• 基辛格探讨这个问题是采取向后方法,1907年英国外交部高官艾尔·克劳威爵士备忘录

    Kissinger addresses this question by looking to the past, a memorandum written by a senior official of the British Foreign Office, Eyre Crowe, in 1907.


  • 方法就是壮阔波涛

    There is a way to watch water, that is to watch its roaring waves.


  • 火车是世界的好方法

    Taking the train is a good way to see the world.


  • 因此,研究人员需要一种增大裂缝特征方法——就跟分级员沿着裂缝挤压鸡蛋是否裂开的方法相似

    So theresearchers needed a method to enhance crackssimilar to the way human graderssqueeze the egg along the crack to see if it opens.


  • 验证并行设置一个方法CSLD任务数据库

    A good way to verify the parallel setup is to look at the CSLD job database.


  • 事实上如果医生,‘麻醉最好也是最安全方法我们:我们,‘,那就用这个,’”杰夫

    "Realistically, if the doctor says, 'I think this is the best way to knock you out and the safest method,' let's face it: You or I would say, 'Yeah, let's go for that one,'" Jaffe said.


  • 认为简单的方法-,就是例子

    And I think the easy way to do is - is to do it with an example.


  • 科技推展演化方法

    You see, technology is a way to evolve the evolution.


  • 另一种方法通过,它们针对哪种离子的。

    Another way to talk about different types is to think about which ion they're selected for.


  • 感受规则表达式的最好方法可能几个示例

    Probably the best way to get your feet wet with regular expressions is to see a few examples.


  • 最喜欢的事情是:当我说服某个人去阅读这些中的一并且他就像我一样喜欢这本书时候所以着这个想法,我列举了一个简短的书单,这些改变了我世界方法

    So keeping that in mind, here’s a short list of books that transformed the way I see the world.


  • 需要验证一下所有依赖于这个属性方法是否都到了下一层。

    You need to verify that any methods that depend on this field are also pushed down.


  • 解决问题角度有用,因为允许混合风格有效方法解决单一问题。

    This is useful from a problem-solving perspective because it allows you to mix styles, solving individual problems in the most effective way.


  • 但是首领观察第二房门上也被同样地方用同样的方法做了标记。就展示向导一家一家,还是一家。

    But the captain observed that the next door was chalked in the same manner and in the same place; and showing it to his guide, asked him which house it was, that, or the first.


  • 表面上,可维护性最好方法就是完全避免DTO,而采用客户机获取属性方法

    On the surface, the most maintainable approach is to eschew DTOs altogether and get one attribute at a time from the client.


  • 首先而且也是最重要的项目管理者需要教育指导委员会成员如何衡量进度唯一的有效方法能够工作软件不是签订文档

    First and foremost, project managers need to educate steering committee members about how to measure progress: The only meaningful way is to look at working software, not signed-off documents.


  • 他们光谱分析方法测定它们颜色它们饱经风霜还是新鲜的,然后这个数据近地小行星轨道历史测量数据结合起来分析。

    They used a process called spectroscopy to determine their colors, to see if they were weathered or fresh, and then combined this data with measurements of the NEAs' orbital histories.


  • 他们所著关于人质经历,非常值得尤其是其中对用各种方法保持神智健全的描述。

    Their book about the experience, Hostage, is a gripping read, not least in its account of the different devices each deployed to keep a grip on sanity.


  • 带到某个地方,是被着眼带到那个房子里之后是同样方法把带回来所以,我不可能多到你要求的。

    I was taken to a certain place, whence I was led blindfold to the house, and afterward brought back again in the same manner; you see, therefore, the impossibility of my doing what you desire.


  • 安静闲暇的时候开始语音治疗方法自己沟通少一些压力

    In my quieter moments I began looking at voice therapy options, keen to make my communication less stressful.


  • 具有可用应用程序应该中的大部分时间里都处于启动且运行的状态,因而可用衡量方法就是它在年里停机时间。

    A highly available application is the one that's up and running most of the time in a year, hence high availability is measured in terms of downtime throughout the year.


  • 最为常用方法风险资本投资者投资决策时所使用标准

    The most common approach has been to look at the criteria that venture capitalists use to make investment decisions.


  • 观察日食安全的方法电视上或者通过网络直播

    The safest way to watch the eclipse is on the television or live webcasts on the Internet.


  • 通过深入了解,蝙蝠黑暗环境下“”世界的方法可能很快用于机器人的开发上,可能可以帮助机器人在危险的环境下找到应该走的

    Detailed studies into the way bats use sound to 'see' in the dark could soon be used to create robots that can find their way around hazardous environments.


  • 真正测算放松银根方法并非利率削减而是能否成功刺激

    The true gauge of monetary easing is not the cut in interest rates, but whether it succeeds in spurring new lending.


  • 母亲结婚以后就开始育儿学习孩子方法但是仍有很多母亲因为带孩子顺手而烦恼。

    Mothers learn how to raise their children by reading books after getting married, but more than a few become distressed when things don't go well.


  • 指出,将异常现象阻碍我们清晰地世界”,比如,阻碍我们寻求减小收入差异方法

    Regarding them as anomaliesprevents us from thinking clearly about the world, ” he argues, and from finding ways to, say, reduce income disparities.


  • 指出,将异常现象阻碍我们清晰地世界”,比如,阻碍我们寻求减小收入差异方法

    Regarding them as anomaliesprevents us from thinking clearly about the world, ” he argues, and from finding ways to, say, reduce income disparities.


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