• 位于阿伯丁郡阿伯杰尔迪城堡亚历山大·爵士、也就是之后亨特伯爵建造

    Abergeldie Castle, located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, was built by Sir Alexander Gordon of Midmar who later became the Earl of Huntly.


  • 摩西摩押平原尼波山,了那相对斯迦山顶。

    Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho.


  • 一方面,同样轻而易举漫不经心地谈论奥尔巴赫、特瓦克所有篮球教练的相关情况。

    On the other hand, I could toss around the philosophy of Auerbach, Wooden, and Litwack, basketball coaches all, with equally astonishing ease.


  • 虽然因特网使人们视野变小这一想法有点不可思议但是耶路撒冷希伯来大学维正在论证它

    But the idea that it might instead have shrunk people's horizons is truly counter-intuitive. Yet that is what Jacob Goldenberg and Moshe Levy of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem suspect.


  • 猫王兰尼·布鲁斯、奥维勒·瑞巴克、罗伯特·帕斯特莱这些什么共同之处?他们卫生间里

    What do the following people have in common? Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli - they all died in a bathroom.


  • 国际货币基金组织、路易·联合共同点是什么?

    What do the International Monetary Fund, Louis Vuitton and Unilever have in common?


  • 艇员将.拉姆撒相比,柏对此只是付之一。 但是两个大厨中谁工作更艰苦肯定是毫无疑问的。

    PO Bailey himself laughs off his crew making comparisons between him and Gordon Ramsay – and he has no doubt about which chef has the tougher job.


  • 年前,时任英国首相的戈·布朗绝口不提削减支出”词,影子内阁财政大臣乔治·斯本发表演讲,明确指出“削减支出”势在必行

    Two years ago, when Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown was unable to mention the word "cuts", George Osborne, the Tories' shadow chancellor, made a speech saying they were inevitable.


  • 无论是首相·布朗或是财政大臣斯·泰尔·达林(见下图)不是受欢迎人物选民来说经济主要担忧点

    Neither Gordon Brown, the prime minister, nor Alistair Darling, the chancellor (finance minister, pictured) are popular figures and the economy is the main concern for voters.


  • 雷曼兄弟公司遭遇破产贝尔美林商业银行接收、高盛和摩根·士丹转型为商业银行。

    Lehman Brothers has gone bust; Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch have been swallowed by commercial Banks; and Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have become commercial Banks themselves.


  • 士官能力抵御压力,在航行中努力烹制新鲜家常食品艇员们比作.拉姆撒(英国名厨)。

    PO Bailey's ability to stay calm under pressure and his dedication to producing fresh, home-made food on missions have prompted his crew to compare him with Gordon Ramsay.


  • 现年50岁的艾迪-墨菲1982年初荧屏48小时》里扮演一个自以为是的罪犯。 而后在影片中都有不俗表现:《比超级警探》、《肥佬教授《怪物史莱克》系列。

    Murphy, 50, made his feature film debut in 1982 with the buddy comedy 48 Hours and went on to star in the Beverly Hills Cop, The Nutty Professor and Shrek franchises.


  • 随后,马丁被指控谋杀基廷以及弗兰克·莫斯斯坦·韦尔。前者59岁,后者74

    He was subsequently charged with murdering Gittins, along with Frank Moss, 59, and 74-year-old Stanley Weldon, whose bodies were exhumed at separate cemeteries.


  • 报告革热/革出血热病例的县包考、帝力、埃尔梅拉、基萨、亚纳马纳图托奎奎,其中帝力报告病例占76%(以前报告)。

    Districts reporting DF/DHF cases are Baucau, Dili, Ermera, Liquica, Maliana, Manatuto and Viqueque, with 76% of the cases reported from Dili ( see previous report).


  • 37岁的斯科特·阿帕吉安,36岁·以及37岁的肖恩·共同创建了这家位于旧金山公司

    Scott Arpajian co-founded the San Francisco business with Ken Marden, 36, and Sean Kelly, 37.


  • 举例来讲﹐摩根·士丹(Morgan Stanley)公布了套期保值之前之后商业抵押贷款风险敞口贝尔斯高盛和雷曼兄弟则没有

    For example, Morgan Stanley reports commercial-mortgage exposure before and after the effect of offsetting transactions, or hedges, while Bear, Goldman and Lehman don't.


  • 凯拉·奈特、戈·拉姆齐J.K.罗琳一同百强上届排名最高大卫·贝克·汉姆第5位第28位。

    Keira Knightley, Gordon Ramsay and JK Rowling have dropped out of the top 100 rankings altogether, while last year's highest placed Briton, David Beckham, has slipped from fifth to 28th.


  • 英国首相戈·布朗(Gordon Brown)的环保顾问乔纳森·波特(Jonathon Porritt)以及英国科学博物馆馆长克里斯·拉普(ChrisRapley)也曾谈及遏制人口增长环境重要性

    Gordon Brown's green adviser Jonathon Porritt and Science Museum director Chris Rapley have also spoken of the environmental importance of tackling population growth.


  • 路易·威集团发言人维尔-拉贝斯(Olivier Labesse)表示这些股份是通过公开市场收购的。

    LVMH bought the shares on the market, said Olivier Labesse, a company spokesman.


  • 其他四个步其后尘者为:摩根·斯坦(1986年)、贝尔(1985年)、雷曼兄弟(1994年),以及高盛(1999年),而他们五个正是08年信用灾难的罪魁祸首。

    It was followed by the four other horsemen of the 2008 credit apocalypse: Morgan Stanley (1986), Bear Stearns (1985), Lehman Bros. (1994), and Goldman Sachs (1999).


  • 斯诺俄罗斯律师安纳·库切列纳:“这儿很多朋友——这些美国居住这里知道了斯诺情况保持联系,他真是太幸运了。”

    "He made a lot of friends hereand great for him that those Americans who live here and found about his situation and were in touch with him," his Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said.


  • 是的成为妻子

    Yes , Gordon , Wallis is going to be my wife .


  • 是的成为妻子

    Yes, Gordon, Wallis is going to be my wife.


  • 当前章节意识到,随着设计有限公司创作梦想

    The current chapter realises that dream with the creation of Gordon Murray Design Limited.


  • 任何尺度上都是如此:地图上具有创意罗马平面图(1748)库福尔荷兰要塞精准的几何形(1647)。

    It works on any scale: from Giambattista Nolli's seminal ichnographic map of Rome (1748) to the geometrical perfection of the Dutch fortress of Coevorden (1647).


  • 患病父母凯蒂深受打击不过在获知癌症有90%的治愈率之后,两人感觉到了希望

    Eden sick at the beginning, his parents Willie and Katie by the blow, however, informed of Eden, 90% of cancer cure rate, the two felt hope.


  • 患病父母凯蒂深受打击不过在获知癌症有90%的治愈率之后,两人感觉到了希望

    Eden sick at the beginning, his parents Willie and Katie by the blow, however, informed of Eden, 90% of cancer cure rate, the two felt hope.


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