• 法国有媒体报道皮雷斯年底之前维拉签约。

    Reports in France suggest Pires will put pen to paper at Villa Park before the end.


  • 同时,罗伯特·皮雷斯又再一次尤文图斯联系起来。

    Meanwhile, Robert Pires is again being linked with a move to Juventus.


  • -主要是针对那些习惯边锋。例如奥维·马斯皮雷斯

    Cuts inside - Mostly for wingers who have a habit of cutting inside. i. e. Overmars, Pires.


  • -主要是针对那些习惯边锋。例如奥维·马斯、皮雷斯

    Cuts inside - Mostly for wingers who have a habit of cutting inside. i. e.


  • 如果侯力尔将要成为伟大的维拉教练那么皮雷斯就是一个未知数

    If Gerard Houllier goes on to be a great Aston Villa manager then Robert Pires will surely live on as a quiz question.


  • 法国边锋皮雷斯希望延长2年兵工厂合同但是枪手给12月的合同。

    French winger Pires is keen to earn a two-year extension at Arsenal, but The Gunners have only proposed a 12-month deal.


  • 同时皮雷斯正在履行他海布里年的合同关于合同的谈判陷入了僵局

    Whilst Pires is currently tied to a one-year deal at Highbury, talks have reached an impasse with regards to a New Deal.


  • 皮雷斯可以夏天离开布里,因为要求得到份两年的合同,但是俱乐部一年。

    Pires could leave Highbury over the summer as he has only been offered a 12-month contract extension after asking for a two-year deal.


  • 目击者皮雷斯当时正在旗子庆祝英超登顶。雷耶斯过去把短裤扒了下去

    An onlooker said: "Pires was draped in the Barclaycard flag to celebrate winning the title. Then Reyes grabbed his shorts and pulled them down."


  • 皮雷斯曾是阿森纳王牌,帮助球队赢下英超奖杯以及三个足总杯,他英超一共效力了198场。

    Pires was part of Arsenal's Invincibles, winning two Premier League titles and three FA Cups with the Gunners.


  • 周六与伯尔顿入球打破了保罗·斯科尔斯罗伯特·皮雷斯保持英超中场球员进球记录

    His goal at Bolton on Saturday broke the record for goals in a season by a midfielder in the Premiership, held previously by Paul Scholes and Robert Pires.


  • 答案划上大大的马叉才反应过来,侯力11月维拉公园签入的第一他的老乡皮雷斯

    Only when the paper has been marked with a big, fat nought will you be reminded that it was actually fellow countryman Pires who turned up first for Houllier at Villa Park back in November.


  • 纳斯里由于比赛风格而常拿来罗贝尔·皮雷斯比较希望同胞一样阿森纳建立类似影响力

    Pires comparison Nasri has been likened to Robert Pires due to his style of play and he hopes to make the same sort of impact at Arsenal as his compatriot.


  • 但是皮雷斯的经纪人斯蒂·芬克·比斯透露,得知球员离开伦敦之后意大利冠军尤文图斯唯一一个有接触俱乐部

    But Pires' representative Stephane Courbis has revealed Italian champions Juventus are the sole club to make contact after outlining how much the player wants to quit North London.


  • 皮雷斯最后一次表演是为阿森纳2006年欧洲冠军联赛决赛时,开场战术变化换下,因为门将莱曼的被罚下。

    Pires's last appearance for Arsenal was in the 2006 Champions League final when he was substituted in an early tactical change following the sending off of goalkeeper Jens Lehmann.


  • 阿森纳球星皮雷斯自由个人身份加盟维拉11月27进球数刷新了英超记录在英超比赛中单个星期六进球最多的日子。

    Former Arsenal star Robert Pires joins Aston Villa as a free agent and there are goals galore on 27th November as a new Premier League record is set for the most goals scored on a single Saturday.


  • 尼尔Claudemir皮雷斯德索萨巴西罢工期间探戈舞第七届世界锦标赛预选赛布宜诺斯艾利斯星期二,2009年825日发子弹。

    Nilza and Claudemir Pires de Souza, of Brazil, strike a pose during the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009.


  • 朱尔斯·皮雷蒂全球粮食产量未来30- 40增长50%- 100%,保障全球日益增长人口食物供给。

    Jules Pretty said that global food production will have to increase by 50-100% in the next 30 to 40 years, in order to feed Earth's growing population.


  • 他们花巨资买进球员包括德国国家队队长的托马斯·希策尔斯佩格,弗雷德里克·皮奎翁内巴勃罗·巴雷拉

    They bankrolled the signings of players including Germany captain Thomas Hitzlsperger, Frederic Piquionne and Pablo Barrera.


  • 傍晚时分,生物学家弗朗西斯科•阿尔瓦雷斯(Francisco Álvares)走进葡萄牙北部村庄皮特沃斯-达斯-朱尼奥斯(Pitõesdas Júnias),与老朋友们打着招呼

    At nightfall, biologist Francisco álvares walks through the village of Pit?es das Júnias, in northern Portugal, greeting old friends.


  • 那天吉恩·格雷斯打开皮特·理查兹店门时,皮特还是镇上孤单

    Pete Richards was the loneliest man in town on the day that little Jean Grace opened the door of his shop.


  • 周五大卫·皮特雷斯递交自己辞职承认欺骗了自己的妻子

    On Friday, director David Pitrace, turned in his resignation, and admitted on cheating his wife.


  • 不幸是,虽然伊斯蔻雷皮亚斯丘利的手杖用作医学标记,但历史上它们只有一根医学实践联系

    Unfortunately, although both the staff of aesculapius and the caduceus are in use, only one of them has a historical connection with the practice of medicine.


  • 珍·格雷斯开门店里一天皮特·理查德镇上孤独的

    Pete Richard was the loneliest man in town on the day Jean Grace opened the door of his shop.


  • 加利福尼亚沿海地区洛杉矶南部美国本地居民西班牙时期圣路易斯圣胡安卡皮斯特拉诺传教联系

    Native American people inhabiting the coastal area of California south of Los Angeles, associated during Spanish times with the missions of San Luis Rey and San Juan Capistrano.


  • 那不勒斯主教练艾迪·雷亚转会专家皮耶·保罗·马里坚持认为后卫里奇奥·多米齐不会离开俱乐部

    Napoli coach Edy Reja and transfer guru Pierpaolo Marino have insisted that defender Maurizio Domizzi will not be leaving the club.


  • 阿森纳下周六前往朴茨茅斯参加足总杯四分之一决赛皮雷表示,已作好准备面对球迷嘘声

    Pires has also vowed to rise above the jeers of the crowd when Arsenal travel to Portsmouth next Saturday for the FA Cup quarter-final at Fratton Park.


  • 皮里雷斯海事大学土耳其图兹拉市专门提供高等海事教育大学。

    Piri Reis Maritime University provides higher maritime education and applied training in Tuzla district of Istanbul, Turkey.


  • 朱尔斯·皮雷蒂:我们的方法首先审阅整个系统判定是否具备操控性。

    Jules Pretty: What we're saying is, look at the system first of all, and see how you can manipulate it.


  • 朱尔斯·皮雷蒂:我们的方法首先审阅整个系统判定是否具备操控性。

    Jules Pretty: What we're saying is, look at the system first of all, and see how you can manipulate it.


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