• 林肯陈述清楚直接毫无疑问,代表1850年代大多数美国人观点

    The Lincoln statement was clear and direct, and it doubtless represented the views of most Americans in the 1850's.


  • 麦凯恩多次直接挑战奥巴马立场说法迫使对手解释1960年代一个激进分子威廉姆斯·艾尔斯的关系

    McCain, who repeatedly went on the offensive to challenge Obama's positions and statements, pressed his rival on his connection to a 1960's radical, William Ayers.


  • 对于自诩为80年代篮球直接传承科比来说,有着所崇尚的通往伟大的道路。

    For Bryant, who considers himself a direct descendent of the basketball ’80s, there’s a passage to greatness.


  • 上个世纪80年代没有美国获得直接资金来源,也没有从美国受过任何训练,他的追随者也没有。

    He did not receive any direct funding or training from the US during the 1980s.nor did his followers.


  • 20世纪50年代以来,就已经检测到人类感染流感,患者通常直接接触(例如:猪场工人)。

    Human infections with swine influenza have been detected occasionally since the late 1950s usually in persons with direct exposure to pigs (e.g. people working in pig farms, etc.).


  • 上个世纪80年代没有美国获得直接资金来源没有从美国受过任何训练,追随者也没有。

    He did not receive any direct funding or training from the US during the 1980s. Nor did his followers.


  • 20世纪90年代保守党试图国民保健制度卫生官员直接管理解放出来,并建立医疗保健服务方面的准市场。

    The Conservatives had attempted in the 1990s to free the NHS from direct management by health authorities, establishing a quasi-market in services.


  • 哈瓦那旧城必须去迷人广场街边市场还有博物馆直接回到20世纪50年代

    La Habana Vieja is a must-see maze of charming plazas, street markets, and museums that will take you straight back to the 1950s.


  • 到18世纪40年代后期AchilleGaggia的公司生产种意式咖啡机器,它能用杠杆热水高压直接通过咖啡。

    In the late 1940s a company founded by Achille Gaggia produced an espresso-maker that used a lever to force boiling water through the coffee at high pressure.


  • 上个世纪90年代,曾先生大多画作直接工作室销售的。

    In the 1990s, Mr Zeng sold most of his paintings directly from his studio.


  • 已知最早标本西欧旧石器早期的1万2千1万5千年之前虽然这些标本没有直接进行确定年代

    The oldest known specimens date to the Upper Paleolithic period in Western Europe, 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, although none of those artifacts were directly dated.


  • 已知最早标本西欧旧石器早期的1万2千1万5千年之前虽然这些标本没有直接进行确定年代

    The oldest known specimens date to the Upper Paleolithic period in Western Europe, 12, 000 to 15, 000 years ago, although none of those artifacts were directly dated.


  • 冰川形成年代通常难以直接测定,并且漂砾形成以后是否再次搬运或者移动过,更是无法知道

    The ages of drift boulders are usually very difficult to be dated directly, and it is harder to know whether the boulders have been re-transported or rolled over since their formation.


  • 美国工作者法人合作重要的是,我和这些政策直接影响合作。

    I also worked with lawmakers who've led on this issue on behalf of American citizens for many years, and most importantly, I've met with the people directly impacted by these policies.


  • 此两栋姐妹建筑,几乎美国1920年代摩天楼上海外滩源地域内直接翻版。

    It feels like the twin buildings were directly copied from the skyscrapers in America in the 1920s into the Rockbund area in Shanghai.


  • 如果说福特生产方式直接推动美国走进汽车年代,那么风险投资机制则无疑推动美国走在信息时代前列巨大引擎

    If productive mode of Ford had pushed America forward the Auto Time, we can say, without any doubt, VC could be considered as a large engine to promote America to lead the Information Time.


  • 结合有关矿床形成年代资料,认为水泉碱性杂岩仅仅作为金矿床的围岩,东坪后沟等金矿之间存在直接成因联系。

    These analysis and chronological data of the gold deposits in the area reveal that although the alkali complex hosts gold deposits (e. g. Dongping and Hougou), no direct genetic links between them.


  • 就是90年代预选面试技术迅速直接而且只有做好准备求聘者才能从中获益。

    It's the prescreen interview technique of the 90s fast and direct, and only for the prepared.


  • 后来1950年代贝尔实验室这个技术使用代替可以直接将在阳光下百分之四能量转化电能(太阳能)。

    Later in the 1950s, Bell Labs looked back into this technology, and instead of selenium, used silicon which "could convert four percent of the energy in sunlight directly to electricity (How Solar)."


  • 年代艺术家们现实主义”一类都直接指向离他们接近生活背景,最时常的就是反映街道生活这些真实给予他们灵感,促使他们创作作品复制生活。

    The artists of this generation and of the new realism trend look to their immediate surroundings, most often life in the streets, as their inspiration and produce works replicating these scenes.


  • 年代以来,就已经检测到人类感染流感,患者通常直接接触(例如猪场工人等)。

    Yes. Human infections with swine influenza have been detected occasionally since the late 1950s usually in persons with direct exposure to pigs (e. g. people working in pig farms, etc.).


  • 24H建筑事务所受到委托设计这个3800平方米项目部分直接使用现存60年代遗留建筑,部分进行新的扩展。

    24h was commissioned to make a design for a 3800 m2 program, partially within the existing straightforward building from the 60's and partially in new extensions.


  • 债权人减少赤字国家德国直接矛盾课程学习20世纪30年代的经济萧条。

    Deficit reduction by a creditor country such as Germany is in direct contradiction of the lessons learnt from the Great Depression of the 1930s.


  • 特自由观变化是从四十年代开始这种变化是关于历史必然性社会关系问题上的态度的转变直接联系的。

    The change of Sartre's conception of freedom began from late 1940s, which had a direct relation with the change of his attitude toward historical necessity and the problem of social connections.


  • 各区降水量不同年代际间具有不同特点,降水量变化直接影响当地主要旱地作物产量

    The inter-decades distribution of precipitation in the three zones was different. The changes of precipitation could directly influence the yields of main local crops in drylands.


  • 直接成果是从1998年开始韩国重新实现了贸易顺差,结束了90年代一直持续贸易逆差局面。

    It's main results were, from 1998 Korea realized trade surplus again and ended its lasting trade deficit which began the first half of the 1990s.


  • 它作为直接驱动电机20世纪80年代以来备受各国科研工作者青睐成为当前机电控制领域一个研究热点。

    As a direct drive motor 80 from the 20th century, since the favor of researchers world-wide, has become the field of electrical and mechanical control of a hotspot.


  • 许多新的设计灵感来自于50,60,70年代,更多设计直接过往复制

    Many new fashion designs are inspired by the 50s, 60s or 70s and many more are direct copies from the past.


  • 许多新的设计灵感来自于50,60,70年代,更多设计直接过往复制

    Many new fashion designs are inspired by the 50s, 60s or 70s and many more are direct copies from the past.


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