• 只有到了今天我们那场集体狂欢醒来,我们开始认知盈余看作资产不是一场危机

    And it's only now, as we're waking up from that collective bender, that we're starting to see the cognitive surplus as an asset rather than as a crisis.


  • 购并富国公司三个最大新兴市场国家中国阿联酋新加坡,他们拥有数额巨大的流动账户盈余,用以购买外国资产所有权

    The three largest emerging-market buyers of rich-world firms, China, the United Arab Emirates and Singapore, all run large current-account surpluses and so acquire claims on foreigners.


  • 绝大部份的新兴经济体本轮都在资本项目下盈余但是使得他们资产廉价的出售了。

    Most emerging economies have run current account surpluses in this cycle - but their assets are likely to be sold off along with the others.


  • 本文设置了五种利率波动情景资产结构通过实证来分析这二十种情况的期望盈余损失概率

    Set five scenes of fluctuation of interest rate and four strategies of adjustment of assets' structure, and demonstrate their expecting surplus and losing probability.


  • 管理者通过确认处置长期资产投资收益时机来操纵盈余

    Managers manipulate earnings through the timing of income recognition from disposal of long-lived assets and investments.


  • 通过计提和转资产减值准备上市公司操纵盈余重要手段之一

    One of the most important means of listed companies manipulate surplus is to back through the asset impairment.


  • 资产负债表上,所有者权益应当按照实收资本(或者股本)、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润项目分项列示。

    Owner's equity shall be itemized in the balance sheet under the titles such as the paid in investment (or in stock), paid in surplus, surplus from profit and undistributed profit.


  • 债务递延所得税资产盈余管理

    Liability Method; Deferred Tax Assets; Earnings Management.


  • 成为股东重要性赋予公司一部分盈余资产请求权利润有时候是以股利形式支付

    The importance of being a shareholder is that you are entitled to a portion of the company's profits and have a claim on assets. Profits are sometimes paid out in the form of dividends.


  • 本文重点考察上市公司利用长期资产减值准备转进行盈余管理行为。

    The paper focus on the companies using the returns of the long-term assets impairment to manage the earning.


  • 什麽期末保留盈余余额等于资产负债表中的期末现金余额?

    Why does Ending Retained Earnings Balance not equal Ending Cash Balance on the Balance Sheet?


  • 会计资产减值会计政策变更评价,众说纷纭,其对盈余管理影响见仁见智。

    As the changes of accounting policy on asset impairments, the accounting profession's views on the impact of earnings management are different.


  • 以往研究大多探讨盈余水平的高低及每股资产的大小,盈余变化的大小方向披露时滞关系,没有考虑盈余质量问题。

    However studies before had only discussed the relationship between the level of earnings, net asset per share, variation of earnings or direction and disclosure delay.


  • 盈余管理手段看:「减轻税负」动机下最常使用手段有会计入账期间之制约、隐瞒收入、操弄销货成本、资产不当费用化、制约薪酬费用;

    Methods employed in earnings management include: control timing of recording in accounts, related party transaction and other income being classified as sales revenues.


  • 主要解决方法是以盈余收益率均值及其方差为研究对象,确定有效边界及最优资产配置结构

    The problem can be solved by focusing on the relationship of surplus return and surplus variance within the framework of surplus optimization.


  • 营业盈余常住单位创造增加值扣除劳动者报酬,生产净额固定资产折旧后的余额

    Operating Surplus refers to the balance of the value added created by the resident units deducting the labourersre m unera-' tion , taxes on production and the depreciation of fixed assets.


  • 本文主要实证结论如下:开发支出占总资产不仅显著解释股票超额回报率而且公司盈余质量也具有显著解释力。

    We find that the proportion of development expenditures to total assets can well explain both the abnormal return and the earning quality.


  • 流动资产资产总额比重、资产收益率盈余管理迹象地域因素审计定价没有显著影响

    And the ratios of liquidity assets to total assets, ROE, earnings management signs and geographical factors have no significant impact on audit pricing.


  • 另外利用资产出售进行盈余管理较为普遍,而且关联方交易资产剥离中盈余管理重要内容。

    In addition, the sale of assets is a general way of earnings management, and the way of related party transactions is one of the important content.


  • 日本经常大量盈余使有能力卖出资产从而日元资金带回国内。

    Japan's large current account surplus gives it room to sell assets and thus bring yen back onshore.


  • 必将上市公司资产减值准备计提转回产生巨大影响进而利用资产减值进行的盈余管理行为产生一定的作用。

    It must greatly influence the provision and reversal of assets impairment of listed companies and also lead an influence to the relevant behaviors of earning management.


  • 上市公司为了获得配股资格有可能操纵会计盈余达到规定资产收益率。

    In order to obtain the qualification of issuing new shares to old stockholder, the listed companies will manipulate accounting earnings as possibly as they can to attain to the ruled ROE.


  • 亏损上市公司不仅利用长期资产减值准备进行盈余管理利用流动资产减值准备进行盈余管理。

    Not only long-term assets impairment has been the earning management tools in loss listed companies, but also short-term assets impairment;


  • 这些风险包括能够偿还贷款无法开发公司核心业务,而贷款可能一定程度上会造成股票稀释(指因为发行认股权证或红股等因素导致股本扩大,令现有股东的权益每股盈余和每股资产下降。

    The risks include not being able to pay back the loan or develop crucial parts of your company because you have a loan, unreasonable and/or unnecessary dilution and even losing control of the company.


  • 研究发现资产规模公司盈利能力差的公司更可能从事盈余管理

    This article also shows companies with bigger size and higher ROE are associated with less discretional accruals.


  • 研究发现资产规模公司盈利能力差的公司更可能从事盈余管理

    This article also shows companies with bigger size and higher ROE are associated with less discretional accruals.


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