• 他们相信画中的动物那个时代象征精神生活中心

    They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times.


  • 他们相信画上动物那个时代象征精神生活中心人们心中代表着某种深刻和精神的东西的动物

    They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times, animals that represented something deep and spiritual to the people.


  • 相信动物代表的形象,他们认为老虎百兽之王,可以保护他们的孩子。

    The ancient people believed images of the animals, which were thought of as the king of beasts, could protect their children.


  • 科学家们相信岛上生物大陆桥消失之后与世隔绝,或者第一到来动物攀爬过被大风吹倒的大树,然后漂流到岛上的。

    Scientists believe that creatures on the island were cut off after a land bridge disappeared or that the first animals arrived there on a form of natural rafts that were blown out to sea.


  • 相信现在途径适合我、动物地球的。

    I believe that the path I am on now is what is right forme, the animals and the planet.


  • 然而,令一些人感到惊讶普林斯顿大学IainCouzin相信人们低等的、活动的动物中学到东西。

    It may come as a surprise to some,therefore, that Iain Couzin of Princeton University believes they havesomething to learn from lesser creatures that move about in a large crowd.


  • 赛布研究领域内,一个少有例外相信人脑其它动物的大脑有相似之处,这至少表明一些动物确实感情的。

    Within his field, Panksepp is a rare exception, who believes that similarities between the brains of humans and other animals suggest that at least some creatures have true feelings.


  • 科学家相信美人鱼实际上一种名叫海牛动物

    It is believed by scientists that mermaids were actually an animal called the manatee.


  • 如果我们真的相信因果报应,那么我们人类趣地活令人约束和厌恶条件我们强迫动物在同样条件下生活的行为导致的后果也就不足为奇了。

    And if we really do believe that we reap what we sow, it’s hard to argue with the claim that we humans live in cramped, ugly conditions with no joy because that is what we force animals to do.


  • 无论如何,古德(1965年获得博士学位)相信动物尤其人类关系密切猩猩没有性格一派胡言。

    In any case, Goodall (who got her PhD in 1965) believes it is simple nonsense to say that animals, particularly chimpanzees which are so closely related to humans, do not have personalities.


  • 事实上令人不敢相信只蜜蜂毫克大小的可以哺乳动物一样执行诸如迷宫景观导航任务

    Indeed, it is humbling to think that a honeybee, with its milligram-size brain, can perform tasks such as navigating mazes and landscapes on a par with mammals.


  • 比如有人同样论点,比如相信鲸鱼哺乳动物,我过去认为鲸鱼,鲸鱼显然鱼,吗?

    Say somebody was making the same argument, say I didn't believe whales were mammals, I thought whales are fish, whales are obviously fish aren't they?


  • 传染性面部肿瘤袋獾迅速蔓延人们相信,其结果导致这种世界最大食肉动物的数量降低了60%以上。

    An infectious facial cancer is spreading rapidly among Tasmanian devils and populations of the world's largest marsupial predator are believed to have fallen by more than 60% as a result.


  • 许多热心人士都认为大脚怪真实存在的,尽管目前并没有任何证据使灵长类动物相信。 灵长类动物学家研究灵长类动物的,例如人类

    Plenty of enthusiasts believe Bigfoot is real, though there isn’t any evidence that would be convincing to a primatologist– a scientist who studies primates, such as apes and humans.


  • 最爱的一件t(当然这会儿啊)我好不容易才赢到的食草动物组织t恤,相信我穿着绝对舒适,舒服死了。

    My favorite T-shirt, at the moment, is my worn Herbivore Cross T-shirt, which is so comfortable.


  • 仍旧有2/5美国人拒绝接受人类动物享有共同的组先的观点他们宁愿相信他们过去的10,000年前创造他们现在样子

    Yet two-fifths of Americans still refuse to accept that human beings share a common ancestry with animals, preferring to believe that they were created in their present form in the past 10, 000 years.


  • 中国传说中人们相信极其有力的动物它们驱除家庭灾难火灾失窃邪恶

    In Chinese legend, people believed that tiger is an extremely powerful animals, they can expel the family of the three major disasters: fire, theft and evil.


  • 相信不管男人女人,很少愿意捕捉按住其中一头羊牛,并他们亲自去宰杀动物,从而使他们可以到肉。

    I presume that very few men and very few women would be willing to go and catch hold either sheep or of oxen and themselves slaughter the creatures in order that they may eat.


  • 人们愿意相信自己动物他们认为其他生物不同,人类高级

    People don't want to believe they are animals. They think that humans are different and more advanced than the other living beings.


  • 不过相信动物试验必要的继续有利于人类新的和美好的方式

    However, I am convinced that animal testing is necessary, and that it will continue to benefit humans in new and wonderful ways.


  • 相信比较高级动物比较低级动物进化而来的学说

    I believe in the theory that the higher animals developed from the lower ones.


  • 相信九条可能碁于只猫有大多数其他动物更具顽强生命事实

    The belief that a cat has nine lives is probably based on the fact that a cat is more tenacious of life than most other animals.


  • 相信如果动物你好即使对方猫。

    I believe if you are nice to an animal, it will be nice to you, too, even if it's a cat.


  • 不管海豚动物多么聪明相信它们具有救生动机可能错误的。

    However intelligent they may be, it is probably a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of lifesaving.


  • 长久以来狒狒一直公认人类脑部结构相似的动物因此我们有理由相信这个实验的结果正向人类敲响警钟。

    The study is particularly significant because baboons are one of the best animal models for the human brain.


  • 长久以来狒狒一直公认人类脑部结构相似的动物因此我们有理由相信这个实验的结果正向人类敲响警钟。

    The study is particularly significant because baboons are one of the best animal models for the human brain.


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