• 成就:一家名为太阳能的太阳能产品生产公司

    What: Silicon solar, a solar product manufacturing company!


  • 但是亚洲以外太阳能产品制造商因此受到了很大冲击。

    But manufacturers trying to make product outside of China and other Asian countries are getting hit hard.


  • 作为另外针对贫困社区太阳能产品太阳能援助机构不会赠送微型太阳能电池设备

    As with other solar products targeting poor communities, SolarAid does not give away its micro-solar kits.


  • 恒基光伏电力科技股份有限公司真诚承诺符合您需求提供最优质全球范围里具有竞争力价格的太阳能产品

    HJ Solar sincerely assures you that we will provide high quality PV products with reasonable price to all of our customers around the world.


  • 预计明年产品上网交易后,供过于求太阳能电池板严重冲击市场中国尤其是这样。

    A glut of solar panels is expected to hit the market in the coming year as new production comes online, especially in China.


  • 家用太阳能板供能工厂生产全球首款“中和”文胸,这款产品面向流行市场发布寄望未来所有服装像它一样对环境无害。

    The world's first carbon neutral bra, made in a factory run on solar panels, has been launched onto the fashion market with hopes that all clothing will be more environmentally friendly in future.


  • 第一太阳能一家美国公司也是全球最大太阳能设备供应商。但是,其大多数产品都在海外制造

    First solar, an American company, is one of the world's largest solar power vendors. But most of its products are made overseas.


  • 实际应用中屋顶消费产品太阳能电池只有14%至18%效率

    In reality, solar cells that are on the roofs of houses and in consumer products have 14 to 18 per cent efficiency.


  • 中美两国主要出口品中,只有不到百分之十五直接竞争产品网络路由器太阳能电池板等

    In less than 15 percent of top export products - for example, network routers and solar panels - are American and Chinese corporations competing directly against one another.


  • 3m公司计划华中建设生产太阳能产品此举扩大该公司可再生能源市场销售渠道

    3m Co. plans to build a plant in central China that will manufacture solar energy products, a move that expands the company's presence in the renewable energy market as well as its footprint.


  • 当然现在我们身边已经了形形色色通过太阳能供电产品没有款设备款名为“Luce笔记本一样如此依赖阳光

    Of course there are many products and accessories currently on the market that use solar power, but no device has yet been developed that depends upon sunlight as much as the proposed 'Luce' laptop.


  • SolarWorld一直德国最大光伏产品制造商之一——SolarWorldAG美国一个重大分支,今年早些时候该公司曾以太阳能电池板价格急剧下跌为由关闭加州一家工厂

    SolarWorld is the U. s. arm of SolarWorld AG, one of Germany's largest solar product manufacturers, which shut down a California plant earlier this year due to a steep drop in solar panel prices.


  • 诺基亚(Nokia)曾1997年推出太阳能充电手机没有后来常规产品组合中延续下来。

    Nokia Corp., the world's largest cellphone maker by units and revenue, introduced a solar-based cellphone in 1997 but it didn't continue in the company's regular lineup.


  • 通过电池设计研发,它们制造出了独一无二高效单晶太阳能电池,其性能可以和Sunpower公司生产同期产品抗衡

    Using a unique cell design, the company has created a high-efficiency mono-crystalline solar cell that could compete with SunPower.


  • 其生产产品包括风力涡轮机水力电力核能太阳能发电等所有战略资源减少化石燃料依赖

    This includes wind turbines, hydro-electric power, nuclear energy, and solar power-all of the strategic sources to reduce dependence on fossil fuel.


  • 全球太阳能产品需求增长然而美国本土制造商美国国外市场份额下降

    Global demand for solar technology is rising, yet the American producers' share of the U.S. and foreign markets is on the decline.


  • 通过制造自己多晶硅修建自己的太阳能电厂期望自身能免于不成熟市场变幻莫测供应造成伤害,同时期望提高产品需求

    By making its own polysilicon and building its own power plants, it hopes to protect itself from the vagaries of supply in an immature market and also boost demand for its products.


  • 现在已经一个成为太阳能产品顾客绝佳时机但是不可避免产生分歧并不是每个人化解

    It's been a great time to be a customer of solar, but the inevitable ramification of that is not everyone is going to make it.


  • 真正意义上产品没有生命支持水果食食品并且太阳能储存

    Dead meat products are not life supporting in the real sense but fruits are live foods and are a store house of solar energy.


  • 加工产品用于制造太阳能面板这些面板将被安装位于宁夏郊区一所太阳能发电站中。

    The silicon product she gets from the machine will be used to make solar energy panels. These will then be installed in a solar power station located in the rural area of Ningxia.


  • 这种装置也许可以用来电子产品降温把余热转化为电能,或者是一种利用太阳能方法

    The devices may be used to cool electronics, harness solar energy in a new way, and conserve energy by changing waste heat into electric power.


  • 根据夏普公司所说,他们产品线上太阳能模组将会17%能源效率,比起公司相似模板上升了14%。

    The solar modules to be produced at the new line will have an energy efficiency of 17 percent, up from about 14 percent for the company's similar models, according to Sharp.


  • 混合动力车太阳能,更加环保替代产品代价更高

    From hybrid cars to solar panels, environmentally friendly alternatives can cost more.


  • 为了生产出可以用来进行诸如干细胞研究开发太阳能电池产品收缩纳米技术公司已经开发一种材料,其性能远远超过塑料卡片

    To create products such as stem cell research devices and solar cells, Shrink Nanotechnologies has developed a new material that trumps the toy's abilities.


  • 运营成本下降主要来自于单一太阳能产品销售额下降而削减各种开支”,

    The overall decrease in operating expenses was primarily "due to cutting down all kinds of expenses as a result of the decrease in sales of single solar products," du says.


  • 运营成本下降主要来自于单一太阳能产品销售额下降而削减各种开支”,

    The overall decrease in operating expenses was primarily "due to cutting down all kinds of expenses as a result of the decrease in sales of single solar products," du says.


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