• 现在另外一点监督们情况十分不同

    Now, another thing about the ephors is that they're very different.


  • 同时受到指控的还有五名公民缓刑监督一名美国邮政人员

    Five citizens, a probation officer and a us postal service worker were charged as well.


  • 中国保监会首次作为国际保险监督协会执委会成员参加IAIS会议

    This is the first time, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission as the International Association of Insurance Supervisors IAIS Executive Committee member to participate in the meeting.


  • 而法院缓刑监督得焦头烂额,处理必要的文件驳回这类严刑法律挑战

    Courts and probation officers were too swamped to handle the necessary paperwork and rebut the legal challenges to such harsh penalties.


  • 就连欧盟主要保险监管机构-欧洲保险职业养老金监督委员会(CEIOPS)承认这点。

    Not too much, thinks the European Commission's main insurance regulator, the Committee of European insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS).


  • 同样关于监管说说NAIC一个非常重要机构的全称是美国保险监督协会

    Also, about regulation, I want to mention the NAICit's a very important institutionthat stands for National Association of Insurance Commissioners.


  • 有点NAIC,美国保险监督协会,它对全美国50个州地方保险监管机构推荐法律法规

    It's a little bit like the NAIC -the National Association of insurance Commissioners -recommends laws to the local insurance regulators in the fifty United States.


  • 一位缓刑监督官Gesch曾经年轻的囚犯吃营养补充剂观察发现他们的行为有所改善

    A former probation officer, Gesch once gave supplements to young delinquents under his watch and noticed an improvement in their behavior.


  • 意识到这个问题时候,各州保险监督,决定建立一个组织,就是美国保险监督协会,定期开会

    Recognizing this problem, the insurance commissioners in the various states have decided to form an organization, that's the NAIC, and they hold regular conferences.


  • 对16更大一点的犯罪于的法律地位。其法庭确定段时间内接受缓刑监督监督

    A legal status, applied to people 16 years of age and older, who have been convicted of a crime and placed under the supervision of a probation officer for a period of time set by the court.


  • 在这里大家住在狩猎监督官M·w·鲍姆加特尔先生家中,和在他之前的卡尔·埃克利一样一生献给大猩猩

    Here one stays with the game warden, Mr. M. W. Baumgartel, a man who, like Carl Akeley before him, devotes his life to the gorillas.


  • 另一种在自然环境保护动物的办法,就是创建野生动植物保护区野生动植物园设置禁止渔猎野生动物监督官看护这些动物。

    Another method is to protect the animals in their natural environment by creating wildlife reserves and parks and using game wardens to look after them.


  • 因此也肯定认为他们卓越一样自己的人们中间强大的影响力但是普通人只要能够达到可以监督道德水准可以了。

    So, you mustthink of them, not as distinguished people who have some clout in their ownperson, but ordinary people who only achieve what clout they're going to haveby virtue of being chosen as ephors.


  • 报导指责亚特兰大学校监督BeverlyHall以及行政团队“过于强调测试分数以及公众赞誉失掉正直道德”。

    The report blamed Beverly Hall, former superintendent of Atlanta’s schools, and her administration for “emphasi[sing] test results and public praise to the exclusion of integrity and ethics.”


  • 因此监督如果点什么事情他们没有首先清楚地告知长老会议,那他们肯定就到家了;当然,如果他们愿意不计后果,那么他们可以这样做。

    So, ifthe ephors wanted to do something, it would be damn foolish not to clear itwith the gerousia first; although if they wished to be reckless, they could dootherwise.


  • 一位政府效率专家发现几乎所有临时逮捕都符合监督指挥执行证据充足标准

    A government efficiency expert has found that almost all provisional arrests meet standards for adequacy of evidence that watch commanders enforce.


  • 一名政府效率专家指出几乎所有临时逮捕都符合监督指挥执行证据充足标准

    A government efficiency expert has observed that almost all provisional arrests meet the standards for adequacy of evidence that the watch commanders enforce.


  • 验尸西奥多·库菲监督了整个尸检过程。

    The coroner, Theodore Curphey, oversaw the full autopsy.


  • 监督议程施行的检察路易斯•冈萨雷斯,我们不得那些苛刻司法条例变得更为灵活否则我们将前功尽弃

    Luis González, the prosecutor who is overseeing the process, says that those demanding justice will have to be more flexible, otherwise the whole effort will fall apart.


  • 已经任命麦克r布罗米奇,司法部检察监督长,重组机构使之成为更严厉监管

    He said he had named Michael r. Bromwich, a former Justice Department prosecutor and inspector general, to restructure the agency to make it a tougher regulator.


  • 澳大利亚监督战斗团指挥维布斯丹中校这些即将离开伊拉克的澳大利亚军人说,他们使命已经成功

    The commanding officer of Australia's Overwatch Battle Group, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Websdane, told the departing soldiers that their mission had been a success.


  • 只有落选议员监督这次含糊不清全国重新计数选举出来的监督小组西方外交不愿参与这次重新计数。

    Losing MPs are the only people monitoring the murky nationwide recount, which has been shunned by election-monitoring groups and Western diplomats.


  • 合并完成主要处理人员苏珊·斯提芬说道卡夫首席执行曾经监督达能饼业的收购,这次的收购也让他获得不少赞许

    Suzanne Stevens, Senior Editor at the Deal, says Kraft's CEO who also oversaw the Donone acquisition, deserves a lot of credit.


  • 昨天SteveJobs辞去苹果首席执行一职后,负责监督公司供应链生产其他运营环节的首席运营Timothy Cook立即被选继任者

    After Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple yesterday, COO Timothy cook-who oversees the company's supply chain, manufacturing, and other operations-was immediately chosen as his successor.


  • 铁路指挥协调监督客运货运列车机组人员活动

    Railway conductors co-ordinate and supervise the activities of passenger and freight train crew members.


  • 两淮盐当时税收四分之一因此对盐职责、选拔任用监督考核、奖励和惩处极其重要

    Salt tax was one fourth of total tax income in the time and so it was very important to the selection, appointment, supervision and examination of salt officials.


  • 我们可以汲取古代回避制度精华着力在任回避目标范围执行监督方面加强法制建设

    We can draw the essence of the ancient challenge system and concentrate on the legal construction in such respects as the aim, the scope, the execution and the supervision of such a system.


  • 我们可以汲取古代回避制度精华着力在任回避目标范围执行监督方面加强法制建设

    We can draw the essence of the ancient challenge system and concentrate on the legal construction in such respects as the aim, the scope, the execution and the supervision of such a system.


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