• 那儿有——看见它们顶部

    There are trees there—I saw the tops of them.


  • 把塑料瓶的顶部当作种植幼苗容器是个主意

    It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, with its top cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.


  • 我们山上眺望雅典建筑顶部

    From the hill we looked out over the rooftops of Athens.


  • 有人恶作剧,在那些台阶顶部根绳子

    Someone had played a trick on her, stretched a piece of string at the top of those steps.


  • 人强行冲破警方警戒线,把他们旗帜升到了那座有争议纪念碑顶部

    A group forced their way through police cordons and hoisted their flag on top of the disputed monument.


  • 提交消息应该位于日志顶部

    Your commit message should be at the top of the log.


  • 子从沙漏的顶部落到底部。

    The sand falls from the top of the sand glasses to the bottom.


  • 把网球拍放在架子的顶部

    He laid his tennis racket on the top of the shelf.


  • 导致一个球从时钟的顶部落下。

    This causes a ball to fall from the top of the clock.


  • 炎热夏季,背包可以翻转,这样太空毯就在它的顶部

    During the hot summer months, the backpack can be turned over so that the space blanket is on its top.


  • 攀登者接近珠穆朗玛峰的顶部时,他们很难吸入空气。

    It's very hard for the climbers to take in air as they get near the top of Qomolangma.


  • 照片的顶部写着:献给西部最好厨师威妮弗蕾德。来自你男孩们。

    At the top of the photo it says: To Winifred the best cook in the west. From your boys.


  • 莉跟妈妈一回到家,就画了一幅公园画,在画的顶部还用黑色大字写了个标志。

    As soon as Sally got home with her mom, she painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in large black letters at the top of the picture.


  • 看一下手机的顶部,你通常会看到一些小符号,上面写着 3G 或 4G。G 意思是移动网络“一代”。

    If you look at the top of your phone, you will usually see a little symbols that says 3G or 4G. The G means "generation" of your mobile network.


  • 爬到一个小山坡的顶部,发现薄雾只有几英尺深,虽然只是小段攀登,但我发现自己完全位于雾气上方,伴着夕阳西下,我看到了斯基多峰非常清晰景色。

    I climbed to the top of a small rise and realised that the mist was little more than a few feet deep, and though it was only a short climb, I found myself completely above it and looking at a wonderfully clear view of Skiddaw with the sun setting in the west.


  • 事实上你们可以在讲义顶部看到,《仙后》暗喻。

    You actually see this near the top of the handout, the allusion from the Faerie Queene.


  • 然后上升气流将轻盈正电荷冰晶带到顶部

    Then updraft wind currents carry the light, positively charged ice crystals up to the top of the cloud.


  • 圆形蛋糕切成两,把每个半圆放在正方形两边形成心形顶部

    Cut the circular cake in half and set each semicircle against adjoining sides of the square to form the top of the heart.


  • 一些大楼比作座奖杯因为顶部一个巨大、全部由玻璃制成

    Some have compared the building as looking like a trophy because at the top there is a huge sphere made out of glass.


  • 带正电荷粒子集中云团顶部底部中间区域形成是带负电荷粒子。

    Concentrations of positively charged particles develop at the top and bottom of the cloud, but the middle region becomes negatively charged.


  • 不是物理学家你们曾往一个瓶子顶部气,听到过发出声音

    I am no physicist, but I imagine you have all blown air over the top of an empty bottle and heard the sound it makes.


  • 第二雨季沙丘顶部被砍伐到处都是山脊这些凹洞正好顶部吸收了雨水

    During the second rainy period, the dunes were kind of chopped up at the top, full of hollows and ridges, and these hollows would've captured the rain right there on the top.


  • 最初顶部旋转刻度盘其他指示物上面字母图画描绘了太阳月相和不同星座

    In its original state, there were rotating dials and other indicators on the top, with letters and drawings showing the Sun, the phases of the moon and different constellations.


  • 这种风筝框架顶部木制面具——一个人头面具——可以清楚地看到它有一个纹身牙齿。

    This is the kind of kite that has a wooden mask at the top of the frameit's a mask of a human head—and you can clearly see it bas a tattoo and also a set of teeth.


  • 看起来蒲公英种子顶部知道,从中飞所有棒棒糖般种子一个中心正如我们首发那条微博。

    It looks like the head of a dandelion seed, you know, with all the lollipops coming out of it, and with a center in it, that we started out as the tweet.


  • 通过连接物连接方式到达了轮子顶部

    By means of linkwork connections it got to the top of the wheel.


  • 有时候它们顶部一些小建筑

    Sometimes built on top of them were small buildings.


  • 企鹅动力服务器顶部视图...

    A top view of our penguin-powered servers...


  • 表单顶部添加一些隐藏字段

    Some hidden fields are added at the top of the form.


  • 所有这些位于现有解析器顶部

    All of these classes sit on top of an existing parser.


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