• 世界伟大的祖国已经拥有庞大船队航行太平洋大西洋印度洋之间60多个国家地区的1200多个港口

    The world, great country already owns a huge fleet of sailing in the Pacific, Atlantic, India between the ocean more than more than 60 countries and regions of more than 1200 ports;


  • 尝试销售的范围扩大到全美甚至世界,可大家都会在看上一两后表示没有兴趣,没有兴趣,还是没有兴趣。

    I was trying to sell all over the US and all over the world, and everyone would look at it and think not interested, not interested, not interested.


  • 中国的巨大市场以及当地监管者鼓动下,许多世界数一数二大银行中国发光,失去理智

    ENTICED by a vast market yet driven mad by local regulators, many of the world's best banks lose their reason in China.


  • 不是同情而是同感——即设身处地地为人着想,将心比心;透过别人的世界

    Not sympathy, but empathy -the ability to stand in somebody else's shoes; to look at the world through their eyes.


  • 世界低下来看著你的双脚肃静众星一同敬畏著。

    The world with eyes bent upon thy feet stands in awe with all its silent stars.


  • 环环闪亮世界

    Every ring shines like eyes of the world.


  • 不是就能将认出他们内心火热”[3]告诉世界他是体貌特征。

    But he is not instantly recognisable; it is not his physical attributes but a "burning in their hearts" that tells the world who he is.


  • 在电影第一次出现潘多拉星球的时候,真让我惊讶。 这是个外星人热带森林世界瘦骨嶙峋的,金黄的蓝色“猴子”就住在里面。

    It's a jaw-dropping introduction to the tropical world of blue-skinned, golden-eyed aliens.


  • 如今世界面临许多挑战要是能对其中一些闭一只企盼它们奇迹般地蒸发或者得以解决,或许更好受一些。

    The world faces a lot of challenges today and it is easy to turn a blind eye to some of these things and hope that they will either go away or miraculously get sorted.


  • 世界所有预防视力损害或者恢复视力有关的合作伙伴都将庆祝世界

    World sight Day is observed around the world by all partners involved in preventing visual impairment or restoring sight.


  • 大街上随便问一个一板一告诉这个世界怎么回事儿。

    Ask anybody on the street and they can tell you exactly how the world works.


  • 天空最后这个壮丽银色世界里,他到了多少东西啊。

    He gave one last look across the sky, across that magnificent silver land where he had learned so much.


  • 变得忙碌意味着采取管状视野,持续关注前方没有时间偏离徘徊周围丰富无限可能世界撇上

    Being busy means adopting tunnel vision, constantly focusing ahead, with no time to deviate, to wander, to glance at the richness and the possibilities all around you.


  • 大街上随便问一个一板一告诉这个世界是怎么回事儿。

    We feel that we know most everything. Ask anybody on the street and they can tell you exactly how the world works.


  • 所幸没有失明的极少数面对着艰难抉择如何肆虐后的世界生存下去如何无助的幸存者们共处

    The tiny minority who have avoided blindness face difficult choices about how to continue their lives in a ravaged country, and how to deal with helpless blind survivors.


  • 但是如果仅睁开世界不是一下子平了

    But even using just one eye, the world doesn't suddenly appear flat.


  • 我看了丈夫,他的梦想是拥有红色跑车观看橄榄球世界,还对沃德曼小姐退出四频道“倒计时”节目伤感不已

    A glance at my husband, dreaming of a red sports car and the Rugby World Cup and mourning the loss of Ms Vorderman from Countdown, and my unease turned into uncontrollable grief.


  • 这个癫狂世界总是其他人一样,鼓起勇气,保持的本色。

    In this crazy world that's trying to make you like everyone else, find the courage to keep being your awesome self.


  • 都市污染意味着世界五分之一人们凭借看不到银河

    Urban light pollution means that one-fifth of the world's population can no longer see the Milky Way with the naked eye.


  • 任务蒙在这位年轻女子上的绷带,睁开看一看世界

    It would presently be his task to take the bandage from this young woman's eyes, and bid her look forth on the world.


  • 只不幸鸽子塘鹅嘴里最后世界

    An unlucky pigeon takes its final look at the world - peeking out from a pelican's beak.


  • 两只叫醒一只,她:“一只照顾山羊,你事情时候睡着了,期间山羊世界乱跑的,吧,我们回家吧。”

    Two-eyes now awakened One-eye, and said, "One-eye, you want to take care of the goat, and go to sleep while you are doing it, and in the meantime the goat might run all over the world.


  • 能用肉看见物质世界,那么你就能用第三精神世界

    You see through your eyes the physical world and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye.


  • 米-24A是前苏联第一武装直升机,也是世界范围内的第二架(晚AH-1镜蛇)。

    The Mi-24A became the first Soviet and the world second largest (after the AH-1Cobra”) specialized military helicopter.


  • 看了手表这种那些吃饱了撑深海潜泳喜欢世界21个主要国家首都当地时间的高档潜水手表。这种人即使大洋底下也知道世界上其他21个国家首都的当地时间。

    He glanced at his watch, which was designed for the kind of rich deep sea diver who likes to know what the time is in twenty one world capitals while he's down there.


  • 几年Facebook还是90后大学生专属领域。一转世界变了。

    Just a few short years ago, Facebook was the exclusive province of postmillennial college undergraduates.


  • 审视宽容阅读自己世界

    With review of eye, tolerance heart, read themselves and the world.


  • 世界一年一度宣传性日子,目的是唤起全球重视盲症视力损害以及视力受到损害者的康复问题10月份第二星期四

    World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness to focus global attention on blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of the visually impaired held on the second Thursday in October.


  • 世界一年一度宣传性日子,目的是唤起全球重视盲症视力损害以及视力受到损害者的康复问题10月份第二星期四

    World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness to focus global attention on blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of the visually impaired held on the second Thursday in October.


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