• 增加保持皮肤水份含量

    Increase and keep the content of water in skin.


  • 这种怪异感受称为觉,其实皮肤内的温度感受器作祟。

    This odd sensation is called paradoxical cold and is caused by the temperature receptors in the skin.


  • 促使肌肤自制新嫩胶原蛋白,有效锁紧皮肤内的水份减退皱纹。

    Promote the production of skin collagen, effectively reserve skin moisture and reduce wrinkle.


  • 大多数人来说粉刺不只是皮肤上火表现,皮肤内的腺体也会受到感染

    For most people, pimples are nothing more than a reflection of skin irritation that results from an infection of the oil producing glands in the skin.


  • 研究人员25个志愿者晒伤的前臂皮肤完成程序取了组织样本检查皮肤变化。

    The researchers performed the procedure on sun-damaged forearm skin of the 25 volunteers and took tissue samples to examine the changes in the skin.


  • 结果依据病灶在颜面部皮肤深浅度,获得病灶完全去除部分去除,使患者容貌完全恢复显著改善

    Results Superficial lesions were completely removed while the deep ones were partly removed. The patients' faces were either restored to normal or improved.


  • Xie研究小组已经运用SRS显微镜追踪药物皮肤迁移情况,可以清楚地观察到局部用药后药物吸收情形。

    Xie's team has already used SRS microscopy to track migration of medications in skin, shedding new light on the absorption of topical drugs.


  • 为了调查皮肤对双a吸收水平研究者放射性同位素对双酚a做了标志,观察放射性标志在耳朵皮肤内的活动——这是种广泛应用的代替人类皮肤的实验模式

    To investigate levels of skin exposure, the researchers took radioactively labelled BPA and observed the movement of radioactivity through pig ear skin - a widely used model for human skin.


  • 他们通过将一个装有GPS定位装置的项圈佩戴北极熊后,研究员们就可以精确捕捉个月外出捕猎过程中的具体行为。 科学家们能够根据北极熊脖子上的项圈以及植入皮肤内的温度检测装置发送回来的数据来判断它是在水中还是再陆地上边。

    By fitting a GPS collar to a female bear, researchers were able to accurately plot its movements for two months as it sought out hunting grounds.


  • 身体的毛发自然卷曲皮肤生长时,就会产生剃须肿块

    Razor bumps form when hairs curl back on themselves and grow into the skin.


  • 包括一个皮肤这个皮肤内有打包皮肤组件其他HTML这些组件可以皮肤重新使用。

    This includes a skin, and within the skin, other HTML packaged as skin components that are reused by the skins.


  • 这会致使无害皮肤寄生细菌进入皮肤内,在那儿它们可能成为危险暂住细菌。

    This allows harmless skin residents to go beneath the skin, where they can become dangerous transients.


  • 研究人员认为这项作用骨髓肌肉皮肤新的治疗方法得到应用

    Researchers believe the new treatment, which works on bone marrow, muscle and skin, could be available within five years.


  • 第二方案通过类似方法电力通过皮肤两面的变压器,一外的机构

    The second would work by a similar method: getting electricity through the skin between two transformers, one inside and one outside the body.


  • 美国皮肤学会教员拥有全国范围专家全面数据

    The American Academy of Dermatologists offers a comprehensive database of specialists across the country.


  • 通过应用程序整个HTML主体标记属性指定可以这些皮肤用作基础

    These skins can also be used as a base by specifying it in the class attribute of your application's overall HTML body tag.


  • 他们成功地大量针头老鼠做流感的预防注射——可以认为注射”,因为他们没有完全穿透皮肤

    They have successfully inoculated mice against flu using scores of tiny needles that might be referred to ashyperdermic”, because they do not fully penetrate the skin.


  • 造成皮肤黑的紫外线会造成称为化学物质释放血液中。

    The ultra violet (UV) rays that cause suntans also cause a kind of chemical, called endorphins, to be released into the blood.


  • 因为当我们大脑受到高频辐射在能承受范围时,身体皮肤受到的辐射则有可能超过这个范围。

    While our brain may be exposed to the allowable amount of radiofrequency radiation, our bodies and our skin may be getting more than the phone's advertised dose of radiofrequency radiation.


  • 离子细胞吸收后,皮肤表层汗腺中形成一层。

    The aluminum ions are drawn into the cells that line the sweat gland at the top layer of skin.


  • 但是预计皮肤打印技术成熟,在20成为烧伤修复标准疗法

    But Yoo said that he expects skin printing to be ready for use within a few years and to become standard practice for burn repair within 20 years.


  • 人体一天会有周期性波动这使我们下午时候最闪亮(人们附近皮肤也是这个时候亮)在晚上的时候最黯淡

    This light fluctuates during the day, in cycles, leaving us brightest in the afternoon (the skin around your mouth lightens most around this time of day too) and dimmest in the evening.


  • KenChecinski医生,他是伦敦圣乔治医院成瘾行为高级导师,他警告说,即使每天5 mg的剂量下,在72小时发现药物皮肤情绪影响

    Dr Ken Checinski, senior lecturer in addictive behaviour at St George's Hospital, London, warned me I might see effects on my skin and mood within 72 hours, even on a 5mg daily dose.


  • 两种钩虫皮肤肌肉内的形态与侵入宿主第3幼虫相似

    Both species during their skin and muscle stages are similar to the 3rd stage larvae before entering hosts.


  • 借助传感器研究人员指出,皮肤呈现红色黄色皮肤内所含的类胡萝卜素水平有关。

    Using light sensors, the researchers showed these red and yellow hues were linked with the levels of carotenoids in their skin.


  • 毒理学皮肤病学家已经在整个他们的头班参考,在找到大量理论实际指导

    A generation of toxicologists and dermatologists has consulted this volume throughout their careers, finding within it a wealth of theoretical and practical guidance.


  • 24小时将其所含药物成分提供使用者皮肤尤其是伤口上面

    It can safely deliver medications for 24 hours at a time as well as protect the user's skin, particularly over wounds.


  • 24小时将其所含药物成分提供使用者皮肤尤其是伤口上面

    It can safely deliver medications for 24 hours at a time as well as protect the user's skin, particularly over wounds.


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