• 背部疼痛一种常见慢性疼痛疾病

    Back pain is one of the common conditions with chronic pain.


  • 至于其他疼痛疾病资讯不足,无法得出可靠结论

    There was insufficient information in other pain conditions to reach any reliable conclusion.


  • 父母这时不再往日健壮衰老无情地来临,接踵而至是各种各样的疼痛疾病

    The parents meanwhile are NO longer as fit as before. The aches and pains begin as the ageing process inexorably sets in.


  • 大象植物治疗疼痛其他疾病

    Elephants use plants to treat pain or other illness.


  • 症状可能许多其他引起腿部疼痛情形模仿例如关节炎神经疾病神经病变)。

    The symptoms of claudication can be mimicked by many other conditions which cause pain in the legs such as arthritis and nerve problems (neuropathy).


  • 患有感冒流感儿童青少年应该服用阿司匹林缓解疼痛因为这会有雷氏综合症风险,雷氏综合症是一种罕见严重肝脏和中枢神经系统疾病

    Children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome, a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system.


  • 过去的几年里,徐已经克服了很多问题,包括由疾病引起的疼痛

    Over the past few years, Xu has overcome many problems, including the pain caused by the disease.


  • 失眠许多原因导致包括变化压力身体疼痛精神创伤疾病情绪、心理混乱、失去心爱的人或者周期性思考等

    I. Insomnia can be caused by a variety of conditions including: change, stress, physical pain, trauma, illness, and emotions, PTSD, death of a loved one, or recurrent thoughts.


  • 早年开始身体活动有助于预防多种疾病而且有规律运动活动可有助于缓解这些病症相关残疾疼痛

    While being active from an early age can help prevent many diseases, regular movement and activity can also help relieve the disability and pain associated with these conditions.


  • 毕竟无论这种侮辱心理还是身体受伤疾病,“受伤”或“不愉快方面疼痛都是同一个进行处理的。

    After all, the "hurt" or "unpleasant" aspects of pain are processed by the same brain regions, whether the insult is psychological or comes from a physical injury or illness.


  • 网站提供了百科全书一样丰富疾病目录症状指标,可以了解造成额头疼痛可能的原因。

    The site offers an encyclopedic index of diseases and a symptom checker to see what that forehead pain could mean.


  • 它是一种严重病毒性疾病人类灵长类动物身上传播,会引起发热肌肉疼痛腹泻呕吐有些人还会出现内出血和皮疹。

    A severe viral disease in humans and primates that causes fever, muscle pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and in some cases internal bleeding and skin rash.


  • 疾病恶化时,会导致行走腿部肌肉疼痛(即间歇性跛行)。

    As the disease becomes worse, it leads to pain in the muscles of the leg on walking (intermittent claudication).


  • 慢性疲劳综合症的特点感觉衰弱疲劳伴有长期疼痛没有有效的治疗方法确诊通常也是通过排除其他疾病

    CFS is characterized by debilitating fatigue and chronic pain, but there are no specific treatments, and the diagnosis is often made by ruling out other diseases.


  • 罹患这种疾病因为他们血液凝结不良往往易于出血且血流不止,疼痛甚至死亡

    Those who manifest the disease often have excessive bleeding, as the blood does not properly coagulate, which can lead to pain and even death.


  • 儿童容易这些疾病的侵袭,它们每年造成数百万民众死亡损伤永久残疾通常导致终身身体疼痛社会耻辱

    Children are the most vulnerable to these diseases, which kill, impair or permanently disable millions of people every year, often resulting in life-long physical pain and social stigmatization.


  • 普通流感一般来说一种伴随着发烧头痛喉咙痛、鼻塞咳嗽呼吸道疾病,时常兼有身体上的疼痛

    Influenza ordinarily is a respiratory illness with fever, headache, sore throat, nasal stuffiness and cough. And body aches are real common.


  • 实际上焦虑症历史的男性大的风险心脏疾病高血压胃肠功能紊乱呼吸系统疾病哮喘背部疼痛

    In fact, men who have anxiety disorders are also at greater risk for cardiac disorders, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory illness, asthma, and back pain.


  • 痛风或者牙疼尽管非常痛苦,但是却可能不会招致同情;某些比它们危险疾病,可能只有一点点疼痛,但是却会引起我们极大同情。

    The gout or the tooth-ach, though exquisitely painful, excite very little sympathy; more dangerous diseases, though accompanied with very little pain, excite the highest.


  • 穿高跟鞋引发长期疾病比如水泡鸡眼老茧以及严重脚部膝部背部疼痛和关节损伤

    Wearing high heels can cause long-term foot problems, such as blisters, corns and calluses, and also serious foot, knee and back pain and damaged joints.


  • 为什么周围性血管疾病导致腿部疼痛

    Why does PVD cause pain in the legs?


  • 正如很多疾病初期很难被检测出来,红斑狼疮早期症状(包括疲倦转移疼痛以及认知障碍)可能会消失进入缓解阶段

    As with many diseases that are difficult to diagnose initially, lupus's early symptoms (which include fatigue, migrating pain, and cognitive deficits) can lapse and go into remission.


  • 慢性疼痛其它持续不由疾病外伤引起的机体症状

    Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury.


  • 对于神经损伤慢性后背腿脚疼痛甚至癫痫发作帕金森症,这种智能芯片都能潜在地对抗几乎所有关联疼痛和脊髓的任何疾病

    Nerve damage, chronic back or leg pain - even epileptic seizures and Parkinson's disease: the smart chip could potentially address almost any problem associated with pain and the spinal cord.


  • 写作为生,为了每周150美元的收入辛勤工作,但他从不抱怨的问题,没有因为生来就患有镰刀细胞——种伴随着巨大的疼痛疾病——而自怨自艾。

    He was a writer who worked hard for $150 a week. He never whined or complained about money or that he was born with a painful disease called sickle cell.


  • 写作为生,为了每周150美元的收入辛勤工作,但他从不抱怨的问题,没有因为生来就患有镰刀细胞——种伴随着巨大的疼痛疾病——而自怨自艾。

    He was a writer who worked hard for $150 a week. He never whined or complained about money or that he was born with a painful disease called sickle cell.


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