• 石油天然气集团客户提供用于石油天然气开采运输加工系列产品解决方案

    The Oil &Gas Division offers customers products and solutions for the extraction, transport and conversion of oil and gas.


  • 石油天然气开采煤层气开发煤矿瓦斯工程领域中,存在裂缝中气液流体渗流的问题。

    In many engineering such as oil-gas exploitation, coalbed methane exploitation and extraction, there always occurs gas-liquid two-phase flow through a fracture.


  • 20071月1日实施石油天然气开采准则现行石油天然气企业的会计处理信息披露做出了重大的修订。

    Extracting Principle of Oil and Natural Gas implemented since January 1, 2007, corrected a lot about present accounting treatment and information revealing.


  • 为此财政部于2006年2月15日发布石油天然气开采会计准则,新的核算规则必然对我国石油天然气行业产生重大影响

    Therefore, the Financial Ministry issued the accounting criteria for petroleum and natural gas mining on February 15,2006, which will greatly influence the petroleum and natural gas industry in China.


  • 由于油井枯竭,要想北海有利获取石油天然气我们必须集中精力于储量油井开采

    To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, we must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.


  • 另一些地区石油天然气开采也是准许的。

    And in some sanctuaries, the extraction of oil and gas is allowed.


  • 挪威北部,在2005年的法规庇护萨米当地一些资源有了合法权利,对公司开采矿物质石油天然气,他们正在争取更多赔偿

    In northern Norway the Sami, having won legal rights to some local resources under a 2005 law, are pushing for more compensation from firms exploiting minerals and oil and gas.


  • 此形成对照是,商业捕鱼旅游以及石油天然气开采明令禁止

    In contrast, commercial fishing, tourism, and the extraction of oil and gas will all be forbidden.


  • 近年发现新的石油天然气资源更增加燃料开采活动

    The discovery in recent years of new oil and natural gas resources has added fuel to the campaigns for exploitation.


  • 全球变暖迫使冰层消退石油天然气勘探开采带来方便边境北极圈内的所有国家正在认领属于各自的地盘。

    Exploration and drilling for oil and gas have become easier as climate change forces the ice to retreat, and all countries with borders inside the Arctic circle are fighting to claim their share.


  • 他们研究帮助他们石油开采石油天然气定位方面开发新的工作程序

    Their research helps them develop new procedures for drilling and find new locations of oil and gas reservoirs.


  • 劳埃德银行热衷于放贷风能以及其他低碳技术项目指出英国好好利用现有北海产地进行石油天然气的合理开采十分浪费

    The bank is a keen lender to wind and other low-carbon technology projects but argues that it is wasteful for Britain not to squeeze out all the oil and gas it can from existing North Sea fields.


  • 工作内容石油工程师科学家其他专家一道寻求开采石油天然气有效方式

    What they do: Petroleum engineers work with scientists and other specialists to drill for oil and natural gas using the most efficient methods possible.


  • 盛产石油天然气,隶属于英国石油公司,里海开采出来,流经横穿格鲁吉亚管道,直通土耳其和其他国家。

    It also has oil and gas, which a consortium led by BP is extracting from the Caspian Sea and pumping through new pipelines across Georgia to Turkey and beyond.


  • 地热能其他石油天然气能源才得以开采

    But so can geothermal energy production and other parts of the oil and gas production process.


  • 比如说煤炭石油天然气包括永远也不可能开采的那部分。

    One type alone may hold double the carbon of all of the terrestrial fossil fuel, such as coal, oil and natural gas, including stores that could never be recovered.


  • 挪威北部萨米人曾靠一部05年出台的法律赢得了一些当地资源法律权利。现在,他们正向那些开采矿石石油天然气公司争取新的补偿

    In northern Norway the Sami, having won legal rights to some local resources under a 2005 law, are pushing for new compensation from firms exploiting minerals and oil and gas.


  • 这项开采技术其实自19世纪40年代就正式应用于常规能源开采石油天然气工业时候就没有听说压裂技术会污染地下水

    The technique has been in regular use in the conventional oil and gas industry since the 1940s; and in all that time no aquifer is known to have been contaminated by fracking.


  • 天然气通常石油类型地方被发现开采通过管道容易输送,天然气一般并不视为运输燃料

    Gas, typically found and exploited in the same sort of places as oil, is easily moved around through plumbing but is not, usually, seen as a transportation fuel.


  • 十多年来,英荷皇家壳牌公司及其日本合作伙伴三井公司三菱公司一直试图劝诱俄罗斯远东萨哈(库叶岛二号项目)附近冰封海上开采石油天然气

    FOR over a decade Royal Dutch Shell, along with its Japanese partners, Mitsui and Mitsubishi, has been struggling to coax oil and gas out of the frozen seas off Sakhalin Island, in Russia's far east.


  • 美国地质调查局估计北极拥有五分之一全世界未被发现开采石油天然气

    The Arctic holds one-fifth of the world’s undiscovered, recoverable oil and natural gas, the United States Geological Survey estimates.


  • 尽管国有石油公司使得西方石油为了储备必须更远地方开采石油价格不同于天然气价格,仍然得到那些国有石油公司的(opec成员国的组成部分)支持!

    Though national oil companies have forced the Western oil giants to look farther afield for new reserves, the oil prices, unlike gas prices, are supported by the state-owned firms that make up OPEC.


  • 目前石油公司在开采石油时,一般将天然气重新注入地下以备将来使用。

    North Slope producers currently reinject the natural gas that comes with oil production back into the ground where it can be recovered.


  • 2004年石油开采终于看见了产出,Mari - b油井每年大概有28亿立方米天然气源源不断地抽出来,储量可能达到22亿立方米。

    Production began in 2004 at what is called the Mari-B, and some 2.8 billion cubic metres of gas are piped ashore each year from reserves that may be as large as 22 BCM.


  • 过去石油平台基本上都是涉足它们直接开采领域例如北海alwyn是用同一个名字来命名它的石油天然气矿的。

    Oil platforms used to stand directly above the fields they drilled, as Alwyn North does over the oil and gas deposits of the same name.


  • 过去石油平台基本上都是涉足它们直接开采领域例如北海alwyn是用同一个名字来命名它的石油天然气矿的。

    Oil platforms used to stand directly above the fields they drilled, as Alwyn North does over the oil and gas deposits of the same name.


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