• 认为四个不同,即质料动力形式目的

    He holds that there are four different causes-material cause, motivation cause, form cause and objective cause.


  • 第二群体的是两个以上,他们处于非个人关系中,一个特定的实际目的走到一起

    A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose.


  • 多这类节目的主持人能吃太多食物而受欢迎。

    Many hosts of such shows are popular for their ability to eat too much food.


  • 普里岛是南部的一个岛屿国家,它美丽的海岸线而闻名,是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。

    Capri is an island in the south of the country, famous for its beautiful coastline and a popular tourist destination.


  • 目的研究奥布卡作用

    The objective is to evaluate the effect of the use of oxybuprocaine for pain relief.


  • 至少有一家测试公司消费者遗传要求客户必须签订弃权证书说明他们不会那个目的使用测试。

    At least one company, Consumer Genetics, which sells the Pink or Blue test, requires customers to sign a waiver saying they are not using the test for that purpose.


  • 事实上,此次直升机之旅真正目的参观巴蒂斯塔最新工程考虑到关键客户里约热内卢北部建造的超级港口。

    Indeed, the real purpose of our helicopter trip was to view Mr Batista's latest project, a vast superport north of Rio, built with this customer in mind.


  • 治疗目的保持身体舒适适当的营养均衡包括补充呕吐和腹泻丢失的水份。

    Therapy is aimed at maintaining comfort and adequate nutritional balance, including replacement of fluids that are lost from vomiting and diarrhoea.


  • 急性乙型肝炎没有特异治疗方法。治疗目的身体感到舒服保持足够的营养平衡包括补充呕吐和腹泻流失液体

    There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis B. Care is aimed at maintaining comfort and adequate nutritional balance, including replacement of fluids that are lost from vomiting and diarrhoea.


  • 恐慌短暂货币短缺加剧,并向金融市场袭来央行提供流动性的特殊机会——也就是美联储建立的原始目的之一

    When panic strikes financial markets, aggravated by temporary shortages, the central bank has a unique opportunity to provide liquiditythis was, after all, one of its original purposes.


  • 澳大利亚平均每年大约300万只袋鼠商业目的合法猎杀,大多数射杀野外灌木丛中

    On average about 3m kangaroos are killed legally for commercial purposes each year in Australia. Most of them are killed in the wild bushes.


  • 看似添加额外的同步而违背了使用WaitFreeQueue目的

    This might sound like we've defeated the purpose of using a WaitFreeQueue by adding additional synchronization.


  • 一些博客保留在线日记目的另一些巨大的盈利潜力而发布。

    Some blog for the purposes of keeping an online diary, while others blog because blogging does have a great profit potential. Here are 3 time-tested tips to create amazing blogs.


  • 之所以需要如此不同不同目的使用或者清洗时,寻找碗碟的过程引起了很多烦恼浪费了大量时间

    For want of this, much vexation and loss of time is occasioned while seeking vessels in use, or in cleansing those employed by different persons for various purposes.


  • 这里盲性是个术语,意味着完全知道婴儿看到了什么,这样做目的在于,避免得到自己所想要的结果,而进行的有意无意的尝试

    And blind here is a technical term meaning she had no idea what the baby saw, and the point about this is to avoid either intentional or unintentional sort of trying to get the answer you want.


  • 方案目的保护生活在贫穷线之下的家庭避免住院造成负债

    The scheme aims to protect households living below the poverty line from liabilities arising from hospitalization.


  • 软件应用程序概念化难点不同而不同。

    The difficulty involved in conceptualizing new software applications varies from project to project.


  • 2003年,国家电力当局(NEPA),即尼日利亚电力机构,SNEL签订了谅解备忘录,目的是从加坝尼日利亚提供电力

    In 2003, the National electric power Authority (NEPA), Nigeria's power utility, signed a memorandum of understanding with SNEL in order to provide electricity to Nigeria from the Inga dam.


  • 器官移植者威斯康星州,负责运行该项目的本弗兰诺上了有机农业计划一家乡村农场实习后来心脏移植手术而中断。

    Ben Flanner, a transplanted Wisconsinite who's running it, said he became fascinated with organic agriculture and was set to take an internship on a rural farm but then had a change of heart.


  • 比尔·阿克顿特里位创始成员表示开发商社区风力发电场项目剑拔弩张而感到失望

    Bill Acton, one of the founder members of the Fintry project, says he gets dismayed when he sees developers and communities at loggerheads over wind farm projects.


  • 基普:我们NPR货币星球”节目的亚当·戴维森研究了这些数字看看法案承诺的好事真是假。

    INSKEEP: Adam Davidson of our NPR's Planet Money team looked into those Numbers to see if the promises of the bill could be true.


  • 是怎么组织方面问题导致失败是不是多于技术方面的原

    What do you think: do organizational aspects of a project cause failure more than the technical ones?


  • 描述给他们听,有人失明无法知道漂亮女人是什么样子的,就是我们的目的

    And if someone who doesn't have sight wants to know what a pretty woman looks like, that's what it's for.


  • 处理众多航班取消而造成积压之事需更多的时日:滞留飞机机组人员转移目的地和恢复正常供应链

    It will take far longer to sort out a backlog of cancelled flights; to move planes and crew in the wrong places to where they should be; and to return supply chains to normal.


  • 引人注聚会地点足以使被指责精英主义,实际上似乎只顾富裕国家利益采取行动饱受诟病

    The ostentatious location of the gathering is enough to earn it accusations of elitism, and indeed it has faced much criticism for appearing to act only in the interests of the rich world.


  • 为了研究原猴亚目的社会学习能力斯托基和团队做了一个小食罐,可以办法打开——罐子有一道还有一道推拉门

    To test prosimian social learning abilities, Stoinski and her team built a snack-filled tube with two different ways to open it -a hinged door and a sliding door.


  • 为了研究原猴亚目的社会学习能力斯托基和团队做了一个小食罐,可以办法打开——罐子有一道绞合还有一道推拉门

    To test prosimian social learning abilities, Stoinski and her team built a snack-filled tube with two different ways to open it — a hinged door and a sliding door.


  • 为了研究原猴亚目的社会学习能力斯托基和团队做了一个小食罐,可以办法打开——罐子有一道绞合还有一道推拉门

    To test prosimian social learning abilities, Stoinski and her team built a snack-filled tube with two different ways to open it — a hinged door and a sliding door.


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