山晚期,气藏中的有利储层分布燕山晚期构造高部位的有利微体中;

    The data on the temperatures of the inclusions indicate that the constructive corrosion of the reservoir rocks took place during the late Yanshanian.


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