• 版本中,杠杆方式运用意味着有数以千计参与者

    In the new version, the use of leverage means the game is being played with hundreds of packs of CARDS and by thousands of different players.


  • 我们产品完全秉承传统中华蒸笼制作工艺全部使用天然原材料配件制成成品。

    Our products totally inherit Chinese traditional steamer production arts, using natural material and fitting and are completely made by hand.


  • 如果有机会公司实习保证不断运用自己分之工作证明的公司,他们做出正确选择

    If given the opportunity to intern at your esteemed firm, I promise to continuously apply myself one hundred percent to the task at hand to prove to the firm that they made the right choice.


  • 曾借摩西亚伦引导好像羊群一般

    You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.


  • 每个星期三走上白俄罗斯城市街头一声不吭地拍着他们

    Every Wednesday a few hundred people come out on the streets of Belarusian cities and wordlessly clap their hands.


  • 随后扫的兄弟抓住以扫脚跟,因此给名叫雅各(雅各就是抓住的意思)。利加生下两个儿子的时候,六十岁。

    And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.


  • 有力的不如一个聪明的头脑。

    One good head is better than a hundred strong hands.


  • 天使报喜图》中干枝天使。

    Just as the angel bears a lily-stem in the Annunciation.


  • 艾思梅已经行动了起来墙上个隐藏着的按钮,然后,只听一声轻响,巨大的金属叶窗开始降下来封闭玻璃墙

    Esme was already moving; her hand touched an inconspicuous keypad on the wall, and with a groan, huge metal shutters began sealing up the glass wall.


  • 陆前高田几乎全部浸没日本广播协会NHK播报,战士们已在该镇发现了尸体

    The town of Rikuzentakada, Iwate prefecture, was almost completely submerged. Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that soldiers had found hundreds of bodies there.


  • 测量结果发布到网络后,数以担忧家长加入了他的组织

    When Nakate posted his findings online, hundreds of concerned parents joined his fledgling organization, which became the Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation.


  • 其次事可乐极为依赖品牌CPG产品大众营销文化将需要内部剧烈变化,才能真的接受社会营销。 因为社会营销的成功仰仗放开,交由大众去做。

    Secondly,Pepsi's culture of mass marketing of a brand heavy CPG product willneed severe changes of internal culture to embrace social marketing--where success lies in letting go of control.


  • 来到大型商店坐在柜台,一柜台

    When she arrived at the large department store, she sat in front of an empty counter. She rested her hand upon the counter.


  • 说,“毫不夸张说,学生团团围住,人们千方计挤过去靠近只是为了和他接触下握个什么的。”

    He would be surrounded by literally hundreds of students. People would get close to him, just to touch him.


  • 祷告时候,先前的那位,奉命迅速飞来晚祭的时候身上。

    Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.


  • 吸二最少101个孩子接触最多的361个问卷中得分平均高出44个分点——9.26.4。

    Compared to the 101 kids who breathed in the least secondhand smoke, the 361 with the most exposure scored an average of 44 percent higher on the questionnaire - 9.2 versus 6.4.


  • 人潮拍了过来,两多只抓住了我胳膊每一被高高举起

    The circle of men collapses in on top of me, and two hundred hands clamp around every inch of my arms and legs and I'm lifted spreadeagle toward the light.


  • 右边一个芬兰的一家二商店买到的,带着横跨了二千五英里陆地海洋

    I found the one on the right in a junk shop in New Foundland and carried it 2, 500 miles across land and sea, literally.


  • 过去大家议论的最多霍尔的“两亿美元的钞票”(见左图),历史上非常重要的画作,1962年绸布画板上。

    The most talked about work of the week was Warhol's “200 One Dollar Bills” (pictured left), an historically important, hand-drawn silkscreen painting from 1962.


  • 最新报道宫城县县的其它地区,海啸引发的潮水已经卷走了数以计的尸体,此次灾难将会导致45万无家可归

    Elsewhere in Miyagi and Iwate prefecture, hundreds more bodies have been dumped by the tsunami, news reports say, and some 450,000 people have been made homeless.


  • 耐克、英国广播公司第一台、"绿色和平"组织、SKY公司、瑞士维多麦、每日秀、三菱汤姆森假日O2曾以高酬劳请过麦圈制造者

    Nike, Pepsi, BBC1, Greenpeace, Sky, Weetabix, Big Brother, Mitsubishi, Thompson Holidays and O2 have all paid circle-makers tens of thousands of pounds for a night's work.


  • 个人柔软身体而是冰凉千疮绝望眼睛

    May have individual does not love me because of my soft body, but my cold hands, the heart of the holes and the eyes of despair.


  • 出现颁奖典礼举办地伦敦西部伯爵时,在场个歌迷陷入一阵“混乱”,他们杰克逊拍照,还伸出争着和他“

    Earlier jackson's a earance outside the earl's court arena in west london I ired glee and bedlam among hundreds of fa who scrambled for photos and reached out to touch his gloved hand.


  • 那些买得起汽车的人好几便宜车可挑选

    People who cannot afford a new car have hundreds of cheap, used cars to choose from.


  • 在一起幸福的事牵着那无骨鸡柳般柔软,我就感到事可乐

    And with you I am most happy thing, boneless chicken breast strips, holding it like you have soft hands, I felt Pepsi.


  • 也大度地伸出

    Baichun Zheng also put his hand magnanimously.


  • 记得当时的,恭敬又肃穆地,颤抖着的一捧着张照片,真是交集

    With respect and solemnness, I remembered, I held the picture with shaky hands, overwhelmed with emotions.


  • 三生有幸握素白头。

    To hold the hand, one hundred to mend altogether hoary head.


  • 三生有幸握素白头。

    To hold the hand, one hundred to mend altogether hoary head.


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