• 如果土星位于水瓶座盘主很讨厌女性。

    If Saturn be in Aquarius, he will be a mere woman-hater.


  • 金星土星时,盘主问题涉及爱情,金钱,自我价值。

    Astrology aspects - Saturn square VenusThe square from Venus to Saturn indicates that you have difficulty relating to others.


  • 土星火星位于黄道同一个部位时,盘主一生遭遇诸多不幸;

    Those that have Saturn and Mars in the same part of the Zodiac will be liable, in the course of their lives, to many misfortunes;


  • 使盘主掩护一切既有规则以及一切将会个人自由带来限制

    There is a profound dislike for the limitations imposed by patriarchal establishment, and for situations which are perceived as limiting personal freedom.


  • 不同类型引导我们理解盘主性格但是请时刻牢记,只有自己才能彻底了解个性

    The different chart patterns are guides to one's individuality. But always remember, that is still you who can thoroughly understand your own personality.


  • 月亮天蝎座,与位于狮子座土星相刑,与位于金牛座两端附近的土星相,那么盘主独身、没有孩子的可能性很大。

    When the Moon is in Scorpio in Square of Saturn in Leo, or in Opposition to him when he is partially in Taurus, the Native rarely has either wife or children.


  • 若命月亮金牛座位于第二宫之内,木星形成出相位,太阳形成拱的入相位时,则盘主拥有大量财富

    He that hath the Moon in Tairus in the second separating from the square or Opposition of Jupiter, and applying to Trine of the Sun shall obtain very considerable riches.


  • 如果一个,把这个软件放到U工具包很有必要的。

    If you are a blogger, this program is essential for your USB toolkit.


  • 如果邻居家打电话,叫煤气公司关掉外面煤气

    Turn off the gas at the outside main valve if you can and call the gas company from a neighbor's home.


  • 转向系统包括转向、转向蜗杆扇形齿轮、转向摇臂、直拉杆、转向节销、转向、转向直拉杆、前轴转向节。

    It consists of steering wheel steering shaft worm gear sector pitman arm drag link steering knuckle arm king pin steering arms tie rod front axle and steering knuckle.


  • 转向系统包括转向,转向蜗杆扇形齿轮,转向摇臂,直拉杆,转向节销,转向臂,转向直拉杆前轴转向节。

    It consists of steering wheel steering shaft worm gear sector pitman arm drag link steering knuckle arm king pin steering arms tie rod front axle and steering knuckle.


  • 阀座活塞弹簧零件组成

    Mainly by the main valve seat, the main valve plate, piston, springs and other parts.


  • 转动罗经刻度分罗经同一示然后上同步机

    Turn graduated disc of main gyro compass to comply with the graduated disc of Repeaters. Then install synchro.


  • 会议中心一个多功能空间围绕中央礼堂设有露天阶梯密集的座位,这个多样化空间容纳多达200

    The new conference centre is a multi functional space. It accommodates up to 200 people in a variety of spaces set on an open spiral ramp and clustered around a central main auditorium.


  • 根据模型得出影响后倾测量精度因素销内倾、车轮外倾转角转角。

    The model showed that the factors affecting the caster measuring precision are the kingpin inclination, the camber, and the turntable Angle.


  • 检查标签螺丝,工具痕迹,看看是否驱动器打开之前

    Check the screws of the housing and the main label for toolmarks to find out if the drive was opened before.


  • 安装在齿轮箱上——齿轮箱与传动装置相连

    The tucker discs are fitted to gear-boxes that are connected to the main drive.


  • 挤扩多分支承力混凝土灌注桩一种新型截面混凝土灌注桩,分支桩、分支和承力组成。

    The compacted multi-branch bearing disk concrete bored pile is a new type of concrete pile with varied sections, which is composed of the main pile, branch pile, branch support and the bearing disk.


  • 死了之后向您家族屈膝投降,是因为认为死人卖命,为了无法翻败局让布雷肯家族白白流血,实在没有意义

    I bent the knee because I saw no sense in dying for the dead nor shedding Bracken blood in a lost cause.


  • 可以所有密码数据放入一个密码”密钥锁死数据库中。

    You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk.


  • 起落架机轮使用刹车正常情况使用绿色液压系统,备用刹车使用黄色液压系统。

    The Main Landing Gear wheels have multi-disc carbon brakes using Green hydraulic pressure for normal operation and Yellow hydraulic pressure through an alternate braking system.


  • 旋动调节使转向电机反方向移动继续转动调节螺杆直到接触,发出轻微金属碰撞为止。

    Turn the adjustment screw so that the steering arm moves away from the main motor. Keep turning until you hear a metallic sound created when the discs come together.


  • 通过对栖霞市金矿马家瑶金矿床1号脉形态、产状变化规律研究,提出了马家瑶金矿床一条北西向矿脉条分别发育于矿脉上、下分支矿脉组成。

    Having studied Qixia City Panma Gold Mine Majiayao Gold Mine No. 1 vein, the shape and attitude variance law, we think that it is made up of a north-west main fault vein and two branched fault veins.


  • ,二百九十八毫米制动四活塞卡钳径向制动提供无与伦比动力和感觉。

    Light, 298mm front brake discs, four-piston calipers and radial master cylinder provide unsurpassed braking power and feel.


  • 适应拆卸不同车型方向,所述丝杠螺栓之间设计为可调间距连接

    To be suitable for disassembling the steering wheels of different vehicle types, an adjustable spacing connection is designed between the main screw and the drawing bolts.


  • 方案基于USB/从控制芯片CH375A单片机控制实现CAN总线数据采集系统嵌入USB机,从而完成把各节点采集的数据存入U,取代了现场数据采集系统必须有一台计算机的模式。

    The proposal based on USB Host/Slave controller chip CH375A, realized a USB-Host embedded in CAN bus data acquisition system and stored acquisition data of each node in U flash disk under MCU control.


  • 其中衣柜床垫高级)、沙发、餐桌、洗手窗帘换不到一年。新添有高级檀木屏风和墙挂徽雕

    Among witch some are newly replaced, such as Wardrobe, Mattress(high quality), Sofa, Dining Table, Sink in master bedroom, Curtains and Wall Paintings.


  • 其中衣柜床垫高级)、沙发、餐桌、洗手窗帘换不到一年。新添有高级檀木屏风和墙挂徽雕

    Among witch some are newly replaced, such as Wardrobe, Mattress(high quality), Sofa, Dining Table, Sink in master bedroom, Curtains and Wall Paintings.


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