• 恩迪不是唯一的一家面临工人短缺的纺织集群。

    Bhiwandi is not the only, town facing a Labour shortage.


  • 我们现在皮瓦达,这里条巷子叫做皮瓦达一巷。

    We are in Bhoiwada now and there are three lanes. It's called Bhoiwada lane 1, 2 and 3.


  • 秒钟内细胞要执行一千万次耗能化学反应,而统共仅需要约1皮瓦(百万百万分之一)能量

    In one second, a cell performs about 10 million energy-consuming chemical reactions, which altogether require about one picowatt (one millionth millionth of a watt) of power.


  • 初始测试阶段,能够获得电能极其微小的——平方厘米金属片只有15(百亿分之一)。

    In initial testing, the amount of power produced was vanishingly smalljust 15 picowatts, or trillionths of a watt, per square centimeter of metal plate.


  • 个富人同意为内达支付往返萨尔多的机票。

    A rich man agreed to pay for Pineda's tickets to and from El Salvador.


  • 知道葡萄的秘密帮助人们摆脱葡萄种植地的无限制的观念,因为不管是气候因素或者当地疾病都可能使葡萄树致死

    Knowing the pinot noir genome should also help people who would like to grow grapes in places now off-limits to them-either for climatic reasons or because local diseases would kill them.


  • 莱利娅•图告诉警察说,丈夫哈里·早晨上班前就没有起来那是她特别的日子

    Lyalya Tupikova told police that her husband Khalpik failed to remember her special day before going to work in the morning.


  • 租金虽然还算低廉但是自1999年后已经跳跃式增长了30%,人数众多热爱咖啡馆的斯比亚雅人士们也受到广大公众的鄙夷

    Rents, although still low, have jumped by 30% since 1999. The Swabian yuppie, with multiple offspring and a fondness for coffee bars, is a widely despised figure.


  • 同时,这项政策指定苏拉特地处拉贾斯坦纺织品制造重镇尔·作为出口卓越”中心地位地位赠予了某些优惠

    The policy also designated Surat and Bhilwara, a textile-producing town in Rajasthan, as centres of export excellence, a status that confers certain benefits.


  • 保加利亚75岁老太娜·多布拉(图中)也许已经牙齿并且听觉有点问题,仍然可以引发男人为她决斗。

    She may not have all her own teeth and she's a bit hard of hearing, but Bulgaria's Pena Dobrava (see photo, m) can still stir violent passions in men.


  • 《钢琴家》:1939——1945年,一个波兰钢琴家华沙真实生存记录,迪斯夫·席曼。

    The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939-1945, Wladyslaw szpilman.


  • 这家只有三座沙龙一定只是什么东西的前部因为一直隐藏着,远离两车道——汇入小溪的尽头。

    The salon, a three-seater, must've been a front for other things, because it remained hidden way out on two-lane Pick Road, which dead-ended at a creek that fed the Savannah River.


  • ·劳埃德,赫福德郡的士丹顿·伊河畔明德小学校长,在报告强调到。

    Pippa Lloyd, head teacher of Staunton-on-Wye Endowed Primary School in Herefordshire, highlighted in the report, said.


  • Velasco博士令人称奇发现主要两个葡萄基因组之间11.2%巨大差异

    One surprising finding Dr Velasco made was the huge degree of difference, 11.2% in all, between pinot noir's two sets of chromosomes.


  • 上周,有媒体报道称意大利国家电力集团enel零售奢侈品巨头·诺(francoisPinault)签定一项和约,这加剧了不确定性

    Reports last week of a pact between Enel and francois Pinault, a retail and luxury-goods tycoon, added to the uncertainty.


  • 傍晚时分,生物学家弗朗西斯科•阿尔雷斯(Francisco Álvares)走进葡萄牙北部村庄特沃斯-达斯-朱尼奥斯(Pitõesdas Júnias),与老朋友们打着招呼

    At nightfall, biologist Francisco álvares walks through the village of Pit?es das Júnias, in northern Portugal, greeting old friends.


  • 场景那天晚上埃尔玛蒂尔德·泽尔家里

    The scene changes to that evening in the home of Pierre and Mathilde Loisel.


  • 看看理发师帕托·拉·德里斯吧,成功改善所在社区条件

    Look at Papito Valladeres, a barber, whose success allowed him to improve conditions in his neighborhood.


  • 谈到了米兰围绕留言的时候,说:“正常上个赛季那些媒体观察家的话题。”

    About Milan and the rumours involving him, Pippo concluded: 'it is quite normal, last season Sheva was subject of speculations in the papers.


  • 蓝衣军团同行者的一员,他已经球员主教练马赛洛。里过去的10有了亲密接触

    Riva is part of the Azzurri party and has been in close contact with the squad and boss Marcello Lippi over the last 10 days.


  • 两个种植大户——摩尔里卡多·布拉班特告诉他们一直期待今年年获得一个大+,收割工作往年开始得要早些

    Two oof the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual.


  • 乌克兰西列夫卡的私人动物园里,园主艺术家亚历山大·申科笼子里非洲卡佳在一起。

    Zoo owner and artist Aleksandr Pylyshenko lies next to female African lion Katya inside a cage at a private zoo in his yard in Vasilyevka, Ukraine.


  • 认罪,目前正等待判决结果

    Tupikova confessed her guilt and is now awaiting sentencing.


  • 著名奥运选手奥斯卡·斯托瑞斯获准保释等待女友·斯坎普死亡审判

    Fame Olympian Oscar Pistorius is out on bail to await trial in the recent death of his girl friend Reeva Steenkamp.


  • 德罗巴受伤萨罗,目前应该伦敦飞机这个时刻,我们的锋线面临着比较大的困难在这个时候回归非常好。

    'With Drogba injured and Pizarro still, in this moment I think in the air, on his way back to London, the situation is not easy in attack, and it's good to have Shevchenko back.


  • 残奥会冠军奥斯卡·斯托利斯叔叔指控侄子周四预谋射杀女友·史蒂恩卡姆帕毫无意义的。

    An uncle of the Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorious says there is no substance to allegations that his nephew shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in a premeditated killing on Thursday.


  • 残奥会冠军奥斯卡·斯托利斯叔叔指控侄子周四预谋射杀女友·史蒂恩卡姆帕毫无意义的。

    An uncle of the Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorious says there is no substance to allegations that his nephew shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in a premeditated killing on Thursday.


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