• 然而料定出去的话会不安全于是坐在母亲房间门槛母亲姑妈大理面包书皮书页已折角的《罗摩衍那》。

    However, not deeming it safe to venture out again, I sat down on the sill of my mother's door to read the dog-eared Ramayana, with a marbled paper cover, which belonged to her old aunt.


  • 布尔白色一样,湖中也会涌出仙

    Out of this lake, as from the white square stone in Ben Bulben, issues an unearthly troop.


  • 7年前就写了关于这个问题电子书至今问题仍然存在。我观点并没有起到一激起千层浪的效果。

    I first wrote a popular short free ebook about this seven years ago and the problem hasn't gone away. So much for the power of the idea.


  • 教授随后演讲内容结集出版售价3美元的,这销售量之前畅销书哈利波特魔法》的两倍,达到惊人的四百万

    Professor Yu Dan then wrote a $3 book based on her lectures, which sold 4 million copies, more than double the sales of the previous bestseller, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."


  • 许多怀疑扎克伯格尊居然加入竞争对手社交网络服务但科技robert Scoble发短信给扎克伯格确认过,并发表了一篇微水落出的时候。”

    While many were doubtful that the real Zuckerberg would join a competing social service, tech blogger Robert Scoble texted Zuckerberg himself to confirm, tweeting out "Name drop moment."


  • 狐狸一次》之《布哈依》读后感动物小说实在是爱不释手动物小说,就许多话说。

    "Once again deceived by the fox" and "love Leopard Buha by" Book written by Shen I really love the animal stories, each reading a copy of his novels, to a lot to say.


  • 产品适用焊接坡口焊接缝焊表面金属薄板小型切割,金属及大理表面的修磨,除锈抛光。

    This product is suitable for fixing and throwing light whet superficially after welding and before it in metals lamella and small scaled steels incise metals and marbles.


  • 产品提供了生产无缝拼接专用模具模具设计巧妙结构简单可以加工出上述无缝拼接的网片。

    This product also provides seamless stitching net production of the stone tablet dedicated mold, the mold design ingenious, simple structure and can produce a seamless stitching of the net flakes.


  • 汤姆·沃尔夫写了一那个时代通俗小说“虚荣的焰火”,《》杂志很聪明地连载刊登了这书。

    Rolling Stone wisely published the pop novel of the era, Tom Wolfe's the Bonfire of the Vanities, in serialized form.


  • 建筑材料公司大理,表面光泽,质地坚实,百年无损

    Marble handled by our building materials company is lustrous, solid and durable.


  • 大约在1955年,赫戴着顶装饰莱茵网状帽子

    Circa 1955, the actress wears a mesh hat with rhinestones.


  • 桌子抽屉里拿出一支笔杆、一瓶墨水厚厚的空白簿子,红色的书脊,大理花纹的封面

    From the table drawer he took out a penholder, a bottle of ink, and a thick, quarto - sized blank book with a red back and a marbled cover.


  • 不动产把握仅仅止于从来没有延伸维斯·特洛伊大陆

    The Freehold's grasp had reached as far as Dragonstone, but never to the mainland of Westeros itself.


  • 仿毛面砖的铺贴污染直径圆柱用大理面与脚,工程装饰的重点。

    This decoration work is characterized by rough granolithic pavement, pollution prevention, marble finishing for big diameter round column and plinth.


  • 产品广泛适用金属玻璃瓷器大理非金属材料雕刻

    The product applies to the sculpture on material such as metal and metalloids such as glass, China, marble broadly.


  • 介绍几种模型有限元方法分析混凝土面板堆坝的应力变形特性

    The article introduces several structural models, as well as analyzes the stress deformation feature of concrete face rockfill dam using two dimension finite element method.


  • 文中采用非线性有限元分析方法运用沈珠江模型作为构模型面板堆坝体面板做应力变形计算

    The paper calculates the deformation and the stress of dam body and face for concrete faced rock fill dam with non-linear finite element method and taking Shenzhujiang model as rock fill body model.


  • 工程实践表明高压旋喷一些复杂地基,特别是场地较多时,是一种有效的地基加固方法

    The engineering practice show that, the high - pressure chemical churning pile was effective ground reinforce method in some complex foundations.


  • 丈叙述MP-2中转站微机系统构成工作原理技术指标等

    This paper presents the principles, the configuration and the specifications of MP -2 Microcomputer System in Oil -Transfer Station.


  • 文章高压介质叶蜡选择一个塑性模型包括DP屈服准则相关联流动准则。

    The plastic constitutive model which involves DP yielding principle and relevant flowing principle was selected for high pressure conduction medium pyrophyllite.


  • 研究采用红外光谱分析X射线衍射分析电泳等方法对坡缕海泡吸附有机气体进行了研究。

    Adsorption of organic vapors by palygorskite and sepiolite was studied with IR spectrometry, XRD analysis and electrophoresis in this article.


  • 基质橄榄矿物中原物质,而砾状橄榄是宇宙中物质。

    It indicates that the matrix olivine was from the host meteorite and the brecciform olivine was from the other cosmic substance.


  • 《响公书丹崖乐志吟》名人文章名家书法、名师刻名胜古迹之无锡乡邦文献的精拓帖。

    Sir Xiang Quan's Calligraphy: Dan Ya Anthology is a collection of famous essays, calligraphies, stone carving, and ancient handwriting modes from Wuxi.


  • 研究利用不同粘土硅质作为硅质材料成功地制备了B05B06级加混凝土

    This experiment reports using clayish crushed stone for production of aerated concrete. B05 and B06 grade aerated concrete were prepared successfully using different clay content.


  • 技术条件作为线SEI系统设计验收运用依据

    The technical conditions are served as the basis for the design, acceptance and application of SEI system for Shi-Tai line.


  • 所以,出员工手册、出制度不如给员工搞投诉屹•批判现代》。

    Then, I got such an idea: any employee handbook and company regulations would not be as good as a brochure named "Complain of Pan Shi Yi, Find Faults in Modern City".


  • 我们设计具有象征意义,从视觉外观上看让人联想起斯山周围产地,因而建筑环境之间维持了和谐

    Our design symbolically and visually connects with the rocking stone sites around the hill, thus sustaining harmony between the newly built structure and its environment.


  • 我们设计具有象征意义,从视觉外观上看让人联想起斯山周围产地,因而建筑环境之间维持了和谐

    Our design symbolically and visually connects with the rocking stone sites around the hill, thus sustaining harmony between the newly built structure and its environment.


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