• 专家现在应该开始繁殖防疾病的种类了。

    Expert Says Now is Time to Breed for Disease resistance.


  • 我们应该根据疾病种类病情的轻重确定病人饮食

    We should determine the patient's diet according to the type of his illness and its severity .


  • 治疗患者药物选择根据患者疾病种类年龄疾病阶段、对之前治疗反应以及其他因素做出

    The choice of drugs used to treat a patient's disease depends on the patient's disease type, age, stage of disease, response to previous treatment and other factors.


  • 通过对我院1996年-1998年医院感染病例进行调查原因分析认为医院感染疾病种类住院时间

    The patients, infected in hospital during 1996-1998 were investigated and analysed. It is thought that infections in hospital correlate with kinds of disease;


  • 所有种类腹泻疾病,都是肠道病毒引起的。它们感染肠道

    The whole category of diarrheal diseases, caused by viruses called enteroviruses. They infect your gut.


  • 实上,烟雾和其他种类的空气污染会导致严重的疾病或使疾病恶化。

    In fact, smoke and other kinds of air pollution can cause serious illnesses or make them worse.


  • 受访者答案疾病种类费用预测准确性而改变。

    Responses varied depending on type of illness, cost and accuracy of the prediction.


  • 裂谷能够感染许多动物种类导致包括骆驼山羊在内的家养动物染患严重疾病

    RVF is able to infect many species of animals causing severe disease in domesticated animals including cattle, sheep, camels and goats.


  • 有时候需要药品生产商创造传播一种全新疾病种类

    Sometimes it requires a drug maker to create and market a whole new category of disease.


  • 这些研究结果非常重要,因为小型大型易患疾病种类不同

    These findings are important because small- and large-breed dogs are prone to different diseases.


  • 发现令世人感到震惊,看来种类似于人类艾滋病的疾病正在杀死一些冈贝黑猩猩

    The implications are stark. An AIDS-like illness seems to be killing some of Gombe's chimps.


  • 非洲几种其他种类的媒介类蚊子疾病传播有关,包括a . furcifer- taylori种群蚊子a .luteocephalus蚊子。

    In Africa several other mosquito vectors have been implicated in disease transmission, including species of the A. furcifer-taylori group and A. luteocephalus.


  • 非洲这些疾病并发症例如中风心脏肾脏衰竭以及癌症更小年龄更广泛人群中发生

    But in Africa, the complications of these diseases, such as stroke, cardiac and renal failure, and certain forms of cancer, occur at younger ages and in larger populations.


  • 一些例子中非本土种类牡蛎会在本土数量下降引入它们随身带来的疾病进一步杀死光本土牡蛎。

    In some case, non-native species of oysters are introduced after a population decline, and they bring with them diseases that further kill off the native oysters.


  • 最近肯尼亚开展种类分析工作以及若干非洲国家计划疾病流行率进行的调查有助于改进目前估计

    Analytical work of the type recently done in Kenya, and new surveys of the prevalence of disease planned in several African countries, will help to improve the current estimates.


  • 疾病包括各种头部颈部组织器官种类肿瘤长在唾液腺粘液上。

    The disease includes a range of tumour types occurring in the tissues and organs in the head and neck, for example salivary glands and mucus membranes.


  • 肾上腺疾病症状根据病人肾上腺过量分泌的激素种类不同而不同症状。

    Patients with adrenal gland problems may have a variety of symptoms related to excess hormone production by the abnormal gland.


  • 正如疾病多种种类症状健康状态多种多样几乎每种疾病可能与之相近的亚健康表现

    Just like the diversity in symptoms and kinds of diseases, sub health problems show it, too. Almost any kind of disease has a similar symptom to its alike sub health problem.


  • 但是所有疾病种类当中一个共同议题——它们引起的炎症

    But there is a theme that is common to development of all varieties of the disease - their association with inflammation.


  • 所有病症种类能够找到相似结论如果女性患有疾病的话,离婚率更加相似。

    Similar results were found for all diagnosis types, in which divorce was much more likely if the woman was the patient.


  • 神经退化性疾病常见大约70-85%百岁老人患有痴呆症

    Neurodegenerative diseases are common too, with around 70 to 85 per cent of centenarians suffering from some form of dementia.


  • 疾病控制预防中心每年大约5% - 20%美国人患上流感,具体比例取决于流感病毒种类及其因素

    In any given year, between 5% and 20% of Americans can catch the flu, depending upon the strength of a particular flu virus and other factors, the CDC says.


  • 显然战争不是疾病着细菌引起什么症状情形通常这样的,人们为了好战邻居作出回应而群体性地参与战争当中,这个时候战争确实疾病的方式进行地域性传播

    Obviously, war is not a symptom of disease or the work of microbes, but it does spread geographically in a disease-like manner, usually as groups take up warfare in response to war-like neighbors.


  • 伦敦——一项新的研究显示大约有38%欧洲1.65亿欧洲人患有某些种类精神疾病而且大多数人没有接受治疗。

    LONDON - a new study estimates that about 38 percent of Europeans, or 165 million people, have some type of mental illness and that most are going untreated.


  • 2005年,加强了监测因此非洲大陆报告病例减少。1998年至2004年期间,疾病患者人数37991减少到17616。

    By 2005, surveillance was reinforced and the number of new cases reported on the continent was reduced; between 1998 and 2004 the number of both forms of the disease fell from.


  • 正因为如此研究者试图识别出那些导致疾病不常见细菌种类从而改进治疗策略

    Because of this, researchers are trying to identify unusual species that cause disease in order to improve treatment strategies.


  • 科学家们努力找出这个杀害蜜蜂“凶手”。本周一项重要研究早期结果将矛头指向了某疾病寄生虫

    Scientists are struggling to figure out what is killing the honeybees, and early results of a key study this week point to some kind of disease or parasite.


  • 新兴研究表明,植物油其他种类更易造成大脑斑块淤积,众所周知严重神经退行疾病前兆

    Emerging research shows the oil is more likely than others to cause plaque build up in the brain, a known precursor to serious neurodegenerative diseases.


  • 新兴研究表明,植物油其他种类更易造成大脑斑块淤积,众所周知严重神经退行疾病前兆

    Emerging research shows the oil is more likely than others to cause plaque build up in the brain, a known precursor to serious neurodegenerative diseases.


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