• 部分承认约定变更法定相邻关系内容效力原则

    Acknowledge agreeing on and altering the effect principle of the legal neighbouring relations content partly.


  • 相邻关系传统大陆法系国家民法典一项重要制度。

    So it is worth study in the Peroperty Laws being made in China to standiardize neighboring relationship.


  • 相邻关系传统大陆法系国家民法典一项重要制度

    Neighboringrelationship is an important civil law institution in the traditional civil law system.


  • 理解相邻关系概念时,弄清相邻”的含义尤为重要

    While understanding the concept of the neighbouring relations, it is "adjoint" to clarify Meaning particularly important.


  • 第四部分即完善我国相邻关系环境权利法律保护的思考

    The last part gives some thoughts on perfecting our legal system on the environmental rights in the neighboring relationship.


  • 算法按照空间相邻关系,将空间相邻空间目标聚类成一类。

    The algorithm clusters neighboring spatial objects to a cluster on the neighborhood relation in spatial.


  • 随着相邻关系日趋复杂,因相邻妨害引发民事纠纷日益增多。

    With the neighboring relations being gradually complicated, the civil disputes causing by the civil infringement have been increasing.


  • 当时地役权制度调整不动产相邻关系方面发挥重要作用。

    At that time, the easement system plays an important pole in adjusting the adjacent relation of immovable property.


  • 第二部分比较法诉讼法分析大陆法系国家相邻关系制度情况

    The second part has analyzed the mainland legal system country neighboring relations system situation with the comparison test procedural law.


  • 相邻关系具体描述中,相邻关系相邻两个不同称谓

    As for the specific description of the adjacent relation, there are two different definitions of the adjacent relation and the adjacent rights.


  • 住宅小区相邻关系调整范围包括土地相邻关系建筑物相邻关系

    The adjusting range of the neighbouring relations in the housing district should include land neighbouring relations and neighbouring relations of the building.


  • 长期以来,我国法学界司法实务部门倾向于将相邻关系理解私法关系

    In a long period of time, law circles and judical sections in our country are inclined to interpret adjoining relation as private law relation.


  • 我们提出了一个通过基因网络相邻关系比较确定功能相关基因方法

    We propose a novel method to identify functionally related genes based on comparisons of neighborhoods in gene networks.


  • 第二章最后提及民法相邻关系应对私法领域环境相邻关系问题上的完善。

    In the last part of this chapter, I also mentioned the completion of civil adjoining relation in solving private law adjoining relation problems.


  • 增加第一国家不用考虑相邻关系这时导致地图颜色数量0增加1

    It need not to consider the neighboring relationship when there is only one country. The adding of the first country causes the color number increased from 0 to 1 on the Topology Map.


  • 首先阐述相邻关系相邻概念、“相邻”的范围扩大的必要性相邻特征。

    It firstly expatiates the concept of neighboring relations and neighboring right, the necessity of enlarging the scope of neighboring, and the characters of neighboring right.


  • 海域使用权具有特殊效力涉及到相邻关系地役权问题需要各方面的综合协调。

    Maritime right of use has special effect and involves adjacent relation-ship and easement, so when dealing with it, we must c...


  • 相邻线段:国家之间相邻关系抽象化代表符号,连接具有相邻关系两个国家点的线段

    Line: the abstraction symbol of the neighboring relationship between two neighboring countries. This line can not be crossed or covered except on the two endpoints.


  • 所以公法领域寻求此类相邻关系救济特殊形态,在现阶段具有较大的理论意义实践价值

    Therefore, at the present stage, searching the special form of environment public law adjoining relation relief in public law is of great theoretical significance and practical value.


  • 结果螺旋CT重建技术能够立体地,详尽精确显示颌面部三维骨折解剖结构和相邻关系

    Result It can accurately display the jaw and face fracture anatomise and the relation with other parts with the spiral CT three dimension reconstruction.


  • 笔者本章节独创性概括公法相邻关系特征基础上得出自己对于公法相邻关系所下的概念

    On the basis of summarizing the characteristics of public law adjoining relation, I creatively obtained my version of public law adjoining relation conception.


  • 这种栋大楼居住众多人口楼上楼下相互连接居住形态中,难免使用相邻关系产生很多问题

    In such a large population living in the building, upstairs downstairs interconnection in the form of living will inevitably be a result of the use of adjacent or relationship problems.


  • 相邻关系物权法中的一个非常复杂制度不同视角才能把握复合性质运用多种方法进行调整

    As adjacent relation is a complex system in real Laws, we should interpret its complex character from different perspectives, and use various regulating methods.


  • 相邻关系这样概念所要表达的应该现实生活的一概括抽象,只是这一表述高于实际生活,是经过法学思维加工的。

    The concept of the adjacent relation is the generalization and Abstraction of real life, which is processed by legal thinking and more Abstract than real life.


  • 然而高维数据所逼近或近似的一个低维流形相交时,欧距离意义上的域不能完全反映低维相邻关系,往往难以体现真实的局部线性结构

    However, when the underlying lower-dimensional manifold is self-intersecting at some points, it's difficult to obtain local lower-dimensional structure from the Euclidean neighborhoods.


  • 该项制度产生主要中国古代社会注重维护宗法家族利益精神的影响,也维护乡党利益、处理相邻关系及其赋役征发的法例和习惯等因素有关。

    The origin of this system was affected by the spirit of focusing on consolidating the clan family interest, dealing with the neighborhood relationship, and levying some taxes.


  • 本文介绍这些组成功能以及相邻之间关系

    This article has introduced the compositions and functions of the layers and the relationship between adjacent layers.


  • 一转变相邻的两个大国之间常常紧张关系之中的有益合作了阴影

    The shift casts a shadow over what has been a healthy partnership in an often tense relationship between the giant neighbors.


  • Ghumdhum位于缅甸相邻边界地区,一个偏僻小山包上孟加拉步枪队的哨所。 哨所指挥官Khalilar Rahman:“我们边界那边的缅甸士兵关系处得相当不错”。

    WE HAVE an excellent relationship with the soldiers on the other side,” says Khalilar Rahman, a Bangladesh Rifles commander at a remote outpost on a hillock in Ghumdhum, on the border with Myanmar.


  • 兴趣了解相邻第三世界国家间是如何维持和睦关系的。

    I'm more interested in studying about how to maintain concord between neighboring third-world countries.


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