• 最新世界自然基金会报告这样说明CCS优点

    In a recent WWF report, it also explains the economic benefits of CCS technology in that.


  • 马丁·索摩空负责环保慈善机构世界自然基金会北极项目

    Martin Sommerkorn runs the Arctic program for the environmental charitythe World Wildlife Fund.


  • 世界自然基金会CDP最近发布3%报告显示,从现在到2020年,遏制美国经济排放经济奖励7800亿美元。

    The 3% Report recently published by World Wildlife Fund and CDP shows that the economic prize for curbing carbon emissions in the US economy is $780 billion between now and 2020.


  • 我们真诚地希望世界自然基金会保护这个濒危野生物种发挥作用

    We sincerely hope that WWF can play a role in protecting this endangered species.


  • 为中国最著名动物,大熊猫出现在世界自然基金会(WWF)标志上。

    As the most famous animal of China, the giant panda appears in the logo of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).


  • 界自然基金会一项研究显示,由于污染、气候变化和过度开发,中国湿地正遭受退化严重威胁。

    A WWF research showed China's wetlands were seriously threatened by degradation because of pollution, climate change and overexploitation.


  • 世界自然基金会表示,全球黑犀牛数量已下降至5500头,使犀牛处于“极度濒危”状态。

    According to the World Wildlife Fund, the global black rhino population has dropped as low as 5500, giving the rhinos a "critically endangered" status.


  • 界自然基金会(WWF)列出了五件每个人为拯救环境力所能及小事。

    The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has made a list of five things that each person can do to save the environment.


  • 最近利用世界自然生态基金会获得一些资助,实施了一项全国采访培训低碳带头人项目

    With some funding from the World Wide fund for Nature, it recently ran a project to interview and train "low-carbon leaders" around the country.


  • 世界自然基金会AshokChapagain,这个已经研究了如何定义“足迹这一概念方法将近科学家,布兰德所发表论文价值很高,但是还远远不够说明问题。

    "The paper Brad has written has quite a high value, but there is a long way to go, " says the World Wildlife Fund's Ashok Chapagain, who has been studying water footprint methods for over five years.


  • 世界自然基金会称,波兰计划之中11个煤炭项目之一德国另外还有28项计划之列。

    It is one of an estimated 11 new coal schemes planned in Poland, while 28 more are on the drawing board in Germany, according to the WWF.


  • 世界自然基金会报告指出很多破坏由于烧林开垦耕地然后满足全球大豆牛肉生物燃料需求造成

    The WWF report says much of the destruction results from burning of the forest to clear land, which is then used to meet the global demand for soybeans, beef and biofuel.


  • 就是世界自然基金会赞助第五国际智能器械大赛

    It's the fifth International Smart Gear Competition sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund.


  • 认为世界自然基金会建立者们这些事情联系起来表示我们必须拯救整个生态系统不仅仅动物动物园。

    I think WWF's founders wanted to make that connection, to show that we need to save whole ecosystems, and not just put animals in zoos.


  • 提克纳说,梦想也是世界自然基金会每位工作者梦想,说来简单起来颇具挑战性自然未来和谐相处。

    The dream of everyone who works for WWF is very challenging to achieve, but very simple in concept: a future in which people live in harmony with nature.


  • 世界野生动物基金(前身为世界自然基金会)表示这次峰会成功率持乐观态度,也警告失败将会导致亚洲大片区域老虎灭绝

    The WWF (formerly the World Wide Fund for Nature) says it is optimistic about the summit's chances of success, but warns that failure will lead to the extinction of the tiger across much of Asia.


  • 来往频繁油轮使片海域一直处于可能发生石油泄漏高度警戒状态下,世界自然基金会估计未来10里,波罗海通过油轮数就可能翻一番

    The area is permanently on high alert for spills because of intense tanker traffic, which the World Wide Fund for Nature estimates could double in the next 10 years in the Baltic alone.


  • 世界自然基金会保护司司长吉利·埃林污染水域进行考察后如果漏油接近海岸引起全球性危害

    WWF director of conservation Dr Gilly Llewellyn, who conducted a three day expedition through the polluted waters, said if the spill were closer to shore there would be global outrage.


  • 按照世界自然基金会看法,通过这种方式获得淡水昂贵高耗能并且排放了温室气体”,现在成本正在下降,并且正在蓬勃发展。

    According to the WWF, it's an "expensive, energy intensive and greenhouse gas-emitting way to get fresh water", but costs are falling and the industry is booming.


  • 世界自然基金会呼吁REACH责令企业寻找危险化学品替代物即使企业能够证明这些化学物品使用非常安全

    WWF had argued that REACH should oblige industry to find alternatives to hazardous chemicals, even when firms can show that they are being used safely.


  • 世界自然基金会这样非赢利组织常常考虑如何减少开支这样我们可以拯救自然方面投入更多资金

    Nonprofit organizations like WWF always have to think about how to reduce expenses, so we can spend more money on saving nature.


  • 郝克明世界自然基金会中国开展了25工作

    Jim Harkness: WWF has worked for almost 25 years in China.


  • 然而世界自然基金会估计,43%大熊猫栖息地29%大熊猫没有得到有效保护

    However, according to WWF estimates, 43 per cent of panda habitats and 29 per cent of its population are not yet effectively protected by nature reserves and protected areas.


  • 世界自然基金会彼得森持反对意见:“我们希望尽可能广层面上对此次峰会产生影响

    Petersen at WWF disagreed. "We want to influence the summit by engaging as widely as possible ...


  • 世界自然基金会认为欧洲总计50个煤电计划相当于500亿瓦电力

    The WWF believes the 50 coal schemes in total around Europe represent about 50 gigawatts of power.


  • 世界自然基金会气候变化大使主要负责进入喜马拉雅山考察。朋友阿帕·夏尔巴一起登山

    He is a WWF ambassador on climate change and runs major expeditions into the Himalayas, climbing with his friend Apa Sherpa, who has climbed Everest 19 times - the world record..


  • 世界自然基金会Tx 2项目旨在下一个老虎,即2022年,野生老虎数量翻一倍

    WWF's ambitious Tx2 program aims "to double the number of wild tigers by 2022, the next Year of the tiger."


  • 世界自然基金会Tx 2项目旨在下一个老虎,即2022年,野生老虎数量翻一倍

    WWF's ambitious Tx2 program aims "to double the number of wild tigers by 2022, the next Year of the tiger."


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