• 白银黄金下跌,损失百份比更多

    Silver declined with gold yesterday but it lost more in percentage terms.


  • 线路好的时候,什么进行检查[95]? 95。

    Percent good lines to accept during copy quality checking [95]?


  • 蓝色渐变图示代表各国人口得到清洁食水资源设备百份比

    The blue coloured symbols in varying sizes represent the percentage national population with access to sanitation facilities.


  • 八月XT汽油销售量去年八月增长分之十。

    For the month of August, XT experienced a ten percent increase in gasoline sales as compared to sales in August the previous year.


  • 今年1月通用汽车的销售为19.5%,如果不计土星庞蒂亚克萨博悍马四个品牌的销量,就只剩下16.9%,丰田1个分点。

    In January, GM had market share of 19.5%.without Saturn, Pontiac, Saab and Hummer, its share would have been 16.9% — a point less than Toyota's.


  • 微软智能手机用户下降到了11.8%,四月14%的下降了2.2个分点。

    Microsoft notched 11.8 percent of smartphone subscribers, down 2.2 percent from its 14 percent share in April.


  • 考古学声明中,经放射性碳测年鉴定,环形巨石阵应该建造公元前2400年至公元前2200年之间之前的推测年。

    The archaeologists said in the statement that radio-carbon dating put the construction of the circle of bluestones at between 2,400 B.C. and 2,200 B.C., a few centuries later than originally thought.


  • 1997年的卫报》/CIM调查发现,48%的人认为没有王室英国境况差,现在15个分点。

    In August 1997 a Guardian/ICM poll found that only 48% thought the country would be worse off without the crown, 15 points lower than now.


  • 11缴不出房贷没收年前高出分之28,现在大约1200万美国人房贷欠款超过他们住房市场价值

    Foreclosure filings in November were 28 percent higher than a year earlier and some 12 million Americans now have mortgage balances bigger than the market value of their homes.


  • 美国商务部星期三,美国零售销售额九月下降分之一点二,年来最大降幅几乎专家预期的数字增加一

    The Commerce Department said Wednesday retail sales dropped by 1.2 percent last month. It was the biggest decline in three years, and almost double what experts were expecting.


  • 统计局还表示食品价格上升了总体价格上升3分之1,与同年10月升幅17.6的,11升幅达到18.2

    Food prices, which account for one-third of the index, jumped 18.2 percent in November, compared with an increase of 17.6 percent in October, the bureau said.


  • 按国别划分,美国依然排名第一,25%来自美国,三月下降了5个分点。

    The U.S. is still number one in terms of countries, with 25% of Twitter messages, down from 30% in March.


  • 整个欧元区1失业率7.4%,按照过往经验通货膨胀压力会随之上升的失业率还差不多1个分点。

    In the euro zone as a whole, the unemployment rate in January was 7.4%, a percentage point or so below the rate at which, on past form, you might expect inflationary pressure to rise.


  • 16国欧元区7大概有1千58十万失业人口,之前一个月减少了8千,在27国的欧盟范围内,7月失业率依然维持9.6%。

    Some 15.8 million people within the 16-nation euro region were unemployed in July, down 8,000 from the previous month. In the 27-member eu, unemployment held at 9.6 percent in July.


  • 英国零售商协会今日发布一项调查结果显示7月商店营业额增长速度减慢零售业销货价值平均增长0.5,而六月的数字是1.2个

    A BritishRetail Consortium survey released today showed stores posted slower salesgrowth in July, with retail sales values rising an annual 0.5 percent, comparedwith a 1.2 percent increase in June.


  • 新建住宅商品房房价上升6.7%,6增速快了0.1个分点。

    The prices of new commodity housing increased by6.7 percent, up0.1 percentage point over June.


  • 显示安全分数随着相符安全结束的生命修补应用程序报告

    You'll get a report showing you security "score" percentages along with tallies of insecure, end-of-life and patched applications.


  • 发明涉及一种甲醇燃料安全添加剂,包括如下重量的组分散40- 45%、醇溶耐晒蓝45 - 50%和甲醇10%。

    The invention relates to methanol fuel security additive. Its components weight percentages are as follows: disperse brilliant blue 40-45%, spirit light fast blue 45-50, and methanol 10%.


  • 国家统计局公布,70个主要城市住房价格9上升了0.5个分点,去年同期上升分之9.1。

    Housing prices in 70 major cities were up 0.5 percent in September from the previous month and rose 9.1 percent from the same month a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said.


  • 报告于星期一发表其中纽约作为基准城市。对于居住俄罗斯首都外国人来说,他们的生活费纽约还要高35个分点。

    The cost of living for expatriates in the Russian capital is nearly 35 percent higher than in New York, which served as the base city for the survey released Monday.


  • 我厂七月产量元月增加分之二十五。

    The output of July in our factory increased by 25% compared with that of January.


  • 巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)的数据,截至周一,30年期抵押贷款利率10年期美国国债利率高0.63个分点;之下,1两者的差距为0.65个分点。

    As of Monday, 30-year mortgage rates stood just 0.63 percentage points above 10-year Treasury notes, according to Barclays Capital, compared with 0.65 percentage points in January.


  • 价格销售上月七月的销售上涨大约分之15。

    Sales by value last month rose about 15 percent from July.


  • 价格销售上月七月的销售上涨大约分之15。

    Sales by value last month rose about 15 percent from July.


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