• 可以编写更多程序处理这个文件显示相关用户联系人信息职位其他所需字段

    Further programs can be written to process this file and display the relevant user contact information, job title, or other desired fields.


  • 它能处理200多种不同ibm产品日志文件允许这些产品的日志条目进行排序筛选相关分析操作。

    It processes the log files of over 200 different IBM products and enables you to sort, filter, correlate, and analyze log entries from these products.


  • 任务上下文处理任务需要引用所有文件搜索结果其它相关信息

    Your task's context is all of the files, search results, and other relevant information you need to refer to while working on the task.


  • 请求中提取关键,请求传递处理层,后者用于检索xML文件相关测试数据

    This layer extracts key values provided in the request that will be passed to the process layer responsible for retrieving the associated test data XML files.


  • 符号标识目的XML处理格式系统容易找到helper应用程序,该应用程序处理符号相关文件类型

    Notation identifiers are designed to make it easy for an XML processing or formatting system to locate a helper application that will handle the types of files associated with that notation.


  • 就是说需要访问属性文件用户需要使用LotusNotesclient处理词汇表数据库因而可以显著减少相关成本

    That is, users who need to access the properties files do not need to use the Lotus Notes client to work on the glossary databases, and related costs can be significantly reduced as a consequence.


  • 除了执行指令之外,进程有时还管理打开文件处理上下文地址空间以及程序相关数据

    Apart from executing its instructions, a process might be engaged in managing open files, processor context, address space, and data related to the program, among other things.


  • 同时模块一个容器其中可以包含处理程序第三方、模块相关资源模块配置文件

    In the meantime, module is a self container where it contains handlers, third-party libraries, module related resources and the module configuration file.


  • 除非处理程序能够准确地导出文件中抽取所有相关信息,否则继续尝试建立SOAP请求没有什么意义

    It is pointless to forge ahead and try to build a SOAP request until the pre-processor can accurately extract all relevant information from the export file.


  • 下面一些文件提供可用处理频率相关信息

    Next are some files that provide information about the available processor frequencies.


  • 可以处理相关,例如有这样规则如果文件修改,那么必须通过重新编译文件来重新生成对应目标文件

    It can handle dependencies, such as the rule that if a source file is modified, its corresponding object file must be regenerated by recompiling the source.


  • 这些可以处理输出队列后台打印文件回答后台打印文件消息执行其他打印相关任务

    These classes can also work with output queues and spooled files, answer messages for spooled files and do other print related tasks.


  • 日志进行解析可能一项非常复杂处理过程,并且解析结果质量很大程度上取决于日志格式以及在解析文件获取相关信息的过程中所涉及复杂程度。

    Parsing the logs can be a complicated process, and the quality of the results largely depend on the format of the log and the complexity involved in parsing the file for information.


  • 指定时间间隔相关信息记录一个全局文件中,然后可以事后文件进行处理显示计算机相关信息,该工具正是以这种方式为您提供帮助。

    This works by recording information at specific intervals into a global file that can then be post processed to display information about the machine.


  • 配额处理相关消息同时MicrosoftWindowsNT策略UNIX文件系统处理

    Messages relating to quota processing, both by Microsoft Windows NT policy and the UNIX file system.


  • 处理逻辑这样的:如果存在一个列示相关ami文件只需读取文件每个id调用describe ('ami - id ')。

    The processing logic is that if a file listing the relevant AMIs exists, you simply read that file and call describe (' ami-id ') for each id.


  • rcp://协议相关处理文件触发后将执行 URIClient.main()。

    URIClient.main() is executed when triggered by the batch file associated with the rcp:// protocol.


  • 可以设想这种类型(etreeiterator类型)运行时使用到只一些概要文件标题处理相关地方。

    It is envisioned that such types (like ETreeIterator) will be used only in conjunction with some sort of programmatic manipulation of the profile at the runtime.


  • 处理文件正常工作之前必须确保所有相关JAR文件复制standalone\lib目录中

    You must ensure that all the dependent JAR files are copied into the standalone\lib directory before the batch file will work properly.


  • standalone目录中还有一个run. bat处理文件,该文件设置classpath访问相关jar文件

    Batch file in the standalone subdirectory that will set up the classpath to access the dependent library JAR files. This batch file contains.


  • 虽然二人并未结婚为了和平分手,一位洛杉矶律师本月早些时候已在处理相关文件包括如何处置二人超过2亿美元的巨额财产。

    The couple is not married, but documents were filed with a Los Angeles lawyer earlier this month to help with a smooth separation, including how to deal with their assets worth more than $200m.


  • 买方需要相关文件卖方以便处理滞期费相关时间表目的船长代理签字证明书仅参考

    Buyer will dispatch following documents to seller for demurrage dispatch settlement nor time sheet and statement of fact duly signed shipmaster and vessel agent at loading port and tendered.


  • 协助操作人员处理机台警报产品异常机台参数优化记录相关文件表单,协助包装生产产品

    Assist production operators if alert on machine. Optimize the parameter if defects on products and record on documents, package finish goods.


  • 制定质量相关文件例如处理实验室清洁度实验室制定检验指导书检测设备使用指导书等。

    Create quality related documents, e. g. inspection work instruction, testing machine work instruction for heat treatment lab and cleanliness lab.


  • 根据设计图纸相关技术标准要求负责产品处理焊接工艺文件撰写

    According to the requirement of the construction drawings and related technical specifications, responsible for heat treatment and welding document writing of the products and PQR.


  • 接近产成品文件资料处理贴签封存时仅限于相关指定工作人员或者跟随有指定工作人员的人才可靠近。

    Access to finished product, documentation, data processing, seal storage and labeling must be restricted only to authorized personnel, or personnel physically accompanied by authorized personnel.


  • 警务信息界面显示主要根据构件配置文件属性调用界面构件库中的相关构件,驱动事件处理构件来完成。

    According to the attribute of component configuration document, police information is displayed by calling the components from interface component repository and driving component of Event handling.


  • 这个网页包含了一些课程使用处理设计相关文件同时包含了作业中用得上C程式语言概论

    This section contains documentation on the processor design that is used in the course, as well as an overview of the C programming language, which is also used in the assignments.


  • FDA仿制办公室药业公司相关行业提供协助对于具有“受控文件”特性的大量问题作为受控信息处理

    FDA's Office of Generic Drugs provides assistance to pharmaceutical firms and related industry regarding a variety of questions posed as "controlled documents."


  • FDA仿制办公室药业公司相关行业提供协助对于具有“受控文件”特性的大量问题作为受控信息处理

    FDA's Office of Generic Drugs provides assistance to pharmaceutical firms and related industry regarding a variety of questions posed as "controlled documents."


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