• 采用基于叠加原理短路电流计算方法克服了传统的对称分量法应用于配电网短路电流计算所遇到的困难

    Furthermore, the superposition theorem is then adopted in the approach, which overcomes the difficulties when applying the symmetrical components to the short circuit calculation.


  • 本文在叠加原理拉氏变换方法基础上,分析了感应电机不同短路状态过程

    On the basis of the superposition principle and Laplace transformation, the process of the transient state under different short circuit states of induction machine is analyzed.


  • 通过分析低压隔爆电动机主要故障类型,针对不对称性短路故障故障提出了采用保护原理进行保护的方案。

    Based on the analysis of main fault types of LV (Low Voltage) flameproof motor, the negative sequence protection principle is proposed for its asymmetric short circuit fault and open phase fault.


  • 短路电流容量计算基本原理尽管OPGW相关标准叙述很少实际计算方法上的报道

    The basic theory of calculation of short-circuit current capacity has been described in related OPGW standards. But the real calculation methods are seldom reported.


  • 解释了有关熔断整流器功率半导体器件实现短路保护原理

    Rectifier and semiconductor short circuit protection principles in respect to fusing are explained.


  • 主要介绍了用于弧焊逆变器中的电子电抗器短路保护电路对其工作原理进行了分析。

    The electronic reactor and the short-circuit protecting circuit used in arc welding inverterare introduced, and their working principles are analyzed.


  • 主要介绍了用于弧焊逆变器中的电子电抗器短路保护电路对其工作原理进行了分析。

    The electronic reactor and the short-circuit protecting circuit used in arc welding invertebrate introduced, and their working principles are analyzed.


  • 提出短路理论根据流场叠加原理建立了流场数学模型

    The theory of short circuit flow field is put forward. Based on the principle of flow field superimposition, a mathematical model is established.


  • 介绍低压整流输出短路保护方法详细分析了保护电路工作原理

    This paper introduces a short circuit protective method of the output terminal of the low voltage rectifying cabinet. Analyzes in detail the operational principle of the protective circuit then.


  • 本文讨论了用于测量应力-时间历史短路电流石英传感器的原理设计标定问题。

    The principle, design and calibration of piezoelectric current quartz-gauge, used for measuring stress- time history in solids are discussed in this paper.


  • 介绍了一个多功能实用短路电流计算软件包结构设计原理功能特点

    The architecture, design principle and features of a practical multi-function software package for short circuit calculation are presented in this paper.


  • 分析了短路工作原理,给出了磁短路环设计中的结构参数材料的选用原则

    The thesis also analyses working principle of the magnetic short circuited ring, recommends structural parameters in magnetic short circuited ring and its selection principle.


  • 文章介绍了作者研制可视化实验装置工作原理及其应用情况

    In this paper the working principle and application of a visualization experimental device for the shortest path of transmission line are presented.


  • 详细分析相电流突变量基本原理基础传统相电流差突变量选相元件三相短路故障判据进行了改进

    Based on the detailed analysis of basic principle, the traditional three-phase short-circuit criterion of phase selection element based on sudden-change of phase current differential is improved.


  • 根据电磁基本原理推导出空载负载短路时的电压电流抗的计算公式

    Based on the fundamental of electromagnetics, are summarily derived idle, load and short-circuit voltage as well as current and leakage reactance formulas.


  • 综述了网络算法求解地震射线追踪问题原理方法技术以及存在问题改进措施

    The principle and method of seismic raytracing with shortest path algorithm in networks are discussed, the relevant drawbacks in which and improved measures are also analyzed.


  • 研制了一个并联短路支节脉冲转换器并给出其工作原理和波过程分析。

    A converter of ultra wide spectrum bipolar pulse with a parallel connected short circuit transmission line is designed.


  • 设计基于短路电流放大器瞬间变化电流的检测仪电路工作原理测量精度做了分析。

    The design method, operational principle and circuit process of programmable weak current amplifier based on ICL7650 were introduced, and the amplifiers circuits were partially given.


  • 提出短路理论,根据流场叠加原理建立了流场数学模型

    Based on the principle of flow field superimposition, a mathematical model is established. A new and highly efficient product for dust control is provided.


  • 针对直流电网短路故障时迅速产生短路电流,利用IGBT器件核心,设计一种新型的直流短路电网限流装置并阐述了其工作原理

    As the large fault current occurs in DC power system, the paper makes use of IGBT to design a new type DC fault current limiter.


  • 算法利用三个不同采样起点通过校正的方法来消除衰减分量计算结果的影响,同时利用递推原理减少计算量,从而实现对短路电流的实时计算。

    This paper provides a mathematical model of real-time calculation for the simple AC circuit, and designs a programming scheme to fulfill this model in computer with Java language.


  • 对于短路融入采用镜像原理导出了短路板产生TE2 0相邻辐射裂缝导纳影响解析表达式

    Using imaging principle an analytical expression of conductance of the slot is derived with the effect of TE20 mode of the adjacent short board for including method.


  • 算法基本原理用到物流配送搜索降低配送成本有重要意义。

    The basic theory of ant colony algorithm is applied to shortest path search in the logistics network of distribution for reducing the cost of logistic distribution.


  • 利用原理使短路故障分支故障分支方程得到统一。

    According to this principle, magnetic linkage of generator "s short circuit loop, fault branches and non-fault branches can be calculated in the same equation."


  • 利用1/4波长原理高压干扰时,避雷器自动短路放电),系统正常工作

    Utilize the principle of wavelength 1/4, when there is high pressure to interfere, the lightning conductor will hold up automatically (discharge), The normal work of the system.


  • 首先通过测量阻抗轨迹异相短路故障测量阻抗的进行分析,得出牵引网发生异相高阻电弧短路故障常规原理的阻抗保护动的结论。

    Conventional impedance relay will refuse to trip according to an analysis of measuring impedance by means of impedance locus method when wrong-phase-coupling of traction power supply system occurs.


  • 首先通过测量阻抗轨迹异相短路故障测量阻抗的进行分析,得出牵引网发生异相高阻电弧短路故障常规原理的阻抗保护动的结论。

    Conventional impedance relay will refuse to trip according to an analysis of measuring impedance by means of impedance locus method when wrong-phase-coupling of traction power supply system occurs.


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