• 提高工效工期经济效益显著

    It is helpful to enhance efficiency, reduce construction time, and has remarkable economic benefits.


  • 工程建设基本价值实现工期价值。

    The fundamental value of the engineering construction is got short construction period and high-value engineering.


  • 采用此法,可工期提高工效、降低成本

    This technique has such advantages as shortening time limit, enhancing production rate and decreasing cost.


  • 该项技术可缩短工期降低费用提高安装平稳性

    This technology has such advantages as lowering construction time, decreasing costs and improving installation stationarity.


  • 采用该结构取得节约成本、工期技术经济效果

    It has obtained the economic result of technology of economizing the cost, shortening time limit for a project.


  • 实践证明、该机工期降低劳动强度提高产品质量

    This machine could make working period shorter, decrease labor force and increase the quality of product.


  • 研究目的长大隧道采用增设辅助坑道长隧施工方法工期

    Research purposes: Service gallery and short excavation methods are employed in the digging of super long tunnels to reduce the construction time.


  • 方法具有工期、安全效益好的特点具有一定借鉴推广价值

    The method has the short work period and good performance, and certain draw lessons from expansion value.


  • 一些被成功实践过的技术往往能够项目减少失误,工期,并令客户满意

    Suggesting a tried-and-true approach for a project can lead to smaller budgets, shorter timelines and a happy client.


  • 供应链管理电子商务建筑企业节约成本工期提高质量有效方法

    Supply chain management and e-business are efficient ways for construction enterprises to reduce cost of, shorten time limit for and improve quality of engineering projects.


  • 本品增强作用显著早期效果尤佳,大大加快模板场地周转,缩短工期

    It has remarkable effects of water reduction and enhancement, especially at the early stage. The modulus and site utilization can be improved.


  • 普通混凝土灌注桩相比技术节约大量资金,缩工期经济效益十分显著。

    Compared with ordinary concrete caisson pile, the technology may save investment and construction period greatly, and the economic benefit is notable.


  • 潮汐电站建设中,施工起着降低造价工期改善施工条件等重要作用。

    In the construction of tidal power plants, the floating caisson method may reduce the cost shorten the construction period, and improve construction conditions.


  • 实施工艺后加大成本的前提下,提高筒壁施工速度35%,工期17

    Having adopted such technique, the tower wall construction speed was increased by 35% and the construction time was reduced by 17 days without increasing costs.


  • 设计方法降低施工难度工期节约成本保证设计可靠度具有重要意义。

    The proposed design method is meaningful to reducing the construction difficulty, decreasing the construction period, saving the cost and improving the reliability of design.


  • 先进施工方法有利于提高结构施工质量安全性,并可有效工期降低施工成本

    Advanced construction methods are propitious to improve quality and security of construction, shorten the time limit for a project, lower the cost of construction.


  • 提供整个项目价值工程投入提出设计施工优化方案降低成本提高质量工期

    Provide value engineering input throughout the project and propose changes to the design and construction to reduce cost, enhance quality and shorten the project schedule;


  • 只有加强施工管理推广使用管理方法才能促进工程进度短工期节约资金降低造价

    Strengthen construction management and extend use new management method can promote engineering schedule and shorten time of project and saving fund and reduce cost.


  • 一项工程正常工期T通过对所有可能的工序赶工,整个工程能达到的工期S天。

    Let us assume that the normal time limit for the project is t days and the shortest time by fast working is s days.


  • 文章介绍确定关键路径方法通过确定关键路径以确定工程工期找出关键活动短工期

    The article introduces the method of the critica1 path, confirms the limited time of a project through confirming the critical path and finds out critical activity of the project to shorten time.


  • 目前海造方法很多造陆节约成本、缩短工期方面无疑众多方法有效的一个。

    At present the reclamation epeirogenic's method has many, blows fills in the epeirogenic to save the cost, the reduction time aspect is without doubt in the numerous methods most effective.


  • 使用产品工期提高产量提高模板场地周转率尤其适用冬季预制场和农村建房

    Using this product can shorten the construction period, increase production, improve templates and site turnaround, especially suitable for winter prefabricated plant and rural construction.


  • 工期节约开支50 %以上一般多层节约施工费用50 %,高层建筑能够节约费用70 %。

    Can reduce the time, saves pays wages above 50%, generally the multi-layer saves the operating charges 50%, the high-rise construction can save expense 70%.


  • 采用本文方法使RTK平面高程放样与水准测量工作同时进行有利于提高作业效率工期

    By this method, leveling and GPS-RTK survey can be carried out at the same time, which can increase work efficiency and reduce job time.


  • 通过针对性地组织施工,使其既满足设计要求,又能工期降低施工成本取得良好经济效益

    Through aimed construction management the design can meet the requirements and the limit time is shortened, which reduce the construction cost and got good economic benefit.


  • 实行突变管理项目预算中准备应急费用,追求项目最终目标(高质量、短工期、低成本)的一种有效途径

    Contingency management, together with contingency funds, included in the project budget, is an effective way to realize the ultimate project objectives.


  • 本文应用运筹学中的网络优化理论和方法发电企业设备大修管理进行优化,工期降低消耗平衡资源

    In this paper, the author try to use Network Optimization Method to optimize the management of the great-prepares in power plant, so as to shorten time, reduce consumes and balance resource.


  • 最后结合案例大连供电公司关岭变电站改造项目化管理提出了提高质量、缩短工期和节约成本的方法和途径。

    Finally, by integrating with the case of Dalian Power Supply Company Nanguanling substation project management brings forward suggestions to solving the problem of safe, quality, cost, date.


  • 最后结合案例大连供电公司关岭变电站改造项目化管理提出了提高质量、缩短工期和节约成本的方法和途径。

    Finally, by integrating with the case of Dalian Power Supply Company Nanguanling substation project management brings forward suggestions to solving the problem of safe, quality, cost, date.


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