• 事实上所有这些有价值癌症统计数据癌症登记处汇集提供

    In fact, all these valuable cancer statistics are collected and provided by the cancer registry.


  • 估值不确定而且可能通过国家癌症统计查明这些国家中的任何增加情况3 。

    Predicted estimates are very uncertain and it is very unlikely that any increase in these countries will be detectable using national cancer statistics .3


  • 总的来说根据2007年加拿大癌症统计报告,癌症列表死亡率每年下降2%以上持续了长时间而且这个比例仍增长

    Overall, the list of cancers that are decreasing at more than 2% per year is long and growing, according to Canadian cancer Statistics 2007.


  • 统计黑人白人更不容易委托做肾脏移植早期癌症手术

    Blacks are statistically less likely than whites to be referred for kidney transplants or early-stage cancer surgery.


  • 根据美国国家癌症研究所一系列儿童癌症患者的统计,在1975年2005年间,平均五年存活率已经58%上升到了81%。

    The average five-year survival rate for a range of childhood cancers increased from 58 percent to 81 percent between 1975 and 2005, according to statistics from the National cancer Institute.


  • 肺癌患者的生存率容易过去的统计数据误导,因为美国癌症协会最新的数据仍基于在1998年至2000年间所获取的数据。

    Survival rates for lung cancer can be misleading. The American Cancer Society's latest data is based on people who were diagnosed between 1998 and 2000.


  • 根据英国癌症研究中心统计20世纪70年代开始,1534英国人中患有恶性黑色素瘤的数量翻了两番

    Rates of malignant melanoma have tripled among those aged 15 to 34 since the late 1970s, according to Cancer Research UK.


  • 其分析计算结果基于美国体育锻炼数据癌症发病率统计数据

    Calculations are based on U. s. physical activity data and cancer incidence statistics.


  • 份100报告引述癌症存活率统计数字的这些变化。

    The changes in cancer survival statistics are cited in a 100-pages report.


  • 这么大数字放入文中,据研究统计,20世纪90年代英国6%—7%的癌症患者将免于死亡

    And to put the big number in context, by this study's calculation 6%-7% of UK cancer deaths were avoidable in the 1990s.


  • 最后他们利用统计方法判断他们发现成百上千个突变中,哪些有可能导致癌症

    Finally, they used a statistical calculation to figure out which of the hundreds of mutations they'd found were likely to contribute to cancer.


  • 报告采集数据起始年份为2008年,据统计,64%的癌症患者都在和病魔的斗争中败下阵来。

    The study, which analyzed data from 2008, also revealed that 64% of cancer sufferers will eventually die from the disease.


  • 乳腺癌统计资料:今年184,450名美国人被诊断为乳腺癌,40,930将这个疾病按照美国癌症协会的数据。

    Breast cancer statistics: 184,450 Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and 40,930 will die from the disease, according to the American cancer Society.


  • 统计者罹癌症的机率比正常人高出

    Statistics show that late sleepers are five times more likely to develop cancers.


  • 在后年内,统计数据表明,安慰剂单纯摄入组相比,两者的癌症发生率没有显著差别

    In the three-year analysis, there was no statistically significant difference in cancer incidence between participants taking placebos and those taking just calcium supplements.


  • 美国癌症状况年报北美癌症登记协会、美国国家癌症研究所美国疾病预防控制中心美国癌症协会共同编写,用于提供截至2007年的癌症趋势更新统计数据

    The report, which was co-authored by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, NCI, CDC, and the American Cancer Society, provides updated statistics on cancer trends through 2007.


  • 本文癌症最新发病率死亡率存活率进行概述统计2009年新的癌症病例发生和死亡人数作了预测。

    In this article, we provide an overview of cancer statistics, including updated incidence, mortality and survival rates, and expected Numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2009.


  • 癌症学会没有发表有关种族造成的癌症死亡数据这些统计今年晚些时间完成

    The cancer Society did not release cancer death data broken down by state, race or ethnicity. Those statistics are to be completed later this year.


  • 2000年后开始治疗的患者纳入统计既往癌症病史者列入排除范围。

    Patients were excluded if they had had previous cancer and data were only collected from patients treated after the year 2000.


  • 最新数据显示肺癌最为常见癌症2008年统计显示,乳腺癌结肠直肠癌将成为一个常见的癌症种类

    The latest data indicated that lung cancer was the most common type of cancer, while breast and colorectal cancer were the next most common forms of the illness in 2008.


  • 根据美国癌症协会统计,2007年将有213000多个美国诊断患有肺癌

    According to the American cancer Society, more than 213,000 Americans will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007.


  • 本文基于福建省医院2003年- 2007年肿瘤患者调查,按住院人数统计,对顺位三类癌症患者的寿命分布模型进行了研究

    Based on the survey of tumor patients in a hospital in Fujian Province from 2003 to 2007, this paper studied life distribution of cancer patients whose number is at top three.


  • 不完全统计中国癌症总数超过247个。

    According to incomplete statistics, in China there are over 247 cancer villages, whose geographic distribution has two characteristics.


  • 美国癌症协会统计今年美国27000于前列腺癌,大约有21900名男性诊断为此病。

    According to the American Cancer Society about 27,000 men will die from prostate cancer in the United States this year and about 219,000 men will be diagnosed with it.


  • 各种不良性格反应导致癌症统计情绪压抑不得释放,则容易肺癌

    The character in a variety of adverse reactions leading to cancer statistics, shall not release the repressed emotions of people, can easily suffer from lung cancer.


  • 统计西方国家,因癌症死亡女性20%与肥胖症有关,男性比率是14%。

    It is estimated that obesity is linked to 20% of all cancer deaths in women, and 14% in men in the western world.


  • 结论美国人口统计变化导致未来20年里癌症确诊人数显著增加

    Conclusion Demographic changes in the United States will result in a marked increase in the number of cancer diagnoses over the next 20 years.


  • 结论美国人口统计变化导致未来20年里癌症确诊人数显著增加

    Conclusion Demographic changes in the United States will result in a marked increase in the number of cancer diagnoses over the next 20 years.


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