• 马歇尔避免二十世纪抗议小说典型受压迫白人社会冲突悲剧性女主人公

    Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been typical of the protest novels of the early twentieth century.


  • 然后就是这么白人社会处处得宠、熟能生巧地胜利者的确一个心灵空虚地文化孤儿

    Then is such a white society in favor of ease, everywhere winner, really a mind empty culture orphans.


  • 丛林漫游暂时回归传统原始生活方式白人社会尤其工作居住的间隔期开展,通常包括穿越丛林漫游。

    A temporary return to traditional aboriginal life, taken especially between periods of work or residence in white society and usually involving a period of travel through the bush.


  • 他们如何能够摆脱忧愁:如果他们家里看见年轻人列阵反对老人黑人反对白人邻居反对邻居,因而他们经受社会冲突危险

    How can they turn from melancholy when at home they see young arrayed against old, black against white, neighbor against neighbor, so that they stand in peril of social discord.


  • 不过一个南方的贫穷白人社会地位不过那里的那些有色人种高些。

    He's a poor white man in the South; his social status was just better than those colored people.


  • 社会实验一再证明雇主面对份基本完全相同的简历时,会倾向于选择其中拥有典型白人名字的简历。

    Social experiments have repeatedly shown that employers who are offered two otherwise identical resumes prefer one that carries a typically white name to one with a typically black name.


  • 研究发现白人孩子社会阶级容易影响他们学校表现这种影响少数族裔更严重

    A child's social class is more likely to determine how well they perform in school if they are white than if they come from an ethnic minority, researchers have discovered.


  • 然而整体而言社会经济层面上,黑人境况白人相去甚远。

    In social and economic matters across the black population as a whole, however, blacks are still much worse off than whites.


  • 他们被剥夺尊严自我价值感,许多人至今面对白人仍然犹如惊弓之鸟,哪怕有些已经进入社会上层。

    Robbed of their dignity and sense of self-worth, many-even some of those who have made it to the very top-remain hypersensitive and acutely wary of the white man.


  • 以下一个菲律宾裔女性告诉的:欧洲人殖民过的社会里,殖民地人民学会白人看做高人一等

    Here's what a Filipino woman told me: in cultures Europeans colonized, the colonized people learned to see whites as superior.


  • 然而经济社会生活中,黑人状况依然不如白人高贫困率高犯罪率以及形形色色严重的社会问题。

    In social and economic matters across the black population as a whole, however, blacks are still much worse off than whites. They endure far greater rates of poverty, crime and other social ills.


  • 上层则饱受社会多尔弗斯·雷蒙出身世家,是个富有白人更喜欢黑人为伍。

    Upper-class people are indulged: Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man from a "fine old family" who prefers the company of black people.


  • 击败白人主导罗的西亚(即前津巴布韦社会后,创建了由黑人主导的国家,初穆加贝,像是另一个曼德拉

    Having defeated the white-majority rule of Rhodesia to create his black-majority state, Mugabe looked at first like another Mandela.


  • 学者们研究婚姻时,他们常常把研究重心放在白人身上,然而当研究到非裔美国人时,他们又常常只研究社会底层阶级

    When scholars study marriage, they usually focus on white people, yet when they focus on African Americans, they usually study the lower classes.


  • 底层社会,包括黑人白人拉美后裔群体中,完整家庭现在可以算是濒危物种

    In the underclass (black, white and Hispanic alike), intact families are now an endangered species.


  • 而且也不知道忽视我们作为有色人种男女与(白人的)差别是否法律社会都造成危害。

    And I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of colour we do a disservice both to the law and to society.


  • 所以他们通过社会学家尤其是人类学家白人们是怎样使用手机的。

    So they are turning to social scientists, and in particular to anthropologists, the better to understand how telephones are used.


  • 即便是西方社会我们对性研究的焦点也仅限于城市地区,年轻力壮的人群,

    Even within Western Settings we often see the focus on urban, young, able bodied, white folk.


  • 许多土著社会白人家长式作风记忆犹新

    Memories of white paternalism linger in many communities.


  • 德雷经常社会公平现象而义愤填膺,“看不见文中,德雷再次美国南部白人黑人处以私刑表达愤慨之情。

    Once again, as in "At the Hands of Persons Unknown", his account of the lynching of blacks by whites in the American South, Mr Dray is angered by injustice.


  • 黑人白人之间私人友谊充分信任社会交往除了某些领域外,仍然普遍

    Close personal friendships between Blacks and Whites, full trust and social relationships are still not common, except in certain areas.


  • 研究表明社会经济地位黑人妇女人数明显高于白人男性

    The study showed significantly higher Numbers of blacks and women in lower socioeconomic positions than whites and men.


  • 柯有关权力知识的论述解读福克纳笔下混血儿,可以发现混血儿实际上美国南方社会白人权力与种族知识的产物。

    Through the interpretation of Faulkner s mulattoes from Foucault s view on power and knowledge, we find that they are actually the product of white power and racial knowledge in the American South.


  • 虽然白人盎格鲁撒克逊社会文化模式主导,可美国文化其实还是融入非洲传统欧洲起源多元文化

    Although dominated by white, Anglo - Saxon sociocultural patterns, American culture is in fact a tapestry woven of diverse and African traditions as well as those of European origin.


  • 虽然白人盎格鲁撒克逊人社会文化模式主导,可美国文化其实还是融入了非洲传统欧洲起源多元文化。

    Although dominated by white, Anglo-Saxon sociocultural patterns, American culture is in fact a tapestry woven of diverse and African traditions as well as those of European origin.


  • 描绘美国白人主宰的美国社会中如何寻求真正自由,如何进行自我身份的寻找。

    It shows the self-consciousness of modern African-Americans and their struggle for their own identities in the racist American society.


  • 描绘美国白人主宰的美国社会中如何寻求真正自由,如何进行自我身份的寻找。

    It shows the self-consciousness of modern African-Americans and their struggle for their own identities in the racist American society.


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