• 纳西1995年初次导演长气球》即获得纳电影摄影机奖。 2000年,执导的《生命的圆圈》获得威尼斯电影大奖金狮奖。

    Panahi won the Camera d'Or at the Cannes film festival in 1995 for his debut feature, The White Balloon, and the Golden Lion at Venice for his 2000 drama, The Circle.


  • 格调杂志做过一个明星乐于打破时尚规则”的专题栏目,其中,瑞切尔·贝尔森针对劳动过后法则:“忘掉这些陈规吧,我喜欢一整年都穿色,越是被认为不当,这样的穿法越酷。”

    InStyle magazine did a great feature on fashion rules the stars love to break. In it, Rachel Bilson sounded off on the white after labor day rule, saying "Forget the old rules."


  • 另一位明星为看看上面维多利亚·贝克汉姆照片位以完美格调闻名于世时尚人物,既然都不遵循劳动过后禁的规则,那么你也应该如此

    For another star example, check out the picture of Victoria Beckham above. She's a world-renowned fashionista who's known for her impeccable style!


  • 对于单元集成测试TMap盒测试阶段可以应用;对于验收测试,读者可以阅读下面的验收测试

    For unit and integration testing, the white-box phasing of TMap can be applied; for acceptance testing, the reader should refer to the acceptance tests "section below."


  • 所以后人认为,一天毫无意义就好像一只一样行为愚蠢为为愚人之起源

    So later that in this day to do a meaningless things, like a dove made of white workers as stupid behavior, is the origin of "April Fool" is.


  • 女儿当天,人们会替女孩举行派对,并且享用清酒(编按:菱饼一种粉红、绿等三层颜色的菱形糕饼)。

    On the day of the festival, a party is held for the girls where sake and diamond-shaped rice cakes are consumed.


  • 清明赛船习俗遍及各县嘉兴海盐称出平湖快船,均为划船比赛

    Ching Ming Festival regatta practices throughout the county, Jiaxing, said stepping white boat, sea salt, said a jump ship, Pinghu shake Clippers said, are boat RACES.


  • 陈列格兰纳达某家博物馆中的伊莎贝拉一世皇冠

    The crown and sceptre of Queen Isabella I, on display at a museum in Granada.


  • 象征神圣、纯洁、复活百合复活经典之花

    The white lily, the symbol of the resurrection, is the typical Easter flower.


  • 现在段具有批评性、有见地的开场目标在于阐明定理复活不是一个日期、一个喜庆日、一个假日,也不是一个场合

    Now, the object of this critical and learned preamble is to set forth the theorem that Easter is neither a date, a season, a festival, a holiday nor an occasion.


  • 采用34点空间板单元离散整个车身建立细化力学模型

    Dispersing the whole BIW with 3d shell elements of 3 or 4 nodes created the fine FEM model.


  • 母亲一天很多孩子送给妈妈康乃馨,有的、的、粉的的,非常漂亮。

    On Mother's Day, many children give their mother red, white, pink or yellow carnations.


  • 新鲜生蚝,鲜带子,清蒸肉蟹刺身

    Jet Fresh Oysters, Poached Prawns, Sea Scallops, Steamed Crab, Sashimi.


  • 在吃完所有感恩菜品之后,可以款比萨饼,它用米蓝色绿色红椒酥皮烤成并且表面有种自面包店自个的水耕花园里新鲜蔬菜

    Once the Thanksgiving leftovers are long gone, order up a pizza baked on blue corn or green chile crust and topped with fresh vegetables grown in the bakery's own hydroponic garden.


  • 我们英语欢迎到来我们可以互换礼物而且你的衣服必须绿色,要带上头饰

    Our English festival welcome your arrival, we can exchange gifts, and your garments must be red, white and green, wear a tiara oh!


  • 眼底造像部分动脉线改变。谢谢!

    Fundus angiography shows that part of the temporal arteries appear to segmental and white line-like changes.


  • 古人以“而不”来比喻高风亮坚毅挺拔的象征。

    "Jade can be broken but its white color exists. Bamboo can be burned but not destroy its integrity." is often compared to integrity of people by the ancients. It presents high and bright integrity.


  • 我们同时告诉志愿者,噪音可能圣诞部分曲子如果有人听到了请按一个按钮”,大学教授西蒙·克罗说。

    Professor Simon Crowe, of La Trobe University, said: "we also told them that within the white noise there may be parts of the song white Christmas and if you hear it, press a button."


  • 我们同时告诉志愿者,噪音可能圣诞部分曲子如果有人听到了请按一个按钮”,大学教授西蒙·克罗说。

    Professor Simon Crowe, of La Trobe University, said: "we also told them that within the white noise there may be parts of the song white Christmas and if you hear it, press a button."


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