• 该网站的分类广告栏读起来就象是亿富翁的旧货甩卖:“现出售鱼子酱托盘和牛角汤匙”,“出售沙弗来,售价280美元”,“2006年黑色布加迪威龙跑车,售价110欧元”。

    'For Sale $2.8 million Tsavorite gemstone.' 'Bugatti Veyron, Black, 2006.


  • 它们产品包罗象,不一而足,故而不易受到某一金属价格波动的影响。

    They produce everything from aluminium to zircon, and so are less susceptible to fluctuations in the price of any particular metal.


  • 这么看来,与其银行存款花最多两次东西上,还不如我们自己动手,颗莱茵便宜人造革手套,再弄瓶能胶能做出来

    So instead of spending our savings on something we might only wear twice, should we just make them ourselves with some rhinestones, crazyglue, and a cheap pair of faux-leather gloves?


  • 这座自然形成水为依托的大理殿堂,恰如其分地向我们展示出了年以前我们这个星球壮丽的地质奇观。

    An azure temple created by nature, the walls of this network of water-filled marble caverns show just how magnificent the precious geography of our planet can be.


  • 赫托遗址发现工具代表相当精良的制作工艺它们10年前更原始更近代时期工具相比,没有太多不同之处。

    The stone tools found at Herto represent a fairly sophisticated technologybut they are not that much different from tools 100, 000 years older or, for that matter, 100, 000 years younger.


  • 比萨斜塔183英尺(55.8),超过2.4块建造而成,修缮者使用凿子高科技激光技术擦洗表面污垢

    Workers used chisels and hi-tech laser technology to scrub grime from the more than 24,000 blocks of stone that make up the 183ft (55.8m) tall tower.


  • 福罗里达州珊瑚城堡:Homestead这个景点一个技艺娴熟的男人自己动手见证失去拉脱维亚移民EdLeedskalnin超过220的珊瑚建立了这个假的城堡。

    This favored stop in Homestead is one man’s kitschy do-it-yourself testament to lost love: Latvian immigrant Ed Leedskalnin dug up over 2.2 million tons of coral rock to build this mock castle.


  • 国际能源机构2006年8预计,2007年需求每日增幅为160/日,而欧佩克在当月所作的预估值130桶/日。

    The IEA in August 2006 was predicting demand growth of 1.6 million bpd in 2007 while OPEC in the same month expected 1.3 million bpd.


  • 于是宠就成了颗3.95美元的笑料,有150了钱赶这个时髦

    Pet Rocks became a joke worth $3.95 each, and 1.5 million people paid to be in on it.


  • 纽约大学解剖学苏珊-拉尔森,大约200年前即使早期人类离开树木,下到地面,肩膀的结构问题都还没有得到完全的解决。

    Anatomist Susan Larson of Stony Brook University in New York says even after early humans left the trees altogether — a little over 2 million years ago — the shoulder wasn't settled.


  • 1996年,研究小组出土了带有工具痕迹羚羊其他哺乳动物的骨骼,年代要回溯至250年前,这是古人类使用工具迹象最早时期。

    In 1996, the team uncovered antelope, horse, and other mammal bones showing the telltale cut marks of stone tools-at 2.5 million years, one of the earliest signs of tool use.


  • 还有,拜托,拜托,那些蓝色啊、色啦、绿(其他所有珠宝色调)的眼影留到明年圣节再用哈

    And please, please — leave the blue, turquoise, bright green (and all other jewel-tone) eye shadows for next Halloween.


  • 罗琳女士哈利波特与魔法尽管只有223,却在2008年至2010年期间3844316销量成为欢迎的图书

    The book series as written by JK Rowling also shows that the Philosopher's Stone, although the shortest at 223 pages, is the most popular with a volume of 3, 844, 316 sales during 2008-2010.


  • 千呼唤使出来,一席缀2500颗莱茵的裸露背长裙梦露惊艳全场

    Upon finally coming on stage, Monroe stunned the audience with her backless flesh coloured gown with 2, 500 rhinestones sewn into it.


  • 网站分类广告栏读起来就象亿富翁的旧货甩卖:“现出售鱼子酱托盘牛角汤匙”,“出售沙弗来,售价280美元”,“2006年黑色布加迪威龙跑车,售价110欧元”。

    The site's classified ad section reads like a billionaire's yard sale: 'For sale -- Caviar Servers and Horn Spoons.' 'For Sale $2.8 million Tsavorite gemstone.'


  • 出土于东亚坦桑尼亚杜威峡谷制砍砸器,约制造于180年前

    Olduvai stone chopping tool (made 1.8 million years ago) found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, East Africa.


  • 苦难对于人生垫脚,对于能干是一笔财富,对于弱者是个深渊。——巴尔扎克

    Suffering is a stepping stone for life, for is a wealth of talented people, for the weak is an abyss. - Balzac.


  • 的源头为颗“”,至少传说如此咏诵。

    It all began with a stone, or so the legend says.


  • 最喜欢植物那座房子旁边一个白色大理花瓶里。花瓶上大朵的紫花

    Giovanni's favorite plant was in a white marble vase near the house. It was covered with big purple flowers.


  • 曲江是13年前人类祖先“马人”繁衍生息之地又是文化发祥地华夏民族古老文化的摇篮之一。

    Qujiang was 13 years ago human ancestors, "dam" and thrive land, but also "Shek Kip culture" the birthplace of the Chinese nation one of the cradles of ancient cultures.


  • 数以花岗岩或挺立绝顶之,孤悬于峭壁,簇拥山谷层林深处,柱立于湍急溪流之中

    There are tens of thousands of granite stones, standing on top of peaks, on the edge of cliff alone, clustering deep in valleys and standing in rushing streams.


  • 壮观大理长城堪称里长城之一绝。

    Spectacular marble, one of the Great Wall the Great Wall can be no more.


  • 1992年,还在海南集团任财务部经理

    In 1992, Pan Shiyi was the financial manager of Hainan Wantong Group.


  • 功夫只能意会,因为一样。水弱于然而水滴却能穿。它并不正面抗衡对手,而从对手身边流过。

    Do not name it, my friend, because it is like water. Nothing is softer than water, yet it overcomes rock. It does not fight, it flows around the opponent.


  • 登临五指看到整个山头将姹紫嫣红,成千亩杜鹃漫山红遍

    People can see thousands of acres mountain being rhododendron red all over.


  • 罗马竞技场由数吨名为“华”的大理加上300吨的钢铁铸建而成。

    The Colosseum was constructed with tens of thousands of tons of a type of marble called travertine and held together with 300 tons of iron.


  • 罗马竞技场由数吨名为“华”的大理加上300吨的钢铁铸建而成。

    The Colosseum was constructed with tens of thousands of tons of a type of marble called travertine and held together with 300 tons of iron.


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