• 个体途径包括怀疑方法、反思方法批判方法对话方法直觉方法诗化方法

    Individual approach includes skeptical method, "nachdenken", critical method, dialogue, intuition and poetic method.


  • 然而,反直觉方法直觉方法 更难采用, 因为大脑告诉你,这些直觉方法不对的,倾向于使用直觉方法

    The trouble with counter-intuitive methods is that they are harder to adopt than intuitive ones; your brain is constantly telling you that they are not right and to get back to the intuitive ones.


  • 因此管理人员应该采取一种似乎有违直觉方法——他们说明如果公司未能抓住特定机会可能遭受怎样损失

    Managers should therefore adopt an approach that appears counterintuitivethey should explain what stands to be lost if the company fails to seize a particular opportunity.


  • 一方面,也曾有个直觉认为本地方法调用性能影响仍然很可观

    I, on the other hand, had an intuition that the performance of local method calls was still significant.


  • 通过要“帮助蚊子不是消灭他们也许可以成为根除疟疾方法。 这一种令人愉悦,而又违反直觉想法即使可能使你晚上更多蚊子叮咬

    The idea that helping mosquitoes, rather than destroying them, may be the way to eradicate malaria is pleasingly counterintuitive, even if it would mean more mosquito bites at night.


  • 科学家仍然知道最好训练认知直觉方法或者哪一种才是适合的。

    Scientists still don’t know the best way to train perceptual intuition, or which specific principles it’s best suited for.


  • 这个方法生成编译组件数量运行时回收垃圾也更少,因此,高兴相信了直觉认为真正问题没有得到回答。

    It ends up with less components to compile at build time and less garbage to collect at runtime, so I am really glad you trusted your intuition that the real question was not being answered.


  • 同样可能许多这样工作基于定性甚至直觉方法(这些方法不会那些面临非常复杂问题企业服务)执行的。

    It is equally likely that much of this work is carried out based on qualitative, even intuitive approaches that will not serve an organization that faces very complex problems.


  • 科学家仍然知道最好训练认知直觉方法或者哪一种才是适合的。

    Scientists still don't know the best way to train perceptual intuition, or which specific principles it's best suited for.


  • 章节章节重点帮助建立编程以及解决问题方法直觉对你的将来是至关重要的。

    The main purpose of this chapter and the one that follows is to help build your intuition about programming and problem solving, which is far more important in the long run.


  • 我们早期一些直觉可能的,一些可能需要调整有些方法可能被证明不靠谱。

    Some of our early intuition will prove right, some will need fine tuning, and some ideas will prove off-base.


  • 除了直觉经验外,还有一种方法可以我们来决定界定设计原则

    Apart from our gut feelings and experience there's a method that could help us decide, define design principles.


  • 他们必要学习一种直觉价值整体分析方法换言之右脑思维方式市场行销意识

    What left-brain MBA students need to be taught is the value of an intuitive, holistic approach. In other words, right-brain thinking and marketing sense.


  • Kruchten提出三个主要构架来源:拿取,方法以及直觉如图1所阐述的那样。

    Kruchten suggests that there are three main sources of architecture: theft, method, and intuition, as illustrated in Figure 1.


  • 这种方法假设每个人直觉知道怎么管理

    This method assumes that everyone intuitively knows how to manage.


  • 许多相信直觉3精神力量形式,一种解释奥秘有关世界未来之特异知识方法

    Many people believe that intuition (see #3) is a form of psychic power, a way of accessing arcane or special knowledge about the world or the future.


  • 句格言对于早期应用程序非常合理,验证原来直觉更好因为开发项目可以适当情况下选择适当的方法

    This axiom is reasonable for "legacy" applications, but it would be better to verify my original intuition so that new development projects could choose the right approach for the right situation.


  • 我们发现一种虽然确实违反直觉,但极其有效的方法获取保持用户信任,那就是用户容易地带他们的数据离开产品

    We've found that an incredibly effective-although certainly counterintuitive-way to earn and maintain user trust is to make it easy for users to leave your product with their data in tow.


  • 年轻墨尔本医生直觉下的一个行为或许将解开流感秘密并且那些容易感染此病人采取新的治疗方法

    A young doctor at a Melbourne hospital has followed a hunch that may unlock the secrets of swine flu and lead to new treatments for those most at risk from the disease.


  • 如果说到目标(包括方法的话),直觉我的一样

    Where aims (if not methods) are concerned, your own intuitions coincide with mine.


  • 它们只是直觉告诉哪种方法好过一种。

    They are supposed to give you the intuition of which solution may be better than the other one.


  • 科学之外,使用的直觉方法不是有说服力

    Outside of science, the method is intuitional, which is not very persuasive.


  • 通过使用这样方法tasks文件夹中的程序可以GUI操作一样得到直觉实施

    By using methods like these, programs in the tasks folder can be implemented intuitively with GUI actions.


  • 看看能否从科学角度证实我们直觉相信东西——一些遭受比较多疾病概率比较深层次的角度而不是碰运气方法

    I wanted to see if I could scientifically confirm what we all intuitively believed - that some people face more illness and greater likelihood of early death, in ways that go beyond chance.


  • 直觉采用个案心理测量法、实验神经生理学方法进行研究

    Case studies, psychometric assessments, experimental methods and neuro-physiological methods are often employed in exploring intuition.


  • 直觉恰恰相反克服恐惧方法之一跳出自身需要

    Counter-intuitively, one way to overcome that fear is to look outside of your own needs.


  • 这些意见似乎是违反直觉的,詹姆斯麦克纳尔蒂,美国田纳西州大学心理学认为那些适用幸福夫妻方法对于问题夫妻可能并不奏效

    Such advice seems counterintuitive, but James McNulty, a psychologist at the University of Tennessee, says what works for happy couples may not work for those with more problems.


  • 按照动物直觉肉丸吃掉最好方法整个放到嘴里然后咀嚼

    According to animal instincts, the best way to eat it is to put the entire thing in your mouth and chew.


  • 按照动物直觉肉丸吃掉最好方法整个放到嘴里然后咀嚼

    According to animal instincts, the best way to eat it is to put the entire thing in your mouth and chew.


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