• 看看他们自己行为

    Look at their actions.


  • 如果奎奥的三番战不能发生的话,他们看看他们自己其他选择

    They will look at their other options if a Pacquiao trilogy does not come about.


  • 看看他们自己企业中挑选名称吧:现代现代时代三星三星级意味着企业巨大的永恒的)。

    Look at the names they picked for their enterprises: Hyundai (The Modern Era) and Samsung (Three Stars, implying a business that would be huge and eternal).


  • 网站上还有一个交互式功能能让消费者上载自己照片看看他们不同的眼镜是什么样子

    The site also has an interactive feature that allows shoppers to upload their photo to see what they would look like in different styles.


  • 看看他们自己企业中挑选名称吧:大宇(“宇宙”)、现代(“现代时代”)三星(“三星级”,意味着企业巨大的永恒的)。

    Look at the names they picked for their enterprises: Daewoo (" Great Universe "), Hyundai (" the Modern Era ") and Samsung (" Three Stars ", implying a business that would be huge and eternal).


  • 这个调查要求家长他们自己放在父母技能10个不同类别看看他们属于哪一种。爱普斯坦称之为十大父母”,这个在之前研究也被看做是最重要方法

    The survey asked respondents to rate themselves in 10 different categories of parenting skill, which Epstein calls "the Parents' Ten," since prior studies have shown them to be crucial tools.


  • 我们自己豪尔赫里巴斯参观弗吉尼亚理工大学的乡亲看看他们机器人

    Our own Jorge Ribas visited the folks at Virginia Tech to check out their robotic car.


  • 如果失败了,首先看看自己,如果真是别人犯的等等他们不能补救点什么。

    If you're not getting the success you desire, look to yourself first. Even if it is somebody else's "fault", you could be waiting a long time for them to fix things for you.


  • 其他玩家交流看看他们如何思考这样可以自己准确使用这些游戏技巧

    Communicate with other players, and see how they are to think, so I can let oneself more accurate use of these techniques for the game.


  • 看看他们什么抒发怎么样感慨同时也起到了对自己放松作用

    Has a look them in to think how feeling any while expressed also to play to the role which relaxed to oneself.


  • 有见及此,我们特别访问位土生土长华裔青少年看看他们怎样去评估自己父母亲管教之道

    After interviewing a few American born Chinese teenagers about how they view their parent's parenting skills in terms of disciplining and nurturing.


  • 看看他们。把自己自己囚笼里。

    Look them all. Rats in their cages.


  • 讲述自己事例时,可以留心观察面试官的身体语言举止看看他们是否做出了积极回应

    As you explain your examples, take note of whether the interviewer's body language or behaviour is generating a positive response.


  • 其中一个原因雇主采取应聘者午餐晚餐评价他们社交技巧看看他们是否可以优雅地处理自己压力

    One of the reasons employers take job candidates out to lunch or dinner is to evaluate their social skills and to see if they can handle themselves gracefully under pressure.


  • 相信直觉自己的本色亲身体会,去感受交往过程中的他们看看他们今后能否给一些点拨启发。

    Trust your instincts. Be yourself with them and see if the self they are with you is someone you want to learn from for a couple of years.


  • 有些喜欢谷歌搜索朋友自己看看他们名字因特网上出现多少

    Some people like to Google their friends or themselves to see how many times their name appears on the Internet.


  • 不过以往任何时候更,人们需要干洗服务包括富国著名的和谁,根本需要看看他们最好自己喜爱的服装

    However, more than ever, people need dry cleaning services, including the rich and famous and whoever who simply needs to look their best in their favorite outfit.


  • 华尔街日报》建议大家咨询一下自己好友看看他们是否认为分手理由太荒谬。

    The Wall Street Journal suggests asking your close friends if your deal breakers are ridiculous.


  • 所以可以借鉴别人游戏代码看看他们怎么编写的,然后将这些代码整合自己的手机游戏开发中来

    Therefore, we can draw on other people to write code of the game, to see how prepared they are, then the code to integrate the mobile game development to China.


  • 有点看看他们生命他们艺术音乐他们只有自己在哪里他们很多的地方的感觉。

    I kind of like to see what the inside of their life is like, their art, music, who they are and that comes out in their homes where they have made a sense of place.


  • 四处看看时候,他看见一些老人他们报纸之前戴上眼镜,因此他决定购物自己眼镜午餐之后。

    When he looked around, he saw several old people put on eyeglasses before reading their newspapers, so after lunch he decided to go to shop to buy himself a pair of glasses too.


  • 四处看看时候,他看见一些老人他们报纸之前戴上眼镜,因此他决定购物自己眼镜午餐之后。

    When he looked around, he saw several old people put on eyeglasses before reading their newspapers, so after lunch he decided to go to shop to buy himself a pair of glasses too.


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