• 明日不知》、《永远草莓生命中的天》这样的歌曲,其革命性音效马丁美国同行们眼花缭乱,迷惑不解

    Songs like "Tomorrow Never Knows", "Strawberry Fields Forever", and "A Day in the Life" featured revolutionary sound effects that dazzled and mystified Martin's American counterparts.


  • 悄悄寻找房间许多扇窗户搜遍这个令人眼花缭乱房间每个角落发现一个生物

    Quietly he went to look for her, and searched in all the corners of the dazzling apartment with its many Windows, but he could find no living being.


  • 为了避免这种头昏眼花感觉,不要躺着的时候迅速起来

    To avoid that woozy sensation, don’t get up from a sitting or prone position too quickly.


  • 为了避免这种头昏眼花感觉不要躺着的时候迅速起来。

    To avoid that woozy sensation don't get up from a sitting or prone position too quickly.


  • 电能这个门徒所工作大楼里如此严重以致他们真切发现皇冠顶轮旋转致使头昏眼花

    The electrical energy was so severe in the building that this initiate worked that they literally found the crown chakra twirling leading to ongoing dizziness.


  • 为了避免这种头昏眼花感觉不要躺着的时候迅速起来

    To avoid that woozy sensation, don't get up from a sitting or prone position too quickly.


  • 真实区域数量减少来自同一区域另一全面战争游戏个令人眼花缭乱空间有待认识

    While the number of actual territories are reduced from the number that would be crammed into the same geographical area in another Total War game, that's a dizzying amount of space to consider.


  • 眼花缭乱闯进阳光中的那天起。

    And blinding, step into the sun.


  • 同样秋天的树林呈现出等让人眼花撩乱色泽,可能是树木化学防御方式,对可能的食动物发出警告

    In much the same way, the dazzling orange, red and yellow displays of forests in fall may be warning would-be leaf munchers of a tree's chemical defenses.


  • 我会眼花缭乱天空中过来。

    I would go flying through the air with dizzying swiftness.


  • 不停变换,让眼花缭乱。

    It will keep transformation, dazzle you.


  • 很强的形象化天赋可以读者通过文字形象看到保藏玻璃镇纸里面蝴蝶翅膀,还有男孩跃入水池里让人眼花缭乱杂耍

    She has a strong pictorial talent, and can make the reader see everything from the wings of a butterfly preserved in a glass paperweight to the giddy acrobatics of little boys jumping into a pool.


  • 由衷相信使神魂颠倒的力量,相信她有令人眼花缭乱的姿色

    I believed devoutly in her power to fascinate him, in her dazzling loveliness.


  • 今天展示设计呈现丰富多彩眼花缭乱的形式面貌从理论上进行系统全面研究分析不够

    Nowadays, exposition design takes on an rich and colorful appearance, but there is not enough systematic research about it theoretically.


  • 假如要找儿童读物就算是年后,《哈利·波特》己经不会再出新书了侯,你也面临眼花缭乱选择

    If you look for a book as a present for a child. You will be spoiled for choice even in a year when there is no new Harry Patten J.


  • 令人眼花缭乱的大雪中群狼居然在离她一箭之悄无声息倒了一只麋鹿

    During a blinding snowstorm, they silently took down an elk a stone's throw from Eisenberg.


  • 故宫出来,自己来到啦繁华特殊王府井年夜沿街双方商铺里面陈列着美不胜收商品自己得头昏眼花

    From the Imperial Palace, we came to the bustling Wangfujing street, street was lined on both sides with shops, there are a superb collection of beautiful things of goods, let me see things in a blur.


  • 电影开场有如万花筒般眼花撩乱宇宙爆炸揭开了序幕画面飞梭穿越时空来到数十年后世界

    An opening movie, like a kaleidoscope as a confusing prelude of the big bang, the screen Shuttle land through time and space, came a few decades later the world.


  • 位于基多(厄瓜多尔首都)北部云雾缭绕安第斯山脉上,这个物种丰富的风景区千百种鸟类的栖息包括闪亮安第斯动冠伞鸟令人眼花缭乱的蜂鸟

    Located north of Quito on the fog-shrouded Andean slopes, the biopersity hotspot is home to hundreds of bird species, including the flashy Andean cock-of-the-rock and dazzling hummingbirds.


  • 一直津津有味听着令人眼花缭乱披露,这时就她那人,她简单回答道。

    Always attentive to her dazzling Revelations, I asked who the man was, and her simple reply was.


  • 是个得令人眼花炎炎的酷暑天,在桃树街上走了不远就觉得太阳穴轰轰

    It was blindingly, glaring hot and as she hurried down Peachtree Street her temples began to throb from the heat.


  • 位于基多(厄瓜多尔首都)北部云雾缭绕的安第斯山脉上,这个物种丰富的风景区千百鸟类栖息包括闪亮安第斯动冠伞鸟令人眼花缭乱的蜂鸟

    Located north of Quito on the fog-shrouded Andean slopes, the biodiversity hotspot is home to hundreds of bird species, including the flashy Andean cock-of-the-rock and dazzling hummingbirds.


  • 心理学家分析:“我们生活一个以食为上的时代中,数清的食谱眼花缭乱的大厨们不停在告诉我们该吃什么,食物的选择十分多样

    Psychologist Dr Richard Woolfson, from President, said: 'We now live in a very food-orientated society, where food documentaries, celebrity chefs and cook books have never been more prolific.


  • 这些迷人的树木路上下各种光影图案我们眼花缭乱。我们大口大口呼吸着早晨的清新空气

    These lovely trees threw patterns of light and shadow across our road... creating a tantalising flicker in our eyes, making us draw in the fragrant morning air, breath after deep breath.


  • 这些迷人的树木路上下各种光影图案我们眼花缭乱。我们大口大口呼吸着早晨的清新空气

    These lovely trees threw patterns of light and shadow across our road... creating a tantalising flicker in our eyes, making us draw in the fragrant morning air, breath after deep breath.


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