• 结果表明相位测量理论误差零,幅度测量的理论误差可用修正系数消除,且使用低位数的DA转换器,得到准确度的结果。

    The results show that the phase error of the vector measurement is zero, and amplitude errors can be eliminated, and high measurement accuracy can be obtained by using low bit D/A converter.


  • 干涉型光纤传感器实用化设计过程中,相位随机漂移补偿信号下出现的消除关键问题之一

    During the design of a practical interferometric fiber-optic sensor, one of the key problems is to compensate phase random shifting and eliminate frequency doubling caused by strong signal.


  • 系统频率特性进行了分析,表明基于技术的微加速度计系统工作频段噪声能够得到有效消除具有近似的线性相位

    The analyses of frequency characteristic of the system demonstrate that the noise in effective frequency band is eliminated and the phase of the system is approximately linear.


  • 利用改进积分算法克服了积分器直流漂移初始问题消除滤波器幅值相位偏差

    The DC drift and initial problems of pure integrator were overcome, and the magnitude and the phase error of one-order low pass filter eliminated by using a novel integration method.


  • 相位失配误差测量系统主要误差提高仪器精度很难消除一误差。

    The phase mismatch error is the main error source of sound intensity measurement system. It is difficult to eliminate this error only by upgrading the accuracy of instrument.


  • 针对非最小相位系统,将系统耦合作用视为可测干扰采用前馈方法予以消除

    For a non_minimum phase system, the interaction of the system is viewed as measurable disturbance and decoupled using feedforward strategy.


  • 相位共轭腔能消除波前畸变介质扰动,从而提高输出激光束的性能和质量

    Phase conjugate resonators offer the potential to increase laser output and improve beam quality by virtue of their ability to correct for severe intracavity aberrations.


  • 提出采用载波相位超前技术消除其不利影响。

    A carrier phase advance technique was developed to solve this problem.


  • 相位干涉仪测向系统中,通常认为基线倾角相位影响可以通过几何投影的方法得到等效基线来消除的。

    In the system of measuring Angle of phase interferometer, it is considered that the impact brought by baseline obliquity on phase can be eliminated by equivalent baseline from geometric projection.


  • 文中针对一种高速运算放大器ad713的自进行了测试,并且通过相位滞后补偿网络消除自激振荡工作稳定

    As high speed operation amplifier AD713 is example, self-excited oscillation is tested, phase compensate network is offered and the result is stable.


  • 方法采用相位敏感方法消除相位误差,保存反转恢复序列中磁化矢量极性

    Methods The phase sensitive method was used to remove the phase errors and restore the polarity of theinversionrecovery data .


  • 利用椭圆函数滤波器陡的过渡带特性设计前向后向滤波器,消除由于IIR滤波器造成滤波后的数据相位非线性失真

    A back and forward filter with steeper transitional band was designed of ellipse function. It can remove nonlinear phase distortion caused by IIR filter.


  • 消除电磁耦合之后又计算相位激电响应相位剩余电磁响应。

    After removing the em couple, calculate the phase pure IP response and the phase remained em response.


  • 利用主动相位补偿有效地消除干涉仪系统相位漂移

    The random shifting of the initiative phase noise is suppressed through the passive phase compensating method.


  • 为了有效消除静态效应,提出一种静态校正方法——相位滑动滤波具体阐述了带相位的滑动滤波法的算法思想

    This paper proposes a new method, moving filtering having phase method, to static correct CSAMT, and elaborates the concept of moving filtering having phase algorithm specifically.


  • 本文分析测量相位产生系统误差原因提出消除系统误差方法

    This paper analyses the cause of systematic error while testing phase difference and give methods of removing them.


  • 研制过程中采取主要技术措施改进闸管触发电路消除触发脉冲相位对称;采用霍尔元件作为电流检测元件,能检测出变压器的实际电流值;

    In the developing course, the main technique measures are: improving the trigger circuit of thyristors to eliminate the unsymmetry of the trigger pulse phase;


  • 传统条纹相位去包裹方法比较, 该方法能够消除光载频、物体边缘阴影盲点影响

    In comparison with the traditional algorithm, it can remove the discontinuous influence of the carrier frequency, object edge, shadow and blind spots.


  • 相对而言它们路径消除效应的影响,例如返回反射直接路径信号不同相位时,降低接收机中的信号强度

    They are relatively immune to multipath cancellation effects, such as when a strong reflected wave arrives out of phase with the direct path signal, reducing the signal strength in the receiver.


  • 发明优点在于提供了消除方波小数倍相位误差方法方法较小代价有效地提高时间测量精度

    The invention has the advantages that a method for eliminating decimal phase error of square wave is provided, and the method effectively improves the time measuring precision with lower cost.


  • 运放参数测试电路采用辅助放大器测试设计,通过相位补偿网络消除电路激现象

    The main test circuit adopts the auxiliary amplifier method with phase compensation circuits in order to avoid self-excitation.


  • 提出新的消除激光二极管正弦相位调制干涉仪中光强调制影响干涉仪,给出具体理论分析。

    To decrease the effect of the intensity modulation of the LD on measurement accuracy, a novel LD-SPM fiber-optic interferometer is presented, and the theory of the interferometer is analyzed.


  • 提出新的消除激光二极管正弦相位调制干涉仪中光强调制影响干涉仪,给出具体理论分析。

    To decrease the effect of the intensity modulation of the LD on measurement accuracy, a novel LD-SPM fiber-optic interferometer is presented, and the theory of the interferometer is analyzed.


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