• 核心能力基于知识服务互动整合通过实施知识战略与服务战略形成的。

    The core ability is based on the inter-actions of knowledge and service, and formed through the implementation of knowledge strategy and service strategy.


  • 服务供应商具备丰富市场知识,并不断开发盈利项目使得印刷客户可以更加个性化顾客沟通也更有效

    The market knowledge of service providers and their willingness to keep on developing new portfolio elements allow clients to increasingly personalise and improve their communications with customers.


  • 本文余下部分将介绍一些服务类型相关背景知识展示类型策略一种云类型的阈值策略如何不同。

    The remainder of this article provides some background on cloud services types and shows you how a threshold policy for a cloud type can be different from the policy for another cloud type.


  • IBMRational服务组织中,提高知识工作人员组织能力尤其是软件和系统交付相关的能力,实质上就是我们工作核心任务。

    In the IBM Rational services organization, improving the abilities of knowledge workers and organizations, specifically related to software and systems delivery, is at the core of what we do.


  • 资产拥有者拥有某一特定Web服务软件资源有关相关知识产权实体

    Asset owner is the person or entity that owns a particular web service and the associated intellectual property pertaining to the software resource.


  • 服务条款决定了网上提供服务公司如何联系,如何使用个人信息知识产权。

    Terms of service policies dictate how companies doing business on the Internet interact with you and how they will use your personal information and intellectual properties.


  • 为了事情变得简单,放弃使用这种方法,而是集中讲述存储游戏数据、在客户服务之间通信以及打造前端基础知识

    To keep it simple, though, I forgo this approach to concentrate on the basics of storing the game data, communicating between the client and server, and building the front end.


  • 然后通过保存这些服务RAS知识(后面会详细加以说明)中资产建立联系,开发团队成员就可以有效地搜寻测量评估重要的是重用它们

    Then, by storing the services and related assets in a RAS repository (more about this later), team members can efficiently search for, measure, evaluate, and — most important — reuse them.


  • 后续讨论中得知那些提供艾滋病救助服务的工作人员心理健康方面的知识非常感兴趣,而同时,提供心理救助的工作人员也希望获取更多艾滋病相关信息

    In the ensuing discussion, she learned that HIV care providers were interested in learning more about mental health, and mental health care providers wanted more information on HIV.


  • 熟悉菜品知识能够客人厨房协调好当日每月特色菜及推荐菜,并跟踪服务

    Familiar with the food knowledge, could take order for the guest. & service Coordinates with kitchen on daily or monthly specials and promotions.


  • 了解JAX - RPC基础知识因为它们广泛Web服务相关

    Understand the basics of JAX-RPC as they relate to the wider scope of Web services.


  • ibm对应办法维持几十知识仓库咨询人员提供各种专业服务相对应。

    IBM's response is to maintain dozens of knowledge repositories that correspond to the various specialized services that its consultants provide.


  • 不管怎样想方设法地了解记忆这些知识因此分享想法小组更好的服务这个目的

    You are, however, trying to better understand and remember the subject itself, so group exercises where you share ideas are great for this purpose.


  • 关于部门问题争端专家组具有争端具体服务部门有关必要专门知识

    Panels for disputes regarding sectoral matters shall have the necessary expertise relevant to the specific services sectors which the dispute concerns.


  • 本文服务业跨国公司定义一个资源能力知识为基础生产性组织

    This paper defines that, based on resource, capacity and knowledge, Multinational Enterprise is a productive organization.


  • 知识经济时代公共图书馆用户需求服务模式进行了分析探讨

    This paper makes analysis and exploration on users' requirements and service modes of public library in knowledge economy era.


  • 常规摄像特殊摄像知识影视作品进行摄像创作两种手段作品知识类影视作品的特殊摄像研究题内容服务

    The special photography and the routine photography are two means of artistic creation, they both work for the content and subject of the knowledge films and television programs.


  • 培训结束后学员进行理论知识技能考试同时对社区卫生服务机构提供项目开展情况进行评价

    At the end of training the trainees were given test on theoretical knowledge and technique, and the developing conditions of service items supplied were assessed at the same time.


  • 艾滋病患者同居人士获得具有相关知识有能力有礼貌富有同情心的服务提供者同伴提供最新准确治疗信息

    People living with HIV/AIDS deserve the most accurate and up-to-date treatment information as provided by informed, competent, respectful and compassionate service providers and peers.


  • 提供可靠的获得的全球互联的图书馆信息服务帮助建立一个知识的、繁荣社会

    To provide a trusted, accessible and globally-connected library and information service so as to promote a knowledgeable and engaged society.


  • 现代社会复杂化、分工细化的背景下,人们越来越需要专门知识服务专家接触机会也越来越多。

    In a more complicated modern society, people need more service with special knowledge and have more chances to contact professionals.


  • 医疗器械服务营销具有丰富理论知识实际经验销售人员

    I am the service marketing of medical devices with rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience in sales.


  • 熟练掌握产品知识相关技术;结合不同情况,灵活性推荐销售产品服务

    Possesses a high degree of product knowledge and relevant technical skills; intuitively recommends and effectively up sells resort facilities in a sensitive and personalized manner.


  • 文章分析了知识服务特点运作模式论述了数字图书馆知识服务必然性实现技术,此基础上阐述了数字图书馆开展知识服务的对策。

    This article analyses the characteristic and model of knowledge service, discusses the necessity of knowledge service in digital library and expounds the ways to carry out knowledge service.


  • 公司全国超过70%专业出版社长期合作关系为其提供长期的数字内容建设服务领域知识建设服务

    The Company has long term cooperation with more than 70% of Professional Publishers, providing data content development and knowledge database development services.


  • 基于丰富行业知识以及全球快速增长客户合作经验,奔步提供质量IT外包、软件开发包装设计服务

    Building on deep industry experience and working with high-growth global clients, we offer top quality services in it Outsourcing, Software Development, and Packaging Design.


  • 传统图书馆相比数字图书馆具有存贮数字化,传递网络化服务知识资源共享化服务全球化等特点

    Compared with the traditional library, the digital library possesses some features of digital storage, networking transition, knowledgeable services, Shared resources, and globalized services, etc.


  • 传统图书馆相比数字图书馆具有存贮数字化,传递网络化服务知识资源共享化服务全球化等特点

    Compared with the traditional library, the digital library possesses some features of digital storage, networking transition, knowledgeable services, Shared resources, and globalized services, etc.


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