• 结论补肺益肾法对慢性阻塞性疾病稳定患者生活质量确有疗效

    Conclusion Bufei Yishen treatment has significantly effect on quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in stable period.


  • 目的观察慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定患者功能影响

    Objective: To observe the effect on the pulmonary function of the patients in stable phase of COPD with invigorating the lung and nourishing the kidney method.


  • 目的观察补肺益肾膏对慢性阻塞性疾病稳定患者生活质量影响

    Objective To observe the clinical effects of Bufei Yishen treatment on quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in stable period.


  • 眼下最佳治疗师以激素作为开始控制炎症使疾病稳定之后手术

    For now, the best treatment is to start with steroids to deactivate the inflammation, rendering the disease inactive, and to then do surgery.


  • 受试者可以一般群体从被诊断出处于疾病稳定患者中招募而来

    Participants could have been recruited from the general population or from patients diagnosed with a disease in a stable phase.


  • 方法针对88慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定合并营养不良患者进行了随机非双盲实验

    Methods A randomized controlled unblined trial was performed in 88 patients with COPD who were malnutrition.


  • 这项试验31名患者纳入研究,5名患者反应良好,疾病稳定位生存期为4.4个月

    In this study with 31 patients enrolled thus far, the best response was stable disease in 5 patients with a median OS of 4.4 months.


  • 世纪结束之际,疟疾控制方面的远大目标保持疾病稳定,其目标保证糟糕境况不再变得坏。

    At the close of the previous century, ambitions for malaria control had been reduced to holding the disease at bay, aiming to keep a very bad situation from getting any worse.


  • 他们认为岛上人口增长迅速然后保持或稳定速度来增长,直到欧洲人到来引进了岛上居民对没有免疫力致命疾病

    They think its population grew rapidly and then remained more or less stable until the arrival of the Europeans, who introduced deadly diseases to which islanders had no immunity.


  • 水飞蓟提取物明显保护稳定细胞膜作用用于治疗多种疾病

    Silybum marianum has an obvious function to protect and sustain liver cell membrane, which can be used for many diseases.


  • 尽管早年稳定生活可是失业一系列疾病导致了暂时无家可归

    Although he had previously led a stable life, unemployment and a series of illnesses left him temporarily without a home.


  • 虽然药物治疗稳定儿童双相风险,但是一旦起病,没有药物已经证明预防延迟疾病发作的严重性有效

    Although pharmacologic treatment may stabilize a child at risk for bipolar disorder, no single drug has proved effective in preventing or delaying the severity of the disorder once it develops.


  • 上个世纪心脏疾病已经稳定上升了特别是发达国家,大部分应归因于饮食生活类型改变

    Yet heart disease has risen steadily over the last century, especially in industrialized countries, due largely to changes in diet and lifestyle.


  • 1983年美国食品药品管理局批准酸钠用于癫痫发作,VPA各种神经精神疾病用作心境稳定包括痴呆症相关的兴奋。

    Approved by the us Food and Drug Administration in 1983 for epileptic seizures, VPA is also used as a mood stabilizer in various neuropsychiatric conditions, including dementia-related agitation.


  • 我们知道前进道路上充满着大量问题难以解决的贫困问题、不稳定国际安全环境以及必然要发生,却预科不到疾病暴发

    We know that there are vast problems ahead: intractable poverty, fragile international security; and the certainty of unexpected outbreaks of disease.


  • 人们都知道药物心境稳定控制疾病躁狂阶段证明有效相对治疗抑郁阶段却问题多多。

    Drugs known as mood stabilizers have proved effective at controlling the manic phase of the illness, but treating the depressive phase is more problematic.


  • 面部匀称可能男性稳定一个体现说明个人成长过程中较少有疾病毒素营养不良有害基因突变问题的困扰。

    Facial symmetry may be a reflection of stability in men, indicating fewer disturbances such as diseases, toxins, malnutrition or harmful genetic mutations during an individual's development.


  • 这一疾病全球年度发病率经过十几年的持续增长世界一些地区似乎稳定下来现在可能开始下降

    After more than a decade of steady increase, the global annual incidence of the disease appears to have stabilized in some parts of the world and may now be declining.


  • TLIF手术通常用于治疗椎间盘退变性疾病引起腰腿。外科医生使用植材料椎体融合在一起稳定脊柱

    TLIF is generally used to treat back or leg pain caused by degenerative disc disease. The surgeon will stabilize the spine by fusing vertebrae together with bone graft material.


  • 一个英国研究小组发现负责学习记忆情感大脑部位使那些已经患有心脏疾病的人们心脏肌肉稳定

    British team has found that the regions of the brain responsible for learning, memory and emotion can destabilise the cardiac muscle of someone who already has heart disease.


  • 为了疾病中康复稳定地提升,必须明晰你的界域

    In order to recover from disease or even ascend, one must become clear about their boundaries.


  • 波立维通过使血小板造成凝降低心脏病发作稳定心绞痛脑卒中心血管疾病患者心血管死亡风险

    Plavix reduces the risk of heart attack, unstable angina, stroke, and cardiovascular death in patients with cardiovascular disease by making platelets less likely to form blood clots.


  • 家庭作用包括家庭成员某些问题的态度与反应贫困酗酒婚姻稳定疾病死亡

    Family functioning also includes the response to circumstances such as poverty, alcoholism, marital instability, and illness or death of family members.


  • 东欧这个疾病保持稳定但是在一些国家新的感染看来有所上升。

    In Eastern Europe, the epidemic has leveled off, but new infections appear to be rising again in some countries.


  • 目的急性静脉闭塞动物模型加以改进拟建立一个稳定类似临床疾病的动物模型。

    Objective to improve the model of acute cerebral venous occlusion and establish a stable animal model to be similar to clinical disease.


  • 目的急性静脉闭塞动物模型加以改进拟建立一个稳定类似临床疾病的动物模型。

    Objective to improve the model of acute cerebral venous occlusion and establish a stable animal model to be similar to clinical disease.


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