• 两种通用全书,《美国法释义全书第二版》,数量超过九十以及《美国法律续编》,有超过百卷之多。

    There are two popular general encyclopedias, American Jurisprudence 2d in over ninety volumes, and Corpus Juris Secundum in over one hundred volumes.


  • 复杂因素,一直缺乏专门针对亚裔美国人的一参考著作传记词典台式科全书

    A complicating factor has been the continuing lack of specialized one-volume reference works on Asian Americans, such as biographical dictionaries or desktop encyclopedias.


  • 进了罗马城,(有古把众囚犯交给御营统领惟有)保罗蒙准,和看守,另在一处。

    And when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him.


  • 圣约翰启示录第14写道--你们知道:,的了首歌,除了四千一四十人,那些人间救赎的人。

    John the Divine had written in Revelation 14 -- you know this: and no man could learn that song but the one hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.


  • 最终十二之多,几乎与一整套旧式科全书等量齐观

    The final books add up to twelve volumes, or about the size of an entire old-style encyclopedia.


  • 大英科全书》第25934第2中写到,欧洲野牛波兰比亚沃维耶扎森林生活,一点也是错误

    In volume 25, page 934, column 2, the encyclopaedia states that the European bison, or wisent, may be found only in the Bialowieza Forest in Poland, which is also incorrect.


  • 老奶奶走开以后,放在壁橱里来个法郎,收衣袋里

    When the old woman had taken her departure, he did up a hundred francs which he had in a cupboard, into a roll, and put it in his pocket.


  • 所有者出售:大英全书全套,共45

    FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes.


  • 如清单6df命令显示每个可用使用总数以及空闲空间分比

    As shown in Listing 6, the df command shows you the total number of blocks used on each available volume and the percentage of free space.


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    Find hundreds more articles like this at ohmydogsupplies.com - also find creative and unique dog gear like Dog Supplies, Dog Beds, and so much more. Coupons available!


  • 第一包含之前版本删去的内容相当于大概只有口述分之五那么多,”自传总编辑哈里特·E·斯密

    The material in Volume 1 that was omitted from previous editions amounts tomaybe as little as 5 percent of the dictations, ” said Harriet E. Smith, chief editor of the autobiography.


  • 所有者出售:大英全书全套,共45。八九成新,售价1,000美元,可议价。暂时需要。本人于上周末结婚妻子精通科。

    FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000.00 or best offer. No longer needed. Got married last weekend. Wife knows everything.


  • 这儿零散全书。

    Here are two-odd volumes of an encyclopedia.


  • 除了最为常见生菜波士顿生菜、比布生菜生菜之外,还有不同种类的球生菜和叶生菜。

    There are hundreds of kinds of head and leaf lettuces besides the most popular choices, like iceberg, Boston, bibb and romaine.


  • 因为领域成功,1860年委任10动物学的科全书

    Because of his success in doing this, in 1860 he was commissioned to write a 10-volume zoological encyclopedia.


  • 一个多少卡路里的热量?

    How many calories in a bagel?


  • 窗口标语写着商店提供一种29美分特殊价格全书的第一

    A sign in the window announced that the store was offering the first volume of a set of encyclopedias at the special price of 29 cents.


  • 冬天大碗喝酒汉子,是岁老人脸上皱纹,是的厚重深邃秦砖汉瓦沧桑

    In winter, the guy is drinking bowl is centenarians such as carved on the face of wrinkles, such as Juan, is the Tang, Song volume of heavy axle deep, Qin Han brick tile vicissitudes.


  • 有些历史书籍长达

    Some histories are one hundred volumes long.


  • 经历244年之后大英全书公司决定停止发售著名的沉重的、多达32的印刷版科全书。

    After 244 years reference book firm Encyclopaedia Britannica has decided to stop publishing its famous and weighty 32-volume print edition.


  • 这本书(第5)列出先进清洗用于家庭工业汽车产品配方应用

    This book (Volume 5) presents several hundred advanced cleaning product formulations for household, industrial and automotive applications.


  • 电化学全书,第11索引

    Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Volume 11, Index.


  • 联系中国全书·图书馆》中的观点,发表对图书馆定义讨论看法。

    It also presents a view on the discussion of the new definition of library by relating to the idea shown in China Encyclopedia - library Volume.


  • 关于世界交往世界历史关系先生在《中国全书·外国历史“世界历史”辞条中作了较为详尽总体上的表述。

    Mr. Wu yu-jin discussed the connections between the world communication and the world history in the volume of Foreign History of the Encyclopedia of China.


  • 尼尔·康明斯天文学家):那些海潮很可能冲入离岸英里陆地然后退潮的时候,潮水冲刷着大地,陆地表面的各种碎片海里

    Neil Comins (Astronomer): They probably would have covered hundreds of miles and then they would come back 13)scouring the land, taking debris from the surface of the Earth into the oceans.


  • 电解清洗需要以防万一分率材料制造工厂还原反应核酸混合的时候。

    Electrolytic Cleaning is required in case material rolled with high percentage of oil while reduction in mills goes for annealing in furnace.


  • 第一全书,标题为《IllustrirtesThierleben》在1864年至1869年,赫尔曼。朱利叶斯·迈耶科全书研究所出版

    The first six volumes of the encyclopedia, published under the title Illustrirtes Thierleben, appeared from 1864 to 1869, published by the Bibliographisches Institut under Herrmann Julius Meyer.


  • 射频微波工程科全书阐明了这个领域如何成为技术促进无线通信业迅猛发展关键

    The six volume set of Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering illustrates how this field has been the key to enabling technology responsible for the phenomenal growth of wireless communications.


  • 纵观世界上千种类型设置处理生产线许多不同需求领域加工材料

    To have seen literally hundreds of lines of various types and configurations in the world. These lines are processing material for many different markets.


  • 纵观世界上千种类型设置处理生产线许多不同需求领域加工材料

    To have seen literally hundreds of lines of various types and configurations in the world. These lines are processing material for many different markets.


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