• 装好的塑料袋天花板

    Plastic bags have been filled and piled to the ceiling.


  • 城里供电正常,面包店面粉屋顶

    The power is on, and in the city's bakeries sacks of flour are piled up to the ceiling.


  • 老旧雪佛兰各种形状大小盒子一直堆到了

    My old battered Chevy was full to the top with boxes of all shapes and sizes.


  • ,全了——半点也不夸张,一天花板——全汽车碎片没有一块有帽子

    Well, it's piled up—literally piled up to the roof—with fragments of motor-cars, none of them bigger than your hat!


  • 仓库600个玻璃鱼缸塑料盆天花板水流昼夜不停地错综复杂管道涌入这些容器。

    Not only will the thing never float, but the life-changing flood is all inside, where water pours day and night from a maze of pipes into 600 glass aquariums and plastic tubs stacked to the ceiling.


  • 镇子本身一种中世纪中东集市感觉米、香料还有从商店里一直堆街上毛驴车卡车SUV争着道

    The town itself had the feel of a medieval bazaar, with sacks of rice, spice and sugar spilling from the shops into the streets, where donkey carts competed with trucks and SUVs.


  • 工作另外还有儿子麻烦事

    She's been very busy at work and then there was all that trouble with her son.


  • 重要的是,理论引发了别的预测科学家们世纪论证它们

    Crucially, the theory raised a host of other predictions that scientists have been confirming for the past century.


  • 尽管澳大利亚唯一反应还是较新的,但仍存在不少问题最近澳大利亚南非进口同位素

    Yet Australia has problems of its own with its single, albeit newish reactor, and has recently been importing isotopes from South Africa.


  • 科学家们试图明白碱基对如何构造出人脑这个已知宇宙中复杂机器的。这个图将为此提供宝贵资源

    It promises to be an invaluable resource for scientists trying to figure out how a text of base pairs constructs the most complicated machine in the known universe.


  • 以为环保人士不会接受反应的。

    I always thought nuclear reactors were an absolute no-go for environmentalists.


  • 科学家在寻找更简单方法制造名为浓缩铀昂贵材料- - - - - -反应炸弹燃料现在大型工厂生产

    Scientists have long sought easier ways to make the costly material known as enriched uranium - the fuel of nuclear reactors and bombs, now produced only in giant industrial plants.


  • 关于的传言呢。

    There have always been so many rumors about him.


  • 穆勒博士摩梭博士在关注反应残骸周围生活状况。

    Dr Moller and Dr Mousseau have been looking at bird life around the wrecked reactor.


  • 燃料虽然停止工作,仍然非常炙热,而且裂变反应生成多种副产物也会产生很多热量这些热量一维持反应核心

    That's due to the heat that remains in the nuclear core, both from the recently-disabled but still-hot fuel rods and from the various byproducts of the fission process.


  • 自从1957年第一携带原子反应水面舰“长滩诞生舰队苏联将领们的梦想

    Nuclear ships has been a dream for the Soviet admirals since 1957 when "Long Beach", the first fighting surface ship with the reactor was created.


  • 大多数邮件让人乏味但是我们在一邮件里偶然间发现了一的邮件时会很兴奋。

    Most of it is humdrum, but occasionally we get something exciting and that's what we're hoping for when we check our email.


  • 去年夏天南非投建一个球场核反应最终严重超出了资金预算

    South Africa tried hard until last summer to build a pebble-bed reactor but ran into serious cost overruns.


  • 工作进入廉价劳动力一面因为IT行业这样进行很多年

    A bundle of work is going to go into the cheap labor side as it has been doing for several years in it.


  • 众人在亚干身上石头今日

    Over Achan they heaped up a large pile of rocks, which remains to this day.


  • 当地时间上午11点的全国电视讲话首相放射物质反应向外扩散并呼吁国人保持冷静

    In a televised address to the nation at 11 a.m. local time, Prime Minister Naoto Kan pleaded for calm as he announced that radiation had spread from the reactors.


  • 例如,阿尔及利亚以来都在令人担忧研究用核反应遮遮掩掩,该反应1991年被发现四周布满了空防系统。

    Algeria, for its part, has always been worryingly secretive about a nuclear research reactor discovered in 1991 and that it surrounds with air defences.


  • 莫丝脸上保持笑容,钟表匠可以看出的笑容勉强在那里的,而且她的手臂摇晃也是僵硬的。

    Moth kept the smile on her face, but the clockmaker could see it was strained, and her arms moved stiffly.


  • 大家还可以看到这里可能用到所有物理常数还有公式,是那些我们几周来

    You'll also see that they have all the physical constants that you're going to need, and also a bunch of the actual equations that we've been using in the first couple weeks here.


  • 日落的时候,约书亚吩咐尸首树上下来门口。在尸首上石头今日

    At sunset, Joshua ordered them to take his body from the tree and throw it down at the entrance of the city gate. And they raised a large pile of rocks over it, which remains to this day.


  • 在尸首上石头今日

    And they raised a large pile of rocks over it, which remains to this day.


  • 大约1.5万年前人类生起第一起,污染问题伴随着人类科学技术只是一问题更加严重而已

    Light pollution is a problem that has been accompanying man ever since he started his first fire some 15,000 years ago, and technology has only made it worse.


  • 大约1.5万年前人类生起第一起,污染问题伴随着人类,科学技术只是一问题更加严重而已

    Light pollution is a problem that has been accompanying man ever since he started his first fire some 15, 000 years ago, and technology has only made it worse.


  • 大约1.5万年前人类生起第一起,污染问题伴随着人类,科学技术只是一问题更加严重而已

    Light pollution is a problem that has been accompanying man ever since he started his first fire some 15, 000 years ago, and technology has only made it worse.


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