• 特·克劳奇身披球衣,而埃米尔·赫斯基英格兰世界杯预选中担任重要角色

    Peter Crouch will be wearing number nine as opposed to Emile Heskey who played a major part in England qualifying for the finals.


  • 西·德郡很多认为特克目光远大,区域提供了依靠控股的辅助措施获得成功的机会。

    But many on Merseyside think that Mr Whittaker is a man of vision, offering a chance for the region to pull itself up by its bootstraps.


  • 教练前途尔卡继续留在罗马尼亚国家队,负责带领球队征战世界杯资格

    Future: Piturca stays in charge of Romania for the time being and will presumably lead them through World Cup qualifying.


  • 失误太多,”尼日利亚守门员伊达·,“你看看莫桑比克的那场门将动作太滑稽了。”

    "You see a lot of mistakes," says the former Nigeria goalkeeper Idah Peterside. "You saw the game where the Mozambique goalkeeper tried to act funny."


  • 但是斯特·先生这样的银行业老手似乎享受障碍

    But old hands like Mr Stepic seem to relish an obstacle race.


  • 吉普”,画家埃尔·波纳尔1901年拍摄一张模糊黑色照片-只是由于其拍摄者才显得不同寻常-张照片表现的是舞者手臂放松的弧线

    "Gypsy Dancing," a dim sepia 1901 photograph by the painter Pierre Bonnard - remarkable just because of who took the picture - catches the easy arc of a dancer's arm.


  • 菲尔普斯表示:“期待着明年夏天和德曼。”

    Phelps said: "I look forward to racing Biedermann next summer."


  • 荷兰运动员特尔霍根班德世界游泳锦标中是个悲情英雄:他总共夺取过银牌铜牌,从没有获得过金牌;他在奥运会比中却取得了非凡成功

    Swimmer Pieter van den Hoogenband put together an unusual record at the long-course world championships, eventually winning seven silver medals and two bronze medals, but no gold.


  • 1663年4月10日缪尔•佩(Samuel Pepys),日记作家伦敦社交场上花花公子,记录品尝了一种叫做奥布莱恩(HoBryan)的法国葡萄酒,有着从未体验过的美妙绝伦的口味”。

    On April 10th 1663, Samuel Pepys, diarist and man-about-London, noted that he had enjoyed “a sort of French wine called Ho Bryan that hath a good and most particular taste that I never met with”.


  • 克劳迪奥·萨罗将代表秘鲁国家队分别周六和哥伦比亚队,下周三和玻利维亚各进行场友谊

    Claudio Pizarro is with Peru for their friendly game against Colombia on Saturday before facing Bolivia in another friendly in South America the following Wednesday.


  • 很快就评论家指出温斯普在此犯了一个错误:他引用凯蒂两位先生数据中的收入却没有包括资本收益所得部分

    But a commenter quickly notes that Mr Winship made a mistake here: he used Messrs Saez and Piketty's figures for income not including capital gains.


  • 2011年第13世界田径锦标残奥会冠军奥斯卡-斯特瑞斯与体格健全运动员们同场竞技,成功入围男子400半决,打破了历史纪录。

    Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius ran alongside able-bodied athletes and made history as he qualified for the 400-meter semi-finals at the 13th World Championships in Athletics in 2011.


  • 豪斯杯锦标中战胜史林德林想法真是太妙了,毕竟过去七年中没有能够做到但是现在史纳这样一个公正裁判他们是否能够做到呢?

    The idea of overtaking Slytherin in the house championship was wonderful, no one had done it for seven years, but would they be allowed to, with such a biased referee?


  • 马尔·塞洛。里可能一些米兰优秀球员参加意大利国家队规划友谊中的场,其中就包括佛罗伦萨的那场

    Marcello Lippi could call on some of Milan's best to play in one of the five friendly games scheduled for the Italian national side, including the one in Florence.


  • 温格认为一切来得太快。在2012年欧洲杯预选威尔士0-2输给英格兰,加里·将20岁的拉姆齐任命球队的新队长。

    The midfielder was given the armband by manager Gary Speed ahead of a Euro 2012 qualifier against England during March and led his country out for the 2-0 defeat in Cardiff.


  • 特·索伯格由于燃油问题而退

    Petter Solberg failed to finish with a fuel problem.


  • 切尔西首席执行官-肯扬:“我们对再度赴美作感到高兴。”

    Chelsea Chief Executive Peter Kenyon said: "We are delighted to be going back to the US for pre-season."


  • 这位意大利的主教练今年夏天那儿接过了执掌意大利队的教鞭但是至今为止世界杯冠军军团仅仅只是0 - 2负于克罗地亚,1 - 1在2008年欧锦预选上和立陶宛打平

    The Azzurri boss took over from Marcello Lippi in the summer, but so far his World Cup winning squad has managed just a 2-0 friendly defeat to Croatia and 1-1 Euro 2008 qualifier with Lithuania.


  • 布加迪威龙名字取自1939年赢得24小时耐力法国车手埃尔·威龙,当时威龙驾驶是布加迪公司的产品。

    It is named after French racing driver Pierre Veyron who won the 24 hours of le Mans in 1939 while racing for the original Bugatti firm.


  • 2008年世界汽车拉力锦标青年组冠军奥吉尔,在上个首次参加瑞典拉力发现自己很难跟上勒布以及雪铁龙私人车手·索伯格。

    Ogier, the 2008 Junior world champion, made his Rally Sweden debut last season and could find it hard to outgun Loeb and Citroen privateer Petter Solberg.


  • 中场球员尔乔沃尔:“一支他们这样的球队丰田杯失利不会受到多大影响的。”

    Midfielder Sergio Volpi said: 'A team like theirs won't be affected by any repercussions after the defeat in the Intercontinental Cup.


  • 西班牙裔研究中心(Pew Hispanic Centre)人口学家杰弗里•帕尔(JeffreyPassel)预计2007至2008年间美国非法移民数量下降了50万人。

    Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Pew Hispanic Centre, estimates that the number of illegal immigrants in America fell by 500,000 between 2007 and 2008.


  • 显然为季前热身杰出表现所打动罗马的比中梅开二度,所以名字可能出现在星期天的首发名单中。

    Boss Marcello Lippi is understood to have been impressed with Del Piero's pre-season form, he netted twice against Roma in midweek, and his name is expected to be in Sunday's squad list.


  • 埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫、凡尔美术馆凯旋门、蓬中心米歇尔山。

    The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Palace of Museed 'orsay, the Arc DE Triomphe, the Centre Pompidou, and the Mont-Saint-Michel.


  • 安得里亚·尔洛里诺·加图索参加一些特定训练并且参加了训练

    Andrea Pirlo and Rino Gattuso also did some specific training and joined in for the match.


  • 安得里亚·尔洛里诺·加图索参加一些特定训练并且参加了训练

    Andrea Pirlo and Rino Gattuso also did some specific training and joined in for the match.


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