• 然而根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,人的平均身高男性英尺英寸、女性五英尺四英寸)1960年以来就没有改变过

    Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control an Prevention, Average height5'9" for men, 5'4"for womenhasn't really changed since 1960.


  • 然而根据美国疾病控制预防中心的数据,男性平均身高5英尺9英寸)、女性的平均身高(5英尺4英寸1960年以来并没有真正改变

    Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average height-5'9'' for men, 5'4'' for women-hasn't really changed since 1960.


  • 根据官方统计数字,500多人这种疾病

    According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people.


  • 世界卫生组织的数据,超重儿童更有可能在较年轻的年纪患上糖尿病等疾病

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight children are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes at a younger age.


  • 每年他们根据自己日历庆祝新年通过向彼此身上泼冲掉疾病灾难

    Every year, they celebrate the New year based on their calendar, by splashing water on each other, to rinse away sickness and misfortune.


  • 根据临床研究认为具有患严重疾病更高风险其他人群考虑作为优先重点

    Other groups at higher risk for severe illness, based on clinical studies, should also be considered as priorities.


  • 根据美国国家医学图书馆记载资料,它还可能引发其他心脏疾病心绞痛心肌梗塞。

    Other heart conditions such as angina and heart attacks contribute to the disease, according to the U. S. National Library of Medicine.


  • 根据心理疾病发病率治疗费用研究结果,研究人员以此为标准考察慢性疾病医保费用增加起作用

    The findings on mental illness prevalence and cost came as part of the researchers' examination of the role of chronic illnesses in Medicare spending increases.


  • 根据国际卫生条例》,各国需要加强疾病监测响应系统核心能力

    According to the International Health Regulations (IHR), countries need to strengthen core capacity for disease surveillance and response systems.


  • Temple博士说:低密度脂蛋白胆固醇心脏疾病关联如此密切以至于FDA仅仅根据它们能降低胆固醇就轻轻松松批准了这些

    Dr. Temple said the link between LDL cholesterol and heart disease was so strong that the agency was comfortable approving drugs on the basis that they lowered cholesterol alone.


  • 1998年至2008年见,根据疾病控制中心数据,1600生奶后生病

    Between 1998 and 2008, according to the Centres for Disease Control, some 1,600 people became sick after drinking the stuff.


  • 1998年至2008年见,根据疾病控制中心数据,1600生奶后生病

    Between 1998 and 2008, according to the Centres for Disease Control, some 1, 600 people became sick after drinking the stuff.


  • 根据美国疾病控制中心数字,2006年,超过5.6万感染者

    There were more than 56,000 new infections in America in 2006, according to the Centres for Disease Control.


  • 严重心脏肝脏肾脏疾病或者糖尿病——需要根据这些评估患者的身体是否能承受结肠镜检查。

    Have severe heart, liver, or kidney disease or diabetes?


  • 根据医院记录工作病房里,没有患者住院期间显示象流感一样疾病体征

    According to hospital records, no patients in the ward where she worked showed signs of influenza-like illness while hospitalized.


  • 尽管如此根据疾病控制预防中心数据,一半以上美国婴儿4个月之前断奶,或是根本进行母乳

    However, in the U.S. about half of babies are breastfed for less than 4 months, or not breastfed at all, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 美国约有13%存活婴儿早产这意味着婴儿怀孕37之前出生的,根据美国疾病控制预防中心一项调查显示。

    About 13 percent of all live births in the United States are preterm, meaning the baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 多年以来,人们根据疾病发病途径开发出了很多针对性药物

    Over the years, many drugs have been developed to target specific parts of the disease pathways.


  • 相关性合理也就是说根据疾病自然史生物学已知事实,可以从生物学角度来解释相关性。

    The association should be coherent; that is, plausible and explicable biologically according to known facts in the natural history and biology of the disease.


  • 基于对它们更多了解未来我们才有可能根据微生物组成诊断疾病开发有针对性的药物。

    In the future, an improved understanding of the microbiota may allow us to diagnose diseases on the basis of microbiota composition and to design specific interventions.


  • 肾上腺疾病症状根据病人肾上腺过量分泌的激素种类不同而不同症状。

    Patients with adrenal gland problems may have a variety of symptoms related to excess hormone production by the abnormal gland.


  • 因为没有疫苗100%保护那些接种过疫苗小孩但流行病学家却根据群体免疫确信小孩能够好地受到保护而防止疾病传播。

    Because no vaccine protects 100 percent of kids who get it, epidemiologists rely on "herd immunity" to make sure enough kids are well enough protected to keep a disease from spreading.


  • 根据以往的研究研究人员推测手机辐射加速疾病进展因为其他类型的辐射都会造成自由基损伤

    Based on previous research, the researchers hypothesized that radiation from phones would accelerate progression of the disease be-cause other types of radiation cause free radical damage.


  • 根据疾病预防控制中心的说法,季节性流感H1N1症状包括发热身体更加疼痛干咳腹泻严重疲倦

    According to the CDC seasonal flu and H1N1 symptoms consist of fever, more painful body aches, dry cough, diarrhea and severe fatigue.


  • 根据亚特兰大疾病防控中心统计,2002年2006年间,出现相关症状的儿童猛增57%,大约每110名8岁的美国儿童就有一人患有自闭症。

    Diagnoses among children jumped 57% from 2002 to 2006, according to the Centers for Disease Control &Prevention in Atlanta. Roughly 1 in 110 8-year-olds in the U.S. is on the autism spectrum.


  • 根据经验来说挂着鼻涕的学步顽童大一些孩子容易疾病传染家里其他人。

    Experience suggests that snotty-nosed toddlers pass their infections on to family members more frequently than older children do.


  • 根据致病菌潜伏期这个午餐太可能疾病源头

    Based on incubation periods, this person's lunch from this restaurant is most likely not the source of his illness.


  • 根据致病菌潜伏期这个午餐太可能疾病源头

    Based on incubation periods, this person's lunch from this restaurant is most likely not the source of his illness.


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