• 清晨知更,猫鸟,野鸽,松鸦,鹪鹩,还有各种其它鸟声曾经黎明时分形成大合唱,出现一派勃勃生机的清晨,现在毫无声息了

    On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of Robins catbirds doves jays wrens and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound.


  • 许多可以我们明智观念早已形成而且并不晦涩难懂,不是广为人的,即使受过教育未必都道。

    Many of the concepts that could make us smarter are well established and not particularly abstruse, but not widely known even among the educated.


  • 多少时候子民担忧,在烦恼,为甚么他们祷告没有着答应,那正在一个丰富的方法答应他们

    How often, when His people are worrying and perplexing themselves about their prayers not being answered, is God answering them in a far richer way!


  • 事实在于,尽管火狐广为人倾向选择,尽管一切火狐推上了个黄金位置然而也确实自己竞争对手打开了一机会之窗。

    The fact remains though that it’s themost-known browsers that are likely to be chosen, and that puts Firefox in aprime position. It does, though, open up a window of opportunity for itsrivals.


  • 没有发明者能够用最平实的语言图片解释发明的专利,别说那些对专利技术半解法官了。

    No inventors, not to mention the lawyers who don't fully understand the invented technologies, can able to describe them in plain words or pictures.


  • 慈济之不多不便发表什么。他们“瓶子毯子”的活动象是英国慈善商店回收形式

    I don't know enough about Tzu Chi to endorse them, but their bottles-to-blankets activity seems a grittier form of the recycling done by charity shops in the UK.


  • 这些莎士比亚较不为人作品将好莱坞改编拍,它们可能会好莱坞给毁了。

    These lesser known classics by the Bard are ready to be adapted, updated, and probably ruined by Hollywood.


  • xsl格式化对象(XSL - FO)标准XSL标准鲜为人部分之一(人们熟悉的部分XSLT)。

    The XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) standard is one of the least known parts of the XSL standard (the more prominent part being XSLT).


  • 科学家领头人面对着反对气候变化学说人的半解的疑问,或者其他另人担心事情。就他们而言,科学机构表现出的是一种大众理解的防御吗?

    Do they show an understandable defensiveness on the part of leading scientists faced with ill-informed challenges from climate change nay-sayers, or something more worrying?


  • 热带地区光照资源丰富——因此有利于光合作用——一点可以解释为什么温暖气候可以产生生物(生物量,这点为生态学家们所共)。

    That there is more sunlight-and so more opportunity for photosynthesis-at the tropics explains why warm climates create more living matter (or biomass, as it is known to ecologists).


  • Ruby社区广为人并且频繁引用原则虽然通常被称为最小诧异原则或者POLS(本人喜欢LOLA)。

    This is a principle that is well known and often cited in the Ruby community, though it is usually called the principle of Least Surprise or POLS. (I myself stubbornly prefer the acronym LOLA.)


  • 我们定期指出你们应当运用你们直觉并且变得简单认识真实教导

    We regularly point out that you should use your intuition, and as you become more aware it becomes easier to recognize the true teachings.


  • (歌唱天使),今日爱恋。

    (The singing angels know) are only dear.


  • 我们的,至爱人类大多数信任我们人类

    We are aware beloved, and more aware than most humans give us credit for.


  • 这些复杂“图象-感觉”,要比那些简单的感觉,例如恐惧嫉妒愤怒等等困难得多

    It is much harder to be aware of these image-feelings than the simpler feelings like fear, jealousy, anger etc.


  • 他们不会带来收益的体验任何人类的尺度去衡量均几乎任何其他行为值得实施。

    They are aware that it is an unproductive experience, that almost any other endeavor is more worthwhile by any human measure.


  • 随着你们意识水平上升你们自己接近如何未来新世界生活

    As your consciousness levels rise up, so you will also take a step nearer to understanding how the new you will live in the future.


  • 硬纸板当作隔板挡住视觉,结果它们仍然可以发现食物

    When cardboard was used as a barrier to block visual cues, the birds could still find the worms.


  • 只有存在正短暂时刻智慧才机会清楚地如实认识名法,

    Only in the short moment of sati does panna, have the opportunity to know a rupa or nama more distinctly as they really are, as not Self.


  • 所以下次看见鸟“头式击发”时,你可以相当确信它们查看垂涎欲滴的美

    So the next time you see a robin "head-cocking" you can be fairly sure it's listening and looking for those mouthwatering treats!


  • 该书现存版本不多,均为繁体竖排线装书,一度鲜为人缺乏系统的整理研究

    But the existing edition of this book is not very popular, even short, saying nothing to the study on it in system.


  • 无可否认可以说麦当娜比自己做什么。

    But we can't deny that you can say Madonna knows more what she herself is doing.


  • 我们不会给出你们通用标准和法则我们只是提醒,让你觉没有你自己清楚的了悟,你应该怎么做,去哪里

    Instead of giving a general rule, we are going to remind you that no one knows better than you do where you need to be.


  • 分割结果分辨率图像分割接近人类视觉对信息处理特性

    According to the segmentation results, it can be found that the image segmentation with alterable resolution is more similar to the processing character of human vision.


  • 分割结果分辨率图像分割接近人类视觉对信息处理特性

    According to the segmentation results, it can be found that the image segmentation with alterable resolution is more similar to the processing character of human vision.


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