• 他们使用一种相对新的X技术检测矿石样品

    They had been using a relatively new technology called X-ray spectroscopy, and they were using this to examine an ore sample.


  • 获得(H . pylori)样品相对不易需要胃部活解剖

    But getting a sample of H. pylori is relatively difficult, as it requires a stomach biopsy.


  • 这种新型玻璃合金首批样品相对而言很小直径厘米的玻璃

    The first samples of this new metallic glass were relatively small glass rods just a millimeter in diameter.


  • 不过胎盘相对普通样品领域专家主要检查而是一般病理学家

    However, placentas are relatively common specimens and are not examined primarily by specialists in the field, but by general pathologists.


  • 任何重大延误形式不论所有样品延误样品相对其它可以大大降低质量声音信号重现尽头传送。

    Any significant form of delay, whether delay of all samples or one sample relative to the other, can significantly degrade the quality of the voice signal recreated at the far end of the transmission.


  • 另外样品制备随着相对湿度增加,测得的碳纤维拉伸强度逐渐降低

    In addition, CF tensile strength decreased with relative humidity during preparation of specimens.


  • 结果表明不同气体样品,单次测定的相对标准偏差0 2 % ,氘丰度测量0 2 %误差范围内可信的。

    The results indicate:relative standard deviations are better than 0.2% for gas samples of different deuterium abundance. Measure value is believable in the error range of 0.2%.


  • 采用所设计微型CT系统有机玻璃标准样品进行三维重建结果表明微型CT系统具有较高精度,重建相对偏差0.6%以内。

    The micro-CT system is used to reconstruct a Lucite sample first and the result shows that the system has a high precision, the relative error of reconstruction is under 0.6%.


  • 种是测定相对年龄,通过与其他样品比较确定待测样品的年龄。

    Relative dating assesses the age of a specimen in comparison to other specimens.


  • 自动器重复性测试一般取同一样品溶液至少重复进样10相对标准偏差不大于1%。

    During automatic sampler repeatability test, a homogenous solution shall be at least sampled and injected for 10 times, and the RSD of results shall not be greater than 1%.


  • 对于样品中的主要组分测定相对标准偏差控制1%以内,对微量组分可控制在10%以内。

    The relative standard deviation of the measurements could be controlled to be less than 1 % for major components and less than 10% for minor components in the solid samples.


  • 稳态条件下,利用该方法测定湿样品、水三相相对渗透率

    Three-phase relative permeability of oil, gas and water for a number of water wet sandstone. core samples has been measured by this method in steady state condition.


  • 相对代表供货样品而言,通常通过试验方法试样含水量进行更为可靠的测定。

    It will generally measure the moisture in the test sample more reliably than the sample can be made to represent the aggregate supply.


  • 通过标准样品多次测定,测定保证值范围内相对标准差0 7%,准确度,精密度好。

    Test result in many times indicated that the detection value was all in the control limit. The relative standard deviation was 0 . 7% with high accuracy .


  • 对于帕克q相对1毫升样品环管得到浓缩因子为500。

    For Poropak Q a concentration factor 500 was obtained compared to a 1 cc sample loop.


  • 具体给出了相对灵敏度因子确定样品元素(绝对相对)含量计算公式

    A formula is deduced to calculate the contents (absolute or relative) of some elements in a sample by internal standard method with the aid of relative sensitivity factors.


  • 系统确保测量之前样品可以快速准确地调整至一个固定温度相对湿度

    The system ensures that samples are quickly and correctly conditioned at a fixed temperature and relative humidity prior to their measurement.


  • 检验分析数据的可靠性,同时对研制单位提供两种质控样品进行了分析,测量结果的平均值给出吻合很好,相对误差小于3%。

    Two certificated reference samples are used for verification of the analysis. The analytical results are in agreement with the recommended values, and the relative error is less than 3%.


  • 并测试样品相对介电常数相对率,研究了它们电磁损耗特性

    The electromagnetic loss property was studied by the relative dielectric constant and relative magnetic permeability of the ferrites.


  • 通过工业醇各组分相对重量校正因子样品进样区间研究,建立一种用毛细管相色谱测定工业糠方法

    A capillary gas chromatography method for determination furfuryl alcohol was established through studying correction factors and range of sample size.


  • 测试样品相对介电常数相对率后,研究了它们的电磁损耗特性

    The electromagnetic loss property was studied by the relative dielectric constant and relative magnetic permeability of the above three ferrites.


  • 收集相对容易提取出彗星样品不同星际尘埃要困难得多。

    Whereas the cometary samples are relatively easy to extract from the collector plates, that is not the case for the interstellar dust samples.


  • 本法测定锰矿标样(冶金部标准样品505)中二氧化硅含量,其测定结果相对标准偏差RSD为1.08%,测定平均值为33.93%(标样推荐33.58%)。

    The standard sample(metallurgy department standard sample 505)was measured by this method with the RSD of 1.08% and the mean content value of 33.93%(recommendation value of standard sample is 33.58%).


  • 结果表明本法实际茶叶样品测定时,相对标准偏差小于4 %,回收率为94.5%-101.8%。测定茶叶标准样品时结果与标准值相符。

    The results indicated that the relative standard deviation is less than 4% and the recovery is in the range of 94. 5%-101. 8% by this method.


  • 种是测定相对年龄通过与其他的样品的比较来确定待样品的年龄。

    Absolute dating involves assessing the actual age of a specimen by using some reliable measure to time.


  • 预测样品预测平均相对偏差为3.2%。

    The average relative deviation of the predication set was 3.2%.


  • 用谱线宽度方法定量检测了硅样品含量为70%铋,相对误差小于7.15%,相对标准偏差5.85%。

    The quantitative determination of 70% bismuth in silicon-bismuth samples were completed by line width method. The relative error is less than 7.15%, the relative standard deviation is 5.85%.


  • 用谱线宽度方法定量检测了硅样品含量为70%铋,相对误差小于7.15%,相对标准偏差5.85%。

    The quantitative determination of 70% bismuth in silicon-bismuth samples were completed by line width method. The relative error is less than 7.15%, the relative standard deviation is 5.85%.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定