• 一个现存的煤矿万陶添加连接蒙古公路铁路线路,中是蒙古主要的业务往来

    The other is an existing coal mine, Tavan Tolgoi, to which new capacity has been added, including road and rail links to its main customer, China (surprise, surprise).


  • 新书超级催的真实爱情故事》,小说家描绘了未来的景象,能在多大程度伸展自己的影响力要仰仗他在亚洲债主

    In HIS new book "Super Sad True Love Story", the novelist Gary Shteyngart depicts a future in which an overstretched America depends on the forbearance of its Asian creditors.


  • 意大利,除了博物馆纠纷外,纽约大都会艺术博物馆、波士顿美术博物馆有纠葛。

    Italy alone has had disputes with not only the Getty Museum, but also the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.


  • 斯特问题如何评估欧盟成员放弃欧元货币的可能

    QUESTION FROM GUEST: How do you evaluate the possibility of eu member states' abandoning the euro and returning to their own currencies?


  • 外长表示埃及第一承认阿拉伯非洲间具有牢固友好关系

    Foreign Minister Geit expressed that Egypt is the first country to acknowledge China among Arab and African countries. The two countries enjoy firm and friendly relations.


  • 4月伦敦20峰会举行之前海峡群岛西纳西岛)开曼群岛勉强地签署了相关协议,因为逃税此次峰会的议程之一

    The Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey) and the Isle of Man squeaked in before a meeting of G20 countries in London in April, where tax dodging was on the agenda.


  • 乌姆阿联酋人口最少酋长面积800平方公里

    WuMGaiWan: the united Arab emirates the smallest emirates, an area of about 800square kilometers.


  • 狡猾这些零星货物无穷的,它们列举出来也是好事之中再没有狡猾冒充明智之为害烈者也。

    But these small wares, and petty points of cunning, are infinite: and it were a good deed to make a list of them: for that nothing doth more hurt in a state, than that cunning men pass for wise.


  • 然而封四开始甲的封闭系列里面子了

    However, starting from the Alpha IV-SV there are also caps in the insides, too.


  • 告诉过汤姆认真考虑你和比做潘妮的教父母?

    Did I ever tell you that Tom and I seriously considered you and Gaby for Penny's godparents?


  • 财长特纳说,星期末举行的20集团财长会议上,敦促财长同意建立更加完善管理汇率规则

    U. S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says he will urge his G20 counterparts to agree on better rules to regulate currency exchange rates when they meet later this week in South Korea.


  • 特纳对这个话题一带而过,他说需要采取紧急措施帮助世界摆脱衰退问题上,间存在共识。

    Geithner played down the topic, saying the two countries were on the same page when it came to the need for emergency measures to help bring the world out of recession.


  • 索斯前锋李东但是认为现在这位新援参加正式比赛为时尚早。

    Southgate did succeed in signing South Korean striker Lee Dong-Gook, however, but believes it is too early to throw the player into competitive action.


  • 感觉这个提议大家都非常强烈的支持特纳在于20峰会上第一告诉记者一个健康必要交易

    'My sense is, there's very strong support for this,' Geithner told reporters on the first day of the G-20 summit here. 'this is a healthy necessary transition.'


  • 埃博拉疫情肆虐于非洲西部第一被报道病例要追溯到2013年12月凯杜。 凯杜是几内亚一个林区靠近几内亚、利比里亚塞拉利昂边境

    THE first reported case in the Ebola outbreak that has ravaged west Africa dates back to December 2013, in Guéckédou, a forested area of Guinea near the border with Liberia and Sierra Leone.


  • 埃博拉疫情肆虐于非洲西部第一被报道病例要追溯到2013年12月凯杜。 凯杜是几内亚一个林区靠近几内亚、利比里亚塞拉利昂边境

    THE first reported case in the Ebola outbreak that has ravaged west Africa dates back to December 2013, in Guéckédou, a forested area of Guinea near the border with Liberia and Sierra Leone.


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