• Look and say.


  • 美思英语-44”套致力于研究“”与“读音”完美结合的英语阅读学习体系。单词句子整体认读,能帮助初学者打好稳固的英语学习基础

    MELS-44 is a researched reading programme which applies phonics together with look-and-say, whole word or sentence methods for beginners to build a solid foundation for English.


  • 1973年5月无人空间站到达轨道前不久,空气动力压力破了个流星体。 分析:首先,从逻辑上:“空气动力压力扯破了一个流星体”,是不合事理的,荒谬可笑的。

    Shortly before the uninhabited space station reached orbit in .May 1973,aeroaynamic pressure ripped off a meteoroid and heat shield.


  • 对于热衷这些事情乔布斯,更大了点苹果从字面上根本知道我们要什么,为什么我们想要这些,如何传递我们

    For those of who are passionate about these things, Jobs and, by extension, Apple have literally had no idea what we want, why we would want it or how to deliver it to us.


  • “耐呀,”作梦似地继续,“是个上了年纪女人啦:你头发溜肩膀。”

    I see in you, Nelly, 'she continued dreamily,' an aged woman: you have grey hair and bent shoulders.


  • :“美国英国两个国家并不直接依赖俄罗斯能源他们愿意能够俄罗斯采取更为强硬的立场。

    You look at the U.K. and the U.S., not directly dependent on Russian energy - willing and able to take a sharper line with Russia.


  • 一样东西”,着,便匆匆地绕过凌乱摆放屋子装满杂志报纸的袋子,消失在屋子里的中。

    Let me show you, ” he said, and he wound his way through the tumbling stacks of magazines and newspapers scattered around the room and disappeared into the back hall.


  • 比方租房供电就要必须的”的下面,出去电影院贫民窟百万富翁》则应该放在想要的”下面。

    For example, rent and electric would fall under needs, but a trip to the movies to see Slumdog Millionaire would be placed under wants.


  • 马格·列夫这样:“观察结果物种似乎自由别的物种相互作用,物种数量巨大时也是这样。”

    Margalef put it this way: "From empirical evidence it seems that species that interact freely with others do so with a great number of other species."


  • 不过从整体上反弹迹象本市本州经济引擎好消息

    Overall, though, signs of a rebound are 'good news for the engine of our city and state economy,' he said.


  • 如果这些搞错了——鼓吹增加开支人正是这么的——为什么此前的开支并没有带来更好增长更多就业岗位

    If these folks just don't get it, as the spending advocates loudly proclaim, why hasn't all the spending resulted in better growth and more jobs?


  • 过多转向不足转向两个概念理解汽车转弯过程非常重要简单就是汽车的头先失去抓地力

    Oversteer and understeer are vital to understanding the way a car corners. They refer simply to the question of which end of the car runs out of grip first.


  • 过多转向不足转向两个概念理解汽车转弯过程非常重要简单就是汽车的头先失去抓地力

    Oversteer and understeer are vital to understanding the way a car corners.They refer simply to the question of which end of the car runs out of grip first.


  • 大选局势最新民意测验结果告诉史蒂夫·里凯蒂,形势恐怕发生反转

    Two days before the election, as I looked at the map and the latest polls, I told Steve Ricchetti that I was afraid the reverse could occur.


  • 推测如果假设鸟类人类东西的眼光相似,那么它们这样排列目的可能是为了造成一种使院子显得更小自己显得更高大假象

    He speculates that, assuming birds see things in a similar way to humans, the design could create an illusion that makes the court look smaller and males look bigger.


  • 墨菲:“性质形式上这些骨骼创伤同事们以前任何创伤不一样。

    The nature and pattern of these skeletal injuries were unlike anything colleagues and I had seen before, ” Murphy says.


  • 墨菲:“性质形式上这些骨骼创伤同事们以前任何创伤不一样。”

    "The nature and pattern of these skeletal injuries were unlike anything colleagues and I had seen before," Murphy says.


  • 譬如观察份有关中学生大学生健康行为调查后,发现一个孩子是否肥胖最佳预知方法刷牙

    For example, in looking at survey data on the health behavior of middle and high school students, the factor I found that best predicted whether or not a kid was obese was tooth brushing.


  • 一张根本存在照片名字简直让发疯,”

    "Showing someone a picture and a name of someone who doesn't exist drove me crazy," he said.


  • 原因,从心理学上,可能首先列出了最好的技能兴趣,然后向下排列, 你技能兴趣程度也是一样.

    The reason being, psychologically speaking, you’ve probably listed your greatest skills and interests first and then as you started listing them downward, so did your degree of skill and interest.


  • 最好朋友丽萨某些方面富尔顿甚至比以前更加任性无赖了。

    According to best friend Lisa Duboise, Fullerton has in some ways become even more capricious and sadistic.


  • 就是今天股市时,真正价值中的分之三要2020年之后公司盈利股息一半的价值取决于公司2034年之后的表现

    In other words, when you look at the market today, three quarters of its true value is based on what companies will earn and pay out after 2020 and half is based on what they will do after 2034.


  • 海蒂这个解释非常满意,迫不及待的等着第二天的到来那样就可以一次羊群上山太阳公公跟大山晚安。

    Heidi was delighted with this explanation, and could hardly bear to wait for another day to come that she might once more climb up with the goats and see how the sun bid good-night to the mountains.


  • :“从历史,这里属于大城市沿海地带。”

    Historically, it's the big cities and the coastal belt.


  • 单纯某样东西使它变得让人喜欢,也许是因为多了,感到自在安全

    The mere exposure effect is simply seeing something makes it likable perhaps because it becomes comfortable and safe.


  • 他们结论基于中药研究所领导他们保密文件

    Su says their conclusion was backed by classified documents shown to them by tu and officials at her institute.


  • 大卫·哈德利·琼斯鲁比克品牌高级副总裁鲁比克360魔方一样解开又很容易让人玩上瘾,而且光从外表让人误以为应该是很简单的。

    David Hedley Jones, senior vice-president of the Rubik's brand, said that, like the fiendishly difficult but addictive cube, the 360 looks like it should be quite easy.


  • 大卫·哈德利·琼斯鲁比克品牌高级副总裁鲁比克360魔方一样解开又很容易让人玩上瘾,而且光从外表让人误以为应该是很简单的。

    David Hedley Jones, senior vice-president of the Rubik's brand, said that, like the fiendishly difficult but addictive cube, the 360 looks like it should be quite easy.


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