• 显示详细信息目的精确显示在整个系统各个层级所花费时间

    The goal of the end-to-end details display is to show exactly how time is spent throughout all the layers of the system.


  • 性能改进中最近人莫过于代码索引时间下降50%,同时借助于本地的Linux文件系统监视器实现了Linux更快项目同步

    Performance improvements most notably include a 50% reduction in code indexing time, as well as faster project sync on Linux with a native Linux file system watcher.


  • 现在目的浩瀚网络世界电脑行业表示,快速启动系统就是迎合甚至一时停机时间也使人焦躁的信息成瘾社会

    Now the destination is the vast world of the Web, and the computer industry says the fast-boot systems cater to an information-addicted society that is agitated by even a moment of downtime.


  • 该项目的实施将有助于减少客运货运交通所用时间降低交通成本提高城市交通系统可靠性安全性

    The benefits of this project include reduced travel time for passengers and freight transport, lower transport costs, and increased reliability and safety of the urban transport system.


  • 然而构建操作系统(通常涉及到处理一个规则全部内容)需要花费大量时间

    Build operations however, which often involve processing the entire content of a rule project will take a non-negligible amount of time to be performed.


  • 所有参与者使用同一种语言时,他们之间所建立起来协作可以减少整体系统开发时间

    When all the participants in a project speak the same language, they create a synergy that can reduce overall system-development time.


  • 模板构建时间通常低于分钟也可能需要分钟,具体取决于几个因素(系统速度可用内存选择数量)。

    Depending on several factors (system speed, available memory, number of items selected, etc) your template often takes less than a minute to build, but could take several minutes.


  • 虽然ASDI第1阶段只是一个概念上验证,但是我们具有艰苦时间忍耐系统显而易见bug

    Although Phase 1 of the ASDI project was only meant to be a proof of concept, we were having a hard time tolerating visible bugs in the system.


  • 设计目的取得成本代价负载均衡等待时间以及系统效率综合指标优化。

    The design goal is to obtain some better comprehensive targets, such as cost price, load balance, waiting time and efficient of systems.


  • 研究目的病人使用手机系统左右的时间

    Patients in the study used the mobile phone system for one year.


  • 研究目的评估具有系统创伤患者固定时间其死亡率影响

    The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect of timing of internal fixation on mortality in patients with multisystem trauma.


  • 诱导表达系统可以特定时间适当水平表达目的蛋白,有利于基因功能的研究

    Inducible expression systems can be used to regulate the expression level of genes of interest in appropriate time according to the aim of the experiments.


  • 基本思想通信节点外的其它参与节点分配适量的通信工作减少发送源结点的工作量,达到缩短系统响应时间目的

    The basic thought is to assign proper work to the other nodes besides the communication source node, and so shorten the system responding time.


  • 目的阐述A RIMA模型拟合时间序列方法步骤应用乙型肝炎的预测传染病预警系统提供决策依据。

    Objective The approach and procedure to fit time series with ARIMA models are discussed briefly. The application to forecast hepatitis B is given to help infectious diseases forecasting system.


  • 目的增加图文报告系统缩短病人报告时间

    Objective To reduce patients waiting time by adding a set of new image and text reporting system.


  • 减少研究计算时间,降低计算机系统运行费用

    It can make the time computing research project and expense running the computers system decrease.


  • 地面机务维护部门使用结果表明飞机健康专家系统达到了减少地面维护时间增加飞机使用寿命目的

    The result declared that the system we designed had got the aim to cut down maintenance time and lengthen the life-span of aircraft.


  • 本文的目的在于,对于线性平稳时间序列样本方差、自相关相关函数渐近性质给出一个比较系统描述

    The aim of this paper is to give a systematic account of asymptotic properties of the sample autocovariance, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions of linear stationary time series.


  • 系统的目标能够很短时间给出比较合理的分数人工评分效果类似,能够达到教师卷的目的

    However, system is still going to give a reasonable grade. The following part of my paper describes how to grade in blank completion and programming.


  • 同时通过动态调整系统规划时间同时达到非线性函数局部线性限时求解的双重目的

    Then by changing the programming time of every frame, local linearization of the nonlinear function and time-critical computing can be achieved simultaneously.


  • 采用5557先进火花保护系统模具产生火花时间间隔0.03秒内,火花保护进入工作状态而达到保护模具不损坏的目的

    Adopt advanced 5557 spark protection system, within 0.03 seconds the system will start after the spark occurs, thus protect the mold from being damaged.


  • 负荷试验目的时间安排、调节系统OPC转速控制系统之间协调关系作了探讨

    Also the purpose, the arrangement schedule of load-rejection test as well as the coordinate relation ship between governing system and speed control system OPC are discussed.


  • 计算机考试系统主要作用是根据相同考试内容考试要求时间内生成差别较大试卷目的主要是由算法来完成。

    According to the same content and requirement of a test, the test system could generate many different test papers, which depends on an effective algorithm of automatic test-question extraction.


  • 依靠非线性时间序列分析方法提取重构动力系统非线性或混沌特征参数,可以达到识别目的

    The targets recognition can be reached by extracting the features of the reconstructed dynamics using nonlinear methods.


  • 实验结果验证本研究提出系统有效的降低服务组合时间达到容易使用的目的

    Students can interact with the learning services seamlessly. Experimental results demonstrated that the system possess effective capabilities in composition-time, ease-of-use and usefulness.


  • 研究目的就是在异步通信网络环境,采用连续时间戳通信模型利用时钟精度概念和波除噪算法实现系统中各个计算机之间的自适应时钟同步。

    The continuous time-stamp communication model and the wavelet technology were applied to evaluate running precision difference of clocks, in order to reduce the effect of network delay efficiently.


  • 本文的目的通过预测实时任务端到端响应时间系统设计提供指导、为系统调度提供依据、为任务执行提供保障

    The purpose of the paper provides the guide for system design, the basis for system scheduling and the guarantee for task execution by predicting end-to-end response time of real-time tasks.


  • 这项控制系统可减少等待时间,最快地将乘客送至目的楼层。

    This reduces waiting times and enables passengers to reach their destinations significantly sooner.


  • 这项控制系统可减少等待时间,最快地将乘客送至目的楼层。

    This reduces waiting times and enables passengers to reach their destinations significantly sooner.


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