• 我会查看这些字段检查模型,检查它们是否拥有元数据它们是否可以属于某个级别

    I'd look at the field, check the model, check if their is metadata, etc., and see if it falls into a level.


  • 可以任何时候查看请求状态内容是否已经删除或者请求是否审核、即将审核或者已被拒绝

    You can check the status of your requests at any time to see whether the content has been removed, or whether the request is still or pending or was denied.


  • 稍后忘记如何使用该类时,可以查看测试一个非常具体示例

    Later, when you forget how to use that class, you can look at the tests and see a very specific example.


  • 但是迪士尼并不需要亲自非洲查看这些反常保护效应可以检查自己库存目录。

    But Disney doesn't need to go to Africa to see the effects of these perverse protections; it can consult its own backlist.


  • 可以选址新闻视频或者图片,你也可以选择查看所有信息

    You can choose to just see News, Videos, or Images, or you can view all the stories.


  • 他说:“有的来了之后,只是桌子然后就开始查看电子邮件拿出随身携带笔记。”

    Some people show up and just pick a spot at the table and immediately check their email or pull up their notes.


  • 解决方法检查NDERPws中的队列用户报告请求是否挂起。如果被挂起,那么打开请求,查看原因

    Resolution: Check the suspended queue in NDERPws to determine whether the user's report request has been suspended; if it has, open the request to see the reason.


  • GenevieveBell是一名供职英特尔的人类学家按照他的说法,目前电视体育节目,同时笔记本电脑智能手机上网查看虚拟足球分数普遍

    It's now common to watch sports on TV while surfing the Web on a laptop or smartphone to check on fantasy football scores, according to Genevieve Bell, an anthropologist at Intel.


  • 我们sample1源代码查看发生了什么

    Let's take a look at the sample1 source code to see what is happening.


  • 正前方查看立方体时,总是认为自己仅仅是外部如果盒子打开呢?

    Looking at the cube from the front, you might assume that you always see the outside, but what if you could open the box?


  • 机器人查看战场四周时候,较远处的工程师通过的眼睛事物,他有足够的时间到的事物做出判断不会慌慌张张地无辜开火

    When a robot looks around a battlefield, he said, the remote technician who is seeing through its eyes can take time to assess a scene without firing in haste at an innocent person.


  • 阅读源代码查看所有可能用户提示及其显示内容通常没有简单地运行程序些什么来的直观。

    Reading the source code to see every possible prompt to the user and the scenarios it displays is usually less functional than simply running the program to see what it does.


  • 他们运行代码展示乔布斯时,他人向前倾斜,鼻尖几乎碰到屏幕,他仔细检查着,在测试机原型机之间反复来回查看

    When they'd show the working code to Jobs, he'd lean forward, his nose to the screen, and examine them closely, moving from the demo to the prototype and back again.


  • 多少用户查看站点,但是没有一眼组织产品离开了?

    How many users are viewing the site and leaving without ever dropping a dime on your organization's products?


  • 标签查看成分表而不是只宣传语。

    Read labels and check ingredients against the claims.


  • 最理想情况就是我们需要查看手机但是大多数每天至少35手机。

    Ideally, we only need to check our phones a few times a day, but most people check their phones at least 35 times daily!


  • 了解Di联结一边,可以查看联结左右属性,哪一边包含Di的属性。

    To find which side of the join Di is supposed to be on, look at the attributes for both the left and right sides of the join to see which side contains attributes for Di.


  • 然后textData函数查看当前元素它是不是publisher、titleauthor标记

    Then, the textData function looks at the current element to see if it's a publisher, title, or author tag.


  • 然后对齐,现在单击撤销按钮查看没有对齐的右边单击恢复按钮再次对齐的边距。

    Now you click Undo to see ragged-right and now you press Redo to see justified margins again .


  • 第一C29WillyRampf查看细节很好

    It will be the first time I see the C29, so it will be good to have a close look at it along with Willy Rampf and go through it in detail.


  • 查看一下保险单其是否对搬运过程中的破损毁坏赔偿。罄。

    Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals.


  • 集中我们就要怎样通过电话订货进行跟踪查看

    So, in this episode we're going to look at ways to check on the progress of an order over the telephone.


  • 如果克星图程序查看遍地需要多么创建一张惊人雕塑质量负责。

    If drawing is your Nemesis, this is a program you will want to view over and over to see how little is required to create a head of astounding sculptural quality on a flat piece of paper.


  • 听到琳赛大声呼救,过了分钟,传来掰断树枝脚步声音——一个近处男人听到了坠毁的声音,过来查看

    I heard Lindsay Shouting for help and after a few minutes the sound of breaking twigs and scuffling - a man tending his horse nearby had heard the crash and come to investigate.


  • 点击这里阅读关于克雷奥拉蜡笔相关故事生产影片。点击这里查看全路2010

    Click here to read a related story on Crayola crayons and watch videos of their production. Click here to check out the entire Road Trip 2010 package.


  • 点击这里阅读关于克雷奥拉蜡笔相关故事生产影片。点击这里查看全路2010

    Click here to read a related story on Crayola crayons and watch videos of their production. Click here to check out the entire Road Trip 2010 package.


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