• 40年过去了,亚洲贫困问题得到了很大缓解,同时也产生了庞大的盈余资金

    Four decades on, Asia has much less poverty and generates huge capital surpluses.


  • 房地产业务商业世界最大市场之一包含最大盈余资金的业务。

    Real estate business is one of biggest market of the business world, contained the largest surplus money of the business.


  • 1978年沙特部分盈余资金转换为瑞士法郎德国马克而不是美元形式持有,实际上一度将美元转为德国马克。

    In 1978 Saudi Arabia placed some surplus funds into Swiss francs and German marks, instead of holding them in dollars, and at one point actually moved money from dollars to marks.


  • 上世纪60年代穷苦亚洲资金严重匮乏西方闲置着大量资本亚洲开发银行(asian Development Bank,ADB)因此应运而生,利用富裕国家盈余资金

    In the 1960s, impoverished Asia was starved of capital while the West had tons of it sitting idle. So the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was created to recycle the rich world's surpluses.


  • 上世纪60年代穷苦亚洲资金严重匮乏西方却闲置着大量资本亚洲开发银行(asian Development Bank,ADB)因此应运而生,利用富裕国家盈余资金

    In the 1960s, impoverished Asia was starved of capital while the West had tons of it sitting idle.So the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was created to recycle the rich world's surpluses.


  • 汇率固定的情况下,如果没有相应的自愿资金外流来抵消经常账户盈余就会造成货币基础增长

    At a fixed exchange rate, a current account surplus not offset by a corresponding voluntary capital outflow will generate an increase in the monetary base.


  • 遗憾是,由于巨额资金流入以及经常账户盈余这些政策无法遏制中国外汇储备持续迅速增长

    Sadly, none of these has worked. With large capital inflows and a current account surplus, China's foreign exchange reserves have continued to rise rapidly.


  • 个人看来日本拥有足够的储蓄盈余财政资金两者支付

    In my personal view, Japan has the necessary savings surplus and financial wherewithal to afford both.


  • 森林所收取的停车费出租费中,一部分盈余交付森林委员会资金库中。

    Between car park fees and rents, the woods deliver a small surplus to the Forestry Commission's coffers.


  • 不要忘记,2000年时候,美国财政前景非常然而共和党控制白宫他们通过减税,发动资金没有着落战争而挥霍财政盈余

    Remember, the U.S. fiscal outlook was pretty good in 2000, but, as soon as Republicans gained control of the White House, they squandered the surplus on tax cuts and unfunded wars.


  • 不要忘记,2000年时候,美国财政前景非常然而共和党控制白宫他们通过减税,发动资金没有着落战争而挥霍财政盈余

    Remember the U. S. fiscal outlook was pretty good in 2000 but as soon as Republicans gained control of the White House they squandered the surplus on tax cuts and unfunded wars.


  • 这些资金来自预算盈余这些盈余主要采矿业繁荣积累起来的。澳大利亚把大量矿物出口中国印度

    The funds will come from the budget surplus, which has been amassed largely on the back of a mining boom that has seen vast quantities of Australian minerals exported to China and India.


  • 开曼公司法令规定盈余得之资金发放外,本公司不得支付或作成任何股息

    No dividend shall be paid otherwise than out of profits or out of monies otherwise available for dividend in accordance with the Law.


  • 现在亚洲资金盈余那些贷款需求越来越少。

    Now there are surpluses in Asia, and less and less need for those loans.


  • 累积盈余进行一系列成功交易之后一些资金放入盈余账户,紧急情况下恐慌使用

    Accumulate a surplus. After your have made a series of successful trades, put some money into surplus account to be used only in emergency or times of panic.


  • 货币资本借贷资金盈余为了获得一定收益,在一定时期内货币资本使用权转让资金借入者的行为。

    Currency lending capital is a surplus of funds in order to obtain a certain amount of revenue a certain period of time, the right to use capital money for the transfer of funds to borrow.


  • 如果客户帐户扣除所有相关收费系处于盈余头寸则库银应将资金余额归还客户。

    If customer's accounts are in a credit position after all applicable charges have been deducted, cooper bank shall return to customer the outstanding net balance.


  • 日本经常大量盈余使有能力卖出资产从而日元资金带回国内。

    Japan's large current account surplus gives it room to sell assets and thus bring yen back onshore.


  • 文章我国上市公司2003-2005年数据为样本,检验控股股东所有权双向资金占用盈余质量之间关系

    With the data during 20032005 of China's listed companies, this study examines the relations among controlling shareholders, bidirectional embezzlement of funds and earnings quality.


  • 文章我国上市公司2003-2005年数据为样本,检验控股股东所有权双向资金占用盈余质量之间关系

    With the data during 20032005 of China's listed companies, this study examines the relations among controlling shareholders, bidirectional embezzlement of funds and earnings quality.


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