• 这部照相机内部故障保险装置,可以令照相机在未接收到正确信号无法运行。

    The camera has a built-in failsafe device which prevents it from working if the right signals aren't received.


  • 费格照相机光线昏暗的情况下需要使用闪光灯原因是:闪光照相机传感器提供大量额外光子,光线正是由这种粒子组成的。

    That's why cameras use flashes in low-light environments: the flash gives the camera's sensors an extra dose of photons, the particles that make up light, Fergus says.


  • 是否正在寻找这样一部智能手机或者傻瓜照相机拍出的照片质量要好的数码相机呢?

    Are you looking for a digital camera that does a better job of taking pictures than your smartphone or point-and-shoot camera?


  • 不管照片相机还是电脑合成,结果没有吓人一跳耀眼闪光没有因为照相机闪光太亮产生的多余虚假影像,干净利落的一张照片

    Whether the images are combined directly on a camera or on a computer, the result is a crisp photograph without any of the startling dazzle or unwanted artifacts produced by a bright camera flash.


  • 非同一般的照相机来自世界各地有创意数码相机设计

    Unusual cameras and creative digital camera designs from all over the world.


  • 但是英国汽车协会有关人士看来,该国在对测速照相机的使用上较之于其他欧洲国家来说要公平,后者经常那些照相机进行伪装甚至是隐藏

    But the AA motoring organization said the system of speed camera enforcement in Britain was a lot fairer than other European countries where the cameras are often disguised or hidden.


  • 朋友你们装有暗藏的照相机吗?有一晚间新闻见到过这种相机成的影片。

    Friend: Do you have hidden cameras, too? I saw the films from one once on the evening news.


  • 照相机一个LED闪光灯夜晚距离相片时很有用,但是照相机本身迟缓对焦拍照比较慢

    The camera has an LED flash, which helps at close range at night, but the camera itself is balky and slow to focus and fire.


  • 维尔强调:“造出拍摄如此图像照相机,这项任务照相机本身了不起的成就。”

    Making a camera capable of taking such quick images was an achievement in and of itself, Dwyer emphasized.


  • 大多数业余摄影师希望口袋里东西寻觅商机照相机供应商们面临一个艰难的困境:如何和手机照相机较劲。

    But most casual photographers want something to stash in a pocket. Vendors seeking their business have a tougher task: matching the capabilities of phone cameras.


  • 幅图像由哈勃存档数据合成而来,这些数据来自视野2号行星照相机高级测量照相机

    This image is a composite of archival Hubble data taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 幅图像由哈勃存档数据合成而来,这些数据来自宽视野2行星照相机高级测量照相机

    This image is a composite of archival Hubble data taken with the WideField Planetary Camera 2 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 人物摄影师阿诺德·盖斯发现自己工作室里所有照相机掉落灰泥砸烂了,他借了一个柯达相机记录当时中混乱不堪的景象。

    After finding that falling plaster had smashed all the cameras in his studio, portrait photographer Arnold Genthe borrowed a small Kodak and recorded the devastation as it overtook the city.


  • 幅图像轨道探测照相机(LROC)拍摄包括一对窄角照相机一个广角照相机

    This image was taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter camera, or LROC, which consists of a pair of narrow-angle cameras and a single wide-angle camera.


  • 哈勃太空望远镜一代照相机——广角相机3号(WFC3),改变了上述状况,相机是2009年安装上去的。

    The Hubble's new Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), mounted on the space telescope in 2009, changed all that.


  • 瑞士生产的一35毫米微型胶片照相机隐藏这块改装过的烟丝相机上的发条装置会在曝光过程中向前推动胶卷。

    A miniature 35mm film camera manufactured in Switzerland was concealed in this modified tobacco pouch. A spring-wound mechanism advanced the film between exposures.


  • 以前照相机,而如今,一些好的照相机到可以装口袋里。

    Cameras were once big and bulky.Today, really good cameras fit in your pocket.


  • 想想电话照相机组合起来手表照相机组合起来,完全接照市场要求确定如何包装这些东西

    You know putting the phone and the camera together, bringing the wristwatch a camera together, and it'll be completely up to the market to decide exactly how they'd like to see these things packaged.


  • 寻觅商机照相机供应商们面临一个艰难的困境:如何和手机照相机较劲。

    Vendors seeking their business have a tougher task: matching the capabilities of phone cameras.


  • 由广角行星照相机2高级巡天照相机拍摄哈勃综合数据档案

    A composite of archival Hubble data taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 全场最引人注目的展品,必定全球古老照相机。 那部照相机法国尼埃普斯博物馆借出,外壳是一个木制同时亦联同超过20个早期镜头一起展出。

    The world's first camera, a sliding wooden box, along with over 20 cameras of early times were borrowed from the Nicephore Niepce Museum.


  • 眼由环绕球场照相机组成,一端照相机

    Hawk-Eye involves 10 cameras placed around the court, with five looking at each end.


  • 售货员照相机真是价格低廉但是他却相机由于构造上缺陷所以停产型号。 他话里的threwsomebodyacurve 意思是耍花招骗人。

    4:The salesman threw me a curve when he told me it was a real bargain, but he didn't say that the camera was a discontinued model because of its inbuilt defect.


  • 立刻拿出照相机便永远相机里。

    I immediately took out the camera for a shot, he would always "stay" in my camera.


  • 目前GivenImaging公司无线照相机临床试验阶段用于结肠检查,他们正在研制另一款对进行检查的照相机

    Now Given Imaging is in clinical trials with a wireless camera for inspecting the colon, and is developing another for the stomach.


  • 美国的小猫Cooper的主人将一个照相机它的脖子上,这样Cooper天天出去玩的时候,照相机会自动每分钟拍一张照片

    Fitted with a timer-operated camera on his collar Cooper takes a picture every two minutes capturing everything from a cat's eye view.


  • 萨姆买不起的那种照相机因为相机贵了

    Sam could not afford (to buy) the camera he longed for because it was too expensive.


  • 萨姆买不起的那种照相机因为相机贵了

    Sam could not afford (to buy) the camera he longed for because it was too expensive.


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