• 相信此活动欢声笑语结束

    I believe this event in the midst of the laughter in the end.


  • 我们相信邮件及其任何附件均不包含病毒其他损害

    This email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect.


  • 使用这个建议听众相信研究方案可行的。

    I would also use this proposal to convince my audience that this research proposal is feasible.


  • 产品当前净水器硬水软化最好过滤甘甜爽口相信产品是理想的

    The product is the best current water softening water purifiers, water filtration, sweet and refreshing, I believe that this product is an ideal election you select.


  • 虽然上世纪取得人类历史上伟大的科学成就,但科学家们相信世界还会取得更大成功

    Although last century saw the greatest scientific achievements in human history, scientists believe the present century will see till greater success.


  • 如果中场潜力继续被质疑那么现在,艾莱克斯·弗格森爵士似乎至少还能相信-福斯特能力替代范德萨

    If the potency of the new midfield remains questionable, it appears so far that Sir Alex Ferguson was at least right to trust in Ben Foster's ability to replace Edwin van der Sar in goal.


  • 简直不敢相信那么地正经像那些私校毕业生似的。

    I couldn't believe how straight-looking he was, how preppy.


  • 相信人性

    He believes that humans are innately violent.


  • 相信安娜感激笔记给了

    I'm sure Anna will be thankful that you have given me her notebook.


  • 天,卖供猫食用的肉的商贩对他说:“你为什么不停止为人类看病,转而为动物看病呢?我相信你对动物的了解比大多数兽医还要多。你写了一关于猫的好书。我会把所有带着生病的猫狗的人都送到你这里来。”

    One day, the cat's-meat-man said to him, "Why don't you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead? I'm sure that you know a lot about animals-more than most vets. You wrote a wonderful book about cats. I'd send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."


  • 完成还远着呢,但是正如专栏中声明的,我相信实际出发测试软件发现需要改进的方面。

    It's far from complete, but as I have often stated in this column, I believe in pragmatically testing software to find out what needs to be improved.


  • 相信改变这种状况的关键转折点国内生物燃料的制造同样知道这种燃料无法玉米大豆中提炼

    Gibbons believes domestically produced biofuels are a key component for that turnaround, but he also knows that it can't all come from corn and soybeans.


  • 但是一些人相信,无论结果是还是上网能够戏剧性重塑高科技行业

    But some believe netbooks also have the power to dramatically reshape the tech sector, for better or worse.


  • 虽然相信任何他们推荐书籍很精彩,但为了保险起见,我认为他们一同推荐的书籍很伟大

    While I believe a book which is recommended by any of them is good, I think it’s safe to say that a book which is recommended by both of them is great.


  • 著作的作者相信对于灾难的预测言过其实了

    The authors believe that predictions of catastrophe are overstated.


  • 所有这些举措都是为了保障营销活动的成效,有人相信《消失的符号》的销量会接近罗琳最新哈利·波特》——该书开售售出了350万

    It was all to safeguard a marketing campaign which some believe could come close to achieving sales on a par with Rowling's last Harry Potter book, which sold 3.5m copies in its first eight days.


  • 我们相信美联储伯南克迎战恐慌

    In Fed We Trust: Ben Bernanke's War on the Great Panic.


  • 同时我们Ruth姑妈公寓中看到了介绍巴黎并且提到加拿大使我们理由相信Ruth姑妈可以说法语。

    Also, we see a Tout Paris book in Aunt Ruth's apartment, and mentions of Canada, which leads us to believe that Aunt Ruth can speak French.


  • 正如其先驱---传奇精神病学家R.D. Laing陶也相信精神病的患者需要是理解支持尊重

    Like the legendary “anti-psychiatrist” R.D. Laing before him, Bentall believes that people with mental health problems need understanding, support and respect.


  • 会说韩语出版过讲述自己信仰的文章“为什么相信”。

    He speaks Korean and has published an essay about his beliefs calledWhy I Believe”.


  • 不过非常相信好书,所以我开始到处去敲门。

    However, I was so convinced it was a great book that I started knocking on doors.


  • 推荐亚当斯的另,《河流同行对话与摄影》,书中,几乎相信多罗西·兰格一位沃克。艾旺斯优秀的摄影师

    I would also recommend Adams' book, Along Some Rivers, Conversations and Photographs, in which he almost convinced me that Dorothea Lange was a better photographer than Walker Evans.Almost.


  • 推荐亚当斯的另,《河流同行对话与摄影》,书中,几乎相信多罗西·兰格一位沃克艾旺斯优秀摄影师

    I would also recommend Adams' book, Along Some Rivers, Conversations and Photographs, in which he almost convinced me that Dorothea Lange was a better photographer than Walker Evans. Almost.


  • 常常一些客户留下研讨会文集演讲稿要了解更多信息,于是相信对于他们是非常有帮助的。

    I believed that writing a book would be beneficial for clients who often left my seminars and speeches wanting more information. And, I'd even made some feeble attempts to get started.


  • 牛顿身后留下关于这些研究极为大量的记录相信其中绝大部分现存书籍手稿的阐释和复制,但也有广泛的实验记录。

    Newton has left behind him a vast mass of records of these studies. I believe that the greater part are translations and copies made by him of existing books and manuscripts.


  • 如果50笔记笔记砸个粉碎相信它们都不会在乎

    If you took your laptop and smashed it in front of 50 other laptops, trust me, none of them would care.


  • 很多年以后杰希杂志上读到体温过低的相信他们是得要死,而不是相反。

    Years later Jesse read in a magazine that people dying of hypothermia did such a thing, believing heat, not the cold, was killing them.


  • 然而弗里德曼刘易斯舒尔茨还有其他芝加哥人都相信了一重要

    However, Friedman, Lewis, Schultz, and others at Chicago were confident I had written an important book.


  • 然而弗里德曼刘易斯舒尔茨还有其他芝加哥人都相信了一重要

    However, Friedman, Lewis, Schultz, and others at Chicago were confident I had written an important book.


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